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  据《中国青年报》9月11日报道,近来,北京市屡出严厉措施向奥数宣战。集中查处与奥数挂钩的入学行为,30所名校与市教委签订责任书,承诺不把奥数与升学挂钩,北京最负盛名的奥数培训机构仁华学校注销。上周,中国青年报社会调查中心通过题客调查网和民意中国网,对9062人进行的一项调查显示,31.7%的人看好严治奥数,44.4%的受访者担心取消奥数会使得小升初更加“拼爹”,57.1%受访者首选“推进教育资源公平,消除校际差异”。 According to[The China youth daily]Reported on September 11,,recently,Beijing repeatedly out drastic measures to war on mathematical olympiad.Concentration is investigated and aoshu hook entrance behavior,30 school education with city sign responsibility,Promise not to put the mathematical olympiad and bound hook,One of Beijing's most prestigious aoshu training institutions RenHua school cancellation.Last week,The China youth daily social survey center through the topic guest DiaoZhaWang and public opinion China,Of 9062 people of a survey,31.7% of the people valued YanZhi mathematical olympiad,44.4% of respondents worry cancel aoshu will make another more"Spell dad",57.1% of respondents preferred"Promote education resource fair,Eliminate intercollegiate differences".


Called aoshu,Cancel aoshu and entrance peg,In the supervision layer of continuous attention and society under the pressure of public opinion,Are show certain result.but,The public is more concern,Cancel aoshu and tie the entrance after policy,Education fair and balanced development of compulsory education resources can have substantial progress.


The from all walks of life to aoshu disapprove,Because some secondary school or self aoshu training institutions,Or and social education institution jointly carry out aoshu training,Distorted the obligation education of the real meaning,Increase the students' schoolwork burden.Some places/Some schools will aoshu disguised become another entrance selection standard,That did not attend Olympic math training students and parents have suffered some pressure.Olympic math training interests chain and bound bound together,Give some parents bring great economic pressure.


In fact,The mathematical olympiad woe just representation,Deep reason lies in the people to the education fair eagerly looking forward to,To intercollegiate teaching quality is put in bigger difference concerns.Can imagine,In the intercollegiate differentiation have no certain propulsion/Different between school teaching quality still exist great differences between the realistic background,Even if cancelled mathematical olympiad,Is there may be other alternative form.Some parents worry about,Cancel after mathematical olympiad,Another will be more"Spell dad".In the presence of an Olympic math,Striped born/Build a life with, etc"Spell dad"The phenomenon of trace it or concealed or now,No mathematical olympiad,these"Spell dad"Behavior may be more severe.


This is not borrow trouble.In fact,The mathematical olympiad management is not a two times,But every time always instant gratification/JiaoTongYiJiao,In the end,Olympic math training not only cooling,And more common.The form back reverse effect,Since it is,Some places propulsion compulsory education resources from the strength of the equalization of public looking forward to far away from each other.Promote balanced development of compulsory education,Some places shouted for many years,But always"Only smell stair ring,Disappear a person down".Such a situation can change it as soon as possible?


Cancel aoshu is only the first step,At the same time,Should be to build a life/Striped lives and so on"Spell dad"Phenomena are contained,Formation synergistic effect,To consolidate the governance effect of mathematical olympiad.In addition,More important is from strategic take aoshu training existence cornerstone,Faster and more solid foundation to promote obligation education equalization,As far as possible eliminate intercollegiate differences,Let the compulsory education really fair up as soon as possible.For example,From a financial point of give not the scheme of the more support,To improve its hardware;From the teacher on the selection,To the scheme of the tilt,In order to improve the software;At the same time,Also should recognize and respond to some parents concern,In the intercollegiate difference a short time before can hardly be eliminated,Research from the system in a fair way more autonomous enrollment.


On September 6,,In the state council information office held a news conference,The ministry of education minister pointed out that yuan guiren indicated,"Aoshu heat"Involved in primary and secondary schools will be problems,Primary and secondary schools and school the root cause of the problem is compulsory education development is not balanced,High quality education resources.His statement,Recently the state council has made deployment,Will spare no effort to promote the balanced development of compulsory education.

  教育部长重视奥数问题是一件好事,但关键的问题是,要让公众看到实际的行动。(评论员 郭振纲)

Education minister attention Olympic math problem is a good thing,But the key problem is,To make the public see the real action.(Commentators GuoZhenGang)
