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中国青春期性教育存在缺失 至今未列入课程大纲--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  我国青春期性健康教育缺失不容忽视,造成教育缺失的原因是大众对于性教育的认识存在着很多误区:一方面,担心性教育会导致性泛滥,虽然这一点已经被国内外的科学研究证伪;另一方面,认为性是人的本能,可以无师自通。近20年来,国家关于青春期性教育的政策日益完善,但政策的实施一直处于滞后状态。除了没有合格的师资和适合青少年发展特点的教材外,在应试教育体制下,升学率至上,青春期性教育至今未被列入课程大纲,性教育在正规教育体制中形同虚设。然而,成人主导的学校性教育是世界公认的、最为有效和最便于开展的性教育模式,基于这一理念,从2010年9月始, 北京师范大学社会发展与公共政策学院与北京、兰州两地中学合作,开展青春期性教育课题,为高中生开设性教育校本课程

Our country puberty sexual health education lack nots allow to ignore,Cause the lack of education is the common for sex education understanding exists a lot of errors:On the one hand,Worry about sex education will lead to sexploitation,Although it has been domestic and foreign scientific research falsification;On the other hand,Think sex is the instinct of a man,Can self taught.Nearly 20 years,Countries about adolescent sex education policy is increasingly perfect,But the implementation of the policy has been in a state of lag.In addition to no qualified teachers and suitable for youth development characteristics of the teaching material,In the examination-oriented education system,Graduation rates first,Adolescent sex education has not been listed in the syllabus,Sex education in the normal education system exist in name only.however,Adult education is the leading school sex well recognized in the world/The most effective and the most convenient to carry out sexual education mode,Based on this idea,From September 2010 the beginning, Beijing normal university social development and public policy institute and Beijing/Lanzhou both middle school cooperation,Carry out adolescence sex education subject,For high school students to open sex education school-based curriculum.


In September of 2011,Lanzhou 2 officially introduced Beijing normal university teenage sex education intervention project.In march this year,Another pilot school LanTie one also started the adolescent sex education curriculum.The two middle school started the northwest extensively/That the gender equality of the adolescent sex education precedent.The practice how to open the exhibition?Course content and effect how?Our correspondent has walked into the lanzhou second/LanTie one campus,Interviews with the relevant person in charge of the school and the teachers and students.


“堵”与“疏”之间的选择 "plugging"and"hydrophobic"Choice between


Before classes,Schools to carry out adolescence sex education was not without anxiety.Lanzhou second director ZhengJiaoChu plus peak is introduced,"Sex education,A lot of people feel is a great disaster.Most people are taboo/fear,In fact,Students need to adolescent a comprehensive education."Lanzhou second general party branch secretary LiuXueFang had scruples,"This task just introduce school,We have a little worried,Parents do not accept?Parents will worry about a instigation effect?But after class we gave up concerns."Plus peak seems,"Adolescent sex related problems highlighted in recent years,The society most people still is to take the way,Carry out adolescence sex education is imminent."

  兰铁一中负责授课的杨丽老师介绍,“在开这门课之前,学生所接触到的性教育大多是通过非正规渠道获得的,有些通过媒体网络了解到的性知识可能是歪曲甚至错误的。” 兰铁一中另一授课老师刘华秀介绍,“孩子们在性方面有很多困惑,例如,男孩子会觉得遗精是十分可怕的事;有的男孩子自慰,会想是不是自己非常下流、无耻?甚至有的女同学会问,老师,我接吻了,会不会怀孕?”刘华秀强调,“我希望孩子们能够掌握正确的性知识,能够保护好自己,对性有一个正确的态度。进行这方面的教育是很有必要的,对孩子们的成长会有重要的引领作用。

LanTie one responsible for the teaching YangLi teacher introduction,"In the open before the class,Students have access to the sex education are mostly obtained through informal channels,Some through the media network to understand sexual knowledge may be distorted or even wrong." LanTie one another LiuHuaXiu the instructor is introduced,"The children have a lot of confusion in sex,For example,The boy will feel emission is very horrible thing;Some boys masturbate,Will want to is very dirty/shameless?Even some female students will ask,The teacher,I kissed,Will not pregnant?"LiuHuaXiu emphasize,"I hope children can master correct sexual knowledge,To protect yourself,To sex have a right attitude.The education in this aspect is very necessary,The children's growth will have important leading role.


For whether to give are faced with great pressures upon their schoolwork high school students began to adolescent sex educational curricula,Lanzhou second principal LuShiPing said,From education practice to see,The university entrance exam bound is important,But human development is more important.Climbed the peak says,"In the adolescent sex education this problem,We are faced with is‘plugging’and‘hydrophobic’Choice between,We choose the hydrophobic,Give priority to with ease.We let the students understand,How to correctly deal with adolescent emotional and sexual issues,If blindly to ban,But let some adverse effects to step in."


Lanzhou 2 and LanTie one the school leader after repeated counsel,Decision shall take the initiative in the sex education the position,Adolescent sex education course will introduce campus,The high school campus in the northwest region is still belong to minority.


