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自闭症男童爬窗上学不幸坠亡 为求上学母曾下跪--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Due to the action of a bite,9 years old autistic boy xiao Ming(alias),Is the school sent home,And my mother locked in is located in shenzhen baoan district's house.A thought school xiao Ming tried to escape from the window drill out,Unfortunately died after falling from a building.19 early in the morning,Xiao Ming mother will son's ashes back to hometown burial in anhui province.
坠楼之时背着书包 After falling from a building when the back schoolbag
18 late,Net friend"I am LiYan qi"Release micro bo said,"Crown China attended a child to jump from dead,He's at school bite,The teacher won't let go to school,His mother locked at home to find the headmaster.Results it's time for school,Children take up bag to school,The door locked out not to go,From the balcony fire prevention channel jumped down!"
19 noon,The yangcheng evening news reporter hears rushed to the site,Although after 5 days,The lane that stand blood has gradually fuzzy,But young life dies still let the inhabitants of around deep impression.When call emergency phone Mr. Li said,Things happen in 14,At that time a 5 floor balcony escape the door is open,A man in a uniform child was lying on the ground,Forehead bleeding,still."The child, also carrying bag,When the eyes are open,A passer-by turned out of his bag,Just know where is he school,Afterwards just notice to his family."
Baoan hospital of traditional Chinese medicine after the ambulance arrived children will be taken to the hospital,According to the disposal of the nurse is introduced,A child was sent to severe when medicine has been knocked out/Difficulty breathing,Although after the hospital to rescue,But this name the child still in that afternoon 5 40 separation opened the world.
冒险爬窗只为上学 Risk climbing window for school
19 early in the morning,Xiao Ming's mother will son ashes back to their hometown.According to the reporter xiao Ming home when the doorbell,It has no response.For the child's impression,Nearby residents said,"The child is normally and mother holding hands to go to school,Performance and other children no different."
Shenzhen institute of autism social work miss ma told reporters,Xiao Ming house has two children,Xiao Ming is the boss,Brother is a healthy child,Only xiao Ming's father out to make money,Mother is xiao Ming's full-time"nanny",A is not rich.
According to introduce miss ma,Xiao Ming 9 years old this year,Near the crown HuaYuCai school grade three.14 morning because there are bite action,The school advised its home,Mother at noon will be locked in the home."The mother is very era afterwards,Think you should not let the child a person at home.We have asked the mother,Do you need social donation,But she said economic problems his house can afford,She should be a strong mother."
Pig: miss horse analysis xiao Ming's behavior said,Xiao Ming not because school advised its home to jump off a building,But because of the autism children thinking are programmed,Time to go to school,He will think back schoolbag go to school,So when he found the door when won't open,He will choose from the balcony window to escape"Go out".
为求上学母曾下跪 For the sake of school mother had kneel down
19 in the afternoon,Crown HuaYuCai school principal HuPeiNan in accepting the yangcheng evening news reporters said,From last September begins,Xiao Ming's mother many times just find the school,The hope can let xiao Ming with the class,At first, the school also think twice,After all, accept such children will make school is very stressful,Even may also by other parents complain.But when I saw xiao Ming's mother in tears even when genuflect is begged,School or been touched,In the beginning of the year agree with xiao Ming in grade three the second half of the semester course.
"We sympathize with parents,But more sympathy for the child,He finally is to the society,If you don't let him into the collective,His autism will be more serious."HuPeiNan said,Schools receive xiao Ming has a condition,Is xiao Ming's mother needs all day long accompanied son to go to school,In addition,The school will completely the xiao Ming as ordinary students treat."
According to the principal is introduced,Xiao Ming into the school,Have a lot of progress,Although the study result show don't come out,But at least know how to comply with the discipline of classroom,Don't influence others to learn,Before the,Xiao Ming has learned"Class will ring".But the recent weather some hot,Xiao Ming's mood some disorder,Sometimes appear bite action.14 morning,Xiao Ming once again make bite gesture,The school for security reasons,Suggested that parents of children will take home adjust a week or two,Do some rehabilitation training.
Hu said,This is the first time the school receive children with autism,Eventually end up with tragedy.
患儿教育前景堪忧 Children education prospects are grim
Shenzhen baoan district heart star garden training center mainly for 7 years old the following autistic children to provide rehabilitation training services.The center person in charge ZhuangRuiMing is introduced,Autistic children,Public schools can't receive,Although school of run by the local people dare to receive,But the difficulties.ZhuangRuiMing says,Teachers strength is difficult to satisfy the current situation,The rehabilitation center to do more difficult.According to he introduced,Education autistic children teacher not only need teaching,But also have to understand psychology,Will some nursing knowledge,At present the national only nanjing a school for autistic children can develop the teacher.
本月7日,深圳一名自闭症孩子被19名家长联名“赶”出宝安区宝城小学的校门,原因是这名学生“不遵守纪律,不讲卫生,同学都不敢靠近他。”针对本月出现的两起与自闭症相关的新闻事件,深圳市自闭症协会相关负责人介绍,本周六将会邀请一些公办与私立学校校长、深圳市残联以及家长代表,一起商讨如何更好地关爱自闭症患儿。(记者 李晓旭)
This month 7,Shenzhen an autistic child was 19 parents joint"cast"The baoan district treasure city primary school,The reason for this is that this student"Don't abide by the rules,Don't speak hygiene,Students are afraid to come near him."According to appear this month two up and autism related news and events,Shenzhen autistic association relevant controller introduces,Saturday will invite some of public and private school principal/Shenzhen disabled persons' federations and parent,To discuss how to better care for children with autism.(Reporter LiXiaoXu)
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