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The President of the university of science and technology south zhu qingshi said,If south university success,, explain,Real reform must have great change


"South the hkust compromise?It is misunderstanding!"

  - 简介

- introduction


Zhu qingshi


male,The chemist,professor,Doctoral tutor,Academician of the Chinese academy of sciences/The third world academy of sciences,The President of the university of science and technology south.


On September 2, 2012,The south university of science and technology and the founding conference of 2012 opening ceremony held in shenzhen.


South university of science and technology,This by the media as the Chinese colleges and universities, reform the institution ShiYanJiao start-up,A birth was extensive concern.


In 2009,,Shenzhen municipal party committee standing committee meeting agreed to academician zhu qingshi employment for the south university of science and technology the headmaster,today,Zhu qingshi has been for his"children"Running around,Seek support.


This year,South university enrollment mode"regression"The university entrance exam is outside as reform for compromise.


Three years,Size storm constantly test the to"Professor managing"For the ideal school under the bottom line.


In nearly two hours of the dialogue,Zhu qingshi positive response to the way of recruitment of students"regression"The cause of the university entrance exam.Talk about the outside world about south university has to compromise voice system,He said,This is a misunderstanding,South university to recruit students of the university entrance exam as part of reference,Is not"regression"College entrance examination.

  【焦点1】 [Focus 1]

  招生改革因为外部压力? Recruit students reform because of external pressure?

  教育部没有干预南科大 The ministry of education no intervention south university


The Beijing news:This year the south university enrollment in the standard,The university entrance exam accounted for 60%,Why don't you like last year completely using independent enrollment,Watch of the university entrance exam?


Zhu qingshi:This takes in 188 students,The same after our independent test,Their imagination/insight/Concentration also outstanding.


The Beijing news:Change the recruit students if affected by the competent department of the pressure?


Zhu qingshi:The ministry of education and we have done a little communication,They have no intervention we.The second students according to recruit students"6 + 3 + 1"scheme,The university entrance exam is 60%,Autonomous enrollment accounted for 30%,Peacetime result to account for 10%,This is the result of the ministry of education to discuss and repeatedly.


The Beijing news:Discuss how the process?


Zhu qingshi:We and the ministry of education of the main communication is the proportion of each part,At first we put forward the university entrance exam is the proportion of 40%,Autonomous enrollment accounted for 30%,Peacetime result to account for 30%.The ministry of education said scores at ordinary times very are accurate,The large proportion accounted for 30%.


The Beijing news:Do you agree to this?


Zhu qingshi:The ministry of education to the peacetime achievements than we know more,We accept the opinion.


We hope that the usual result of get rid of 20% added to autonomous enrolment,The ministry of education said autonomous enrollment shoulds not be accounted for the proportion of the highest.If account for high than,(it)The university entrance exam is too weak.We consider that,The ministry of education said is reasonable,Finally determined the"6 + 3 + 1"scheme.


The Beijing news:Some people think that,The reference of the university entrance exam,South university admissions in reverse,In the compromise.


Zhu qingshi:This is a misunderstanding.Recruit students cannot return to judge whether the system in good and bad,But as it is reasonable.


The first when recruit students have a lot of storm,The students under the pressure of public opinion,We don't want students to withstand the pressure.At the same time,Independent recruit students need a set of procedures of enrollment and the evaluation method,Ensure that recruit students is very good,South university and early school there is not a set of system,So we consider this time with more social resources,This is the university entrance exam.


The Beijing news:But the university entrance exam itself is not"perfect".


Zhu qingshi:The problem of the university entrance exam is not achievement itself,But with a single of the university entrance exam for the reference system,This system too one size fits all,absolutization.therefore,We can with the aid of the university entrance exam to judge students in academic level and ability.


The Beijing news:60% of the university entrance exam than is excessive?


Zhu qingshi:This is a misunderstanding.Everyone thought that to do so the university entrance exam is the main considerations standard,It is not.South university recruitment of students,The university entrance exam 750 points first conversion into 100 points,And then multiplied by 60%,And autonomous enrollment scores 100 points directly multiplied by 30%,This means that the independent recruit students of the university entrance exam 1 points is equivalent to 3.75 points,Independent recruitment of students records are very important.


The Beijing news:Change the recruit students way for the first students fair?


Zhu qingshi:The students there is no problem.Although the recruitment of students in different ways,But the first and the second student later level there won't be any different,Because they are the south university good education,Learned well.

  【焦点2】 [Focus 2]

  南科大扩招是否会影响教学? South university enrollment expansion would affect teaching?

