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二、实地采访分析 two/Field interview analysis

  3.1 在校研究生

3.1 College graduate student


In recent years,The national raised a"One's deceased father grind wind","The craze for graduate school"For people is not rusty,In recent years the national one's deceased father grind admit number in the rising,At the same time,In our college students on the questionnaire investigation,74.45% of the college students after graduation to one's deceased father grind,For these students,Understand one's deceased father grind related information is particularly important,So this research activities we also on the graduate student to carry on the investigation to visit.


Interview summed up:


1. One's deceased father grind mentality     


(1)Continued perseverance:One's deceased father grind difficult extent of the rise of the personal preparation time and the study situation and decide,Sweat is the witness of efforts,Many one's deceased father grind students must have constant perseverance,Be admitted to their ideal school.

  (2)确切的目标: 准备考研期间,目标必须明确,符合自己实际水平。在报考阶段首先应该按照社会上的一些评价以及招考人数、录 取难度等标准,理性选择最适合自己的专业。

(2)Definite goal: Preparation during one's deceased father grind,Goal must be made clear,Accord with his practical level.The first stage in enter oneself for an examination should be in accordance with the social some evaluation and the number of recruitment/record Take the difficulty and standard,Rational choice the most suitable for their own professional.


(3)Firm belief:One's deceased father grind is a long and difficult process,The face is not only the academic pressure,There are psychological pressure.Set up the firm belief,Help to maintain a positive mood/A good condition/The attitude of modesty,Better to deal with one's deceased father grind.


2. One's deceased father grind necessary

  扎实的专业知识            过硬的英语水平     

Solid professional knowledge            Good English level     

  强烈的自信心            超强的自律能力

Strong self-confidence            Super self-discipline ability

  临场应变能力            高效的学习效率

Approach strain capacity            Efficient learning efficiency


One's deceased father grind to a certain extent, alleviate the employment pressure,Many college students in order to enhance their professional ability,Choose one's deceased father grind.In our this investigation of the random interviews,Some people reflects the current difficult employment,Many college students in order to escape the employment choice one's deceased father grind.It was worth the social concern,From the reflection of the severe employment situation lead to contemporary college students has some negative is concerned.

  3.2 国家计划之选聘选调生

3.2 The state plan XuanDiaoSheng hiring


1. The present understanding of grass-roots work shift


For most XuanDiaoSheng speaking,At first they choose to walk the way of grass-roots work mainly because:Competition pressure small,The state shall pay attention to the,Exercise self.But by a year of work they really understand the meaning of the grass-roots work,Master the method of grass-roots work,In the group to achieve their value,Into basic,Exercise myself.


2. The understanding of the policy/analysis


Countries about grass-roots work policy is according to the actual need of special formulated,Not only conforms to the basic needs,Also accord with the college students' real quality.But in the area may be the damage the interests of the part of the students,So still need to come more complete selection policy,To a greater level of selecting talents to a primary exercise,Enrich basic team.  



Table 3-2 shows that,Service after the expiration of the,Many people choose other development direction.In Beijing, for example,In 2010, Beijing university student village officer of the expiration of go,1946 the village official,Only 266 people stay in rural areas,The rest of the choice of civil servants/Institutions such as a way out.Explained the current grass-roots work of college students really think grass-roots work for the future development of life is not ideal,Don't want to take root base,Expect perfect related policies,To ensure the grass-roots work can long-term stable development.

  3.3 国家项目之西部计划

3.3 The western national project plan


College students volunteer service western plan,Every year is recruiting a certain number of ordinary higher school graduates,To the west of the counties in villages and towns for 1 to 2 years of education/health/technique/Poverty alleviation and youth center construction and management, and other areas of volunteer service work.


Fresh university graduates after the interview/Written examination and medical examination after a series of steps,passion,With the volunteer spirit and their knowledge,On the western land,They want to in the motherland this land do what I can,Service for others,support/education/Branch medicine as.leave,Still remember inheritance volunteers career,Keep the glory of the volunteers/Coil and hope,Keep the college students volunteer spirit and character.


Finish after the western plan,For volunteers and to the national project understand more deeply,Personal ability to get promoted,Bear hardships and stand hard work will also have improved,Further understand the needs of the west/The needs of the country/The needs of the people,For the rest of his life career development,And the improvement of individual thinking consciousness have very big help.Complete the western plan for college students' personal meaning is huge,For countries, especially the western region to relieve the regional difference of development is very helpful.

  3.4 已毕业大学生

3.4 Already graduated students


2007年,全国新增就业人员达 years,The new employment of personnel2400 2400万,能够提供的就业岗 all,Able to provide employment duty位只有

A only1200 1200万。 all.2008 2008 to2011 2011年,随着高校扩招政策的推广,就业供 years,With the promotion of college enrollment expansion policy,Employment for求矛盾越来越突出,大学毕业生就业难问题日益成为社会关注的话题。大学生就业观也逐步发生变化。

And contradictions are becoming more and more outstanding,University graduates employment difficult problem is increasingly becoming the topic of social concern.Graduates' have gradually changed.