  南科大扩招遵循1∶8师生比 South university enrollment follow 1:8 ShiShengBi


 新京报:如何评价第一届学生? The Beijing news:How to evaluate the first student?


Zhu qingshi:I think the first student was among high school students in China most idealism color a batch of people.They don't national hair diploma,Willing to accept our own hair diploma,Accept educational reform experiment.


Just a student said,Diploma he doesn't want to,He want is made.In this society,Have such idea of students is very rare.This group of students is the Chinese society from advocating diploma to advocate made to change the trailbreaker.


The Beijing news:The first students have enrolled 1 year,And the system of college students in the top compared,Their advantages and disadvantages is what?


Zhu qingshi:Since the degree awarding students,We call the educational reform experimental class students.Which one third of the students in the world in any university,They will be outstanding student.In addition two thirds of the students most of a study is also very good,There are several students to learn a bit is quite strenuous,I think this is the universal law of the education.


The Beijing news:Media reports said the south university are creating new campus?


Zhu qingshi:Now we use temporary campus.All the students/Teachers and management personnel in January next year will be the new campus.


The Beijing news:At that time the south section enlarged enrollment?


Zhu qingshi:Our expansion will all depends on the situation of teachers' team.


Our hearts surface have a ShiShengBi,It is 1 teacher corresponding eight students such scale,This is the international first-class university common ShiShengBi.


From the current talents converging speed to see,2014 we hope to recruit 210 excellent teachers,So we students scale can reach 1600.In the past when the domestic college enrollment expansion,Recruit students number expanded rapidly,But the teacher quantity has no corresponding ascension,So caused a lot of problems.


The Beijing news:Heard that south university teachers' salary is very high.According to the existing recruitment speed,The school funding and recruitment scale can match it?


Zhu qingshi:Our teachers' salaries did more than to the high number of other universities.Leading the professor's annual salary and Hong Kong university professor's salary is the same.Associate professor and assistant professor salary also and Hong Kong university to salary.


Now the school funds is mainly shenzhen financial support.Student's tuition this two years we through the form of scholarship shall be reduced or exempted.Last year, we established the south university foundation,Like American colleges and universities accept donations as,Now there are several donation,Is the domestic business people donations,Cash about several million,Still have a plenty of scholarship donation,Each year for enterprise provide the students with a scholarship.


These funds can be basically meet the south university teachers pay salary.

  【焦点3】 [Focus 3]

  学校管理是否已上正轨? School management is on track?

  遭遇管理人员招聘难题 Encounter management personnel recruitment problem


The Beijing news:On September 2,,South university the second student begins,And the first south university by the ministry of education in that case"wind"The recruit students of different,The have the feeling of relief?


Zhu qingshi:I think it's a lot more pressure.


The Beijing news:why?


Zhu qingshi:We recruit to 188 students.If we don't keep the school's teaching and management do first-class words,We will make these students disappointed.


In addition,The vast majority of teachers with ideal returned from abroad,If we do well,Also let them down,They will likely to leave,So the south university now the challenge to more than in the past.


Can say,The first two years of university is mainly for south to admit that the ministry of education,For school start,Now these are achieved,Need to cash the,Cash when we found difficult to imagine more than before.


The Beijing news:Do you mean what is difficult?


Zhu qingshi:The main difficulty is in the country under the existing system,We have to do reform met with many obstacles.


In addition the society generally don't realize the significance of the reform of the us,It directly affects our recruitment management personnel and the teaching staff.Especially recruitment management personnel.


The Beijing news:Specific for??


Zhu qingshi:Such as south university is full ZhaoPinZhi,No administrative levels,Some excellent management personnel can't accept it.


And pension problems,Due to the south university is full ZhaoPinZhi,People do not like system in college get rich pension,Now in this problem cannot very good butt,This is my very headache problem.


The Beijing news:Considered with reference to the university of Hong Kong pension mode?


Zhu qingshi:This has been considered.In Hong Kong and overseas,University of pension generally continuity plans,General annual pension accounts for each teacher annual wage 15% separate issue.South hkust although is a legal person structure,But unlike enterprise that have the autonomy,Can't decide issue annuity.Ordinary social endowment insurance are relatively few,Doesn't accord with our location,We need to give people a better old-age security.


The Beijing news:Do you mean no autonomy,Don't have to get government authorization?


Zhu qingshi:yes.South university, after all, is a public school,But system with average college and difference.We hope that in the short term as Hong Kong university,Carries out annual gold,The recruitment of talent is convenient for us,But has not been authorized.The government also in research we pension things,But there is still no a conclusion.