Table 3-3 clearly reflects most of the college students' employment situation to hold not optimistic attitude,Only 3.28% of the students think that the current China's employment situation is better,6.78% of respondents for employment situation do not understand,This is a more worrying phenomenon.In the event we random interviews,Many people have said that under a lot of pressure.Want the country to work out a better policy alleviate employment pressure.


Their change is in recent years people common topic of discussion,As the employment situation and social life of great change,The people concerned changed.To the work salary requirements/Work indemnificatory requirements also has a corresponding change.From table 3-4 shows 79% of the respondents are conservative,This, to a certain extent, reflects the values of the Chinese people.

  3.5 大学生参军

3.5 College students to join the army

  据有关资料显示,很多同学到部队后立即被调入重要部门和关键岗位,很快发挥了作用。85.7%的大学生战士受到了上级首长的重用, 57%的大学生战士在部队担任着班长或副班长的职务。部队反映,90%的大学生战士在实际工作中的确能够比其他战士表现得更好,完成工作的效率和质量更高,责任心更强,思想觉悟和道德水平也更高。

According to relevant data shows,Many students go to the army to be call immediately after an important department and key position,Soon play a role.85.7% of college students warrior was superior presidential reuse, 57% of college students in the army soldiers as a monitor or the position of the vice President.Forces reflect,90% of college students warrior in the practical work really can do better than the other soldiers,Finish the work efficiency and quality is higher,More strong sense of responsibility,Political consciousness and moral level is higher.




1. The formulation of national policy should be emphatically consider academic problem.


The current national policy pertinence overpowered,Harsh conditions,To meet the needs of the public.At the same time to join the army personnel from family friends pressure not to pay attention,Many students can't ignore these external factors so as to give up the chance to join the army.


2. Policy propaganda remains to be strengthen,Preferential policies and policy propaganda,College students constitute an important link of the incentive mechanism to join the army.


From the present situation to see,Although in recent years universities/Community and recruiting department constantly increase relevant policy propaganda,But the effect is not very obvious.A lot of students said,They never seen such policy propaganda,These show that the national propaganda is not enough.


3. Policy to carry out the situation not satisfactory.


Although most students back to school after school can cash had had promised relevant preferential policies,But there are still some schools have failed to well carry out it.Some didn't enjoy the first school promised policy classmates obviously showed negative and pessimistic mood.

  建议:   ① 加强政策宣传     ②适当放宽限制

Suggestions:   (1) Strengthen policy propaganda     (2) the appropriate liberalization

           ③ 保障学业完成     ④ 建立监督机制

         (3) Completion of security     (4) Establish supervision mechanism

  3.6 公务员

3.6 Civil servants


Through the hefei/Chizhou etc cities of the civil servants interviews,Understand they enter oneself for an examination officeholder original intention,And after a few years of work experience,They to the civil servants' understanding of their work,Let college graduates employment for civil servants this way will have a more comprehensive and more accurate understanding.


With the deepening of the expansion of enrollment in colleges,University student's employment pressure is more and more big,Due to the particularity of the civil servant career stability,Gradually become one of the options of college graduates.However, with the transformation of national policy,Undergraduate student graduates enter oneself for an examination the success rate of civil servants and ups and downs.Graduates enter oneself for an examination officeholder also more and more cautious,Need detailed understanding of all aspects of material,Combinative oneself is actual circumstance reasonable judgment.

  3.7 自主创业精英

3.7 Independent business elite


The 2007 college graduates after half a year 1.2% of people choose to start their own businesses,After three years 4.9% of people start their own businesses.Data showed that there are more graduates at the graduation after period of time began to start their own businesses.


Independent labor preparation


1. Mental preparation:Integration of its resources,Alignment project,Bold attempt,Make ready to bear hardships and stand hard work.At the same time,Should also be made ready to failure,Have not shrink back/Tumbled more the yong/Moving on faith and confidence.


2. Firm faith:For their goals have a clear understanding,A firm belief,Don't go with the tide,Don't be about the opinions of others.


3. Down-to-earth:Step by step,For the company, laying a solid foundation.A tall building will be a solid foundation.Down-to-earth development is for the company laid the foundation.When in success,Also can't get rich quick,Be temporary victory turn one's head.


4. Innovation and imagination:Moderate reference to the experience of the elder people,Can not blindly copy.Combined with their own advantages,Size up the situation,Choose to suit their own career path.At the same time,Imagination can keep venture passion,Guarantee work efficiency,To overcome the disadvantage in the business process and difficulty and keep the hope and power.


Independent entrepreneurs in recent years also talk about the employment situation.In recent years, the employment pressure really on the increase,On the one hand, the graduates more and more in recent years,On the other hand, because everyone in the employment situation are erroneous zone.Now work in fact is easy to find,But conform to the expected conditions work not seek.So severe employment situation, a large part because graduate college students psychological expectation is higher.Is the independent business aspects,Several the interviewees are emphasized the important influence of the school.During the period of school students paying attention to the cultivation of practice ability,Accumulation of knowledge,Plan ahead for their future,And in ordinary accumulate the related material.