性别平等和尊重多元 Gender equality and respect for diversity


The traditional/Common Chinese school sex education often include the following content:Teachers only teach students physiological organ name/The position and function of anatomy,In pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease risk to dissuade teenagers don't participatory activities,To suppress adolescent sex impulse,Its essence is abstinence education.however,Beijing normal university and lanzhou secondary schools of the adolescent sex education course content involves physiological/Sexual psychology/Sexual morality,Injected with gender concept,To make the students know the traditional gender role division of labor and the influence of the close relationship,Cultivating young teenagers learn to use critical thinking to break the traditional gender norms for their imprison and bound,Let the students to learn to accept ourselves,Accept others,Learn to construction have dignity/equality/health/Responsible for the close relationship.Two schools three teaching teachers agree that,Although the sexual knowledge part of physiological health class than ever more comprehensive/system/science,To the student to have the help very much,But in the social gender,Sex and communication skills contents to student's touches maximum.


In the course of a day for"Social environment of social gender",Let the students to explore gender inequality is how to form and manifest.LiuHuaXiu teacher said,Didn't expect students to do so great,Each team are very serious preparation,Choose their favorite subject,Some investigation public toilet of social gender,Some survey textbooks in the role of men and women present or family environment in the change of the position of men and women.In this process,Students will these phenomena, launched a heated discussion,Training students to understand the traditional gender role is how to form,Challenge gender stereotype consciousness.YangLi teacher said,Men and women living through these fresh investigation,To realize two sexes in social and family still exists unequal phenomenon,And a starts from oneself,Change gender inequality consciousness.

  反对性骚扰也是课程中的重要内容,这一课对于学生的触动很大,因为以前从来没有人教过我们在遇到性骚扰时怎么保护自己。上课时,老师们通过一个游戏,告诉学生遇到性骚扰时的应对技巧, 如面对危险的情境时如何清晰地表达自己,如何向路人求救,向专业人士求助等方法。学生们反馈说,许多女生在公共汽车上都遭遇过性骚扰,但不知如何应对,这节课在应对方式,沟通方法上很有帮助。

Sexual harassment is against the important content in the course,This lesson for students' touches is very big,Because never taught us how to meet the sexual harassment to protect themselves.class,Teachers through a game,Tell the students meet when sexual harassment coping skills, Such as face dangerous situation how to clearly express yourself,How to ask a stranger for help,Methods to professionals for help.Students feedback said,Many girls in the bus has encountered sexual harassment,But don't know how to deal with,This lesson in coping styles,The communication method have the help very much.


The students in class showed great enthusiasm,The classroom atmosphere is more active than ever,Interactive stronger,Students on the one hand feel pressure relief and mental relaxation,On the other hand, feel greatly.Getting on the adolescent classes of lanzhou 2 a girl said:"We are very glad to class,Course more relaxed,And can increase a lot of knowledge,Later in this respect is no longer a blind spot."


教育结果令人欣喜 Education result is joy


After the adolescent sex education after class,What are the students feel it?A boy said:"We now for adolescent emotional and sexual more sober understanding,Be more rational to deal with some problems."Another student said:"Involved in adolescent emotional and sexual some things,Originally you have don't understand,After the teacher explained later,Feel able to cheer up the.For some things before special depressed,Heart always ravel,After the teacher such a speak,Everybody to discuss,Are more clearly,The in the mind also relaxed many."Class itself created to give the students chance to open about sex,To break the sex taboos,The classmates think through the exchange,"Learn more about themselves, and members of the opposite sex.For processing some homosexual or heterosexual relationship will have a more profound understanding and the more diverse the processing mode".


When it comes to adolescent sex education curriculum implementation,Teachers also very happy.LiuHuaXiu introduced,In this course in the class,Between the classmate before talking about puberty/Sexual knowledge and other things,Everybody seems to be shy,Very not the nature.Now change the,The students can become very calm and put it as knowledge to learning.

  高攀峰介绍,“据我观察,学生的一些不恰当的亲密行为比以前减少了,没有对校风造成影响,没有对社会造成不良影响,也没有影响孩子们的学业。” 刘学芳说,“以前确实害怕青春期性教育会适得其反,把握不好这个度。但是现在看来,很顺利,效果也不错,孩子们学会了正确处理青春期的问题。”兰州二中教师丁晓燕说:“上了课之后,学生显得更稳重,更落落大方,在谈论异性交往等话题时,也显得比以前坦然多了。”

Plus peak is introduced,"According to my observation,Students' some inappropriate intimacy to decrease before than,No impact on school spirit,No adverse impact to the society,Also have no effect on the children's school." LiuXueFang said,"Did fear of adolescent sex education will backfire,Grasp the bad this degree.But now it seems,Very well,The result is right also,The children learned to correctly handle the problem of puberty."Lanzhou second teacher DingXiaoYan said:"After the class,Students appear more sedate,More natural and graceful,Talking about heterosexual contacts etc topics,Also appears much more calm than before."

  到目前为止,两所学校尚未听到反对的声音,最近的一次家长调查显示,有些家长明确表态支持学校开这门课程,希望学校能为孩子补上青春期性教育这门课。兰州二中和兰铁一中正在积极筹划扩大青春期性健康教育覆盖面。据了解,兰铁一中将把课程进一步拓展,从原来的六个班覆盖到高一整个年级。兰州二中规划把高一青春期性教育列入校本课程,高二高三有针对性地开展讲座。在兰州二中,青春期性教育课已经纳入学校的整体教育中,成为其中不可缺少的一部分。(本报记者 宋喜群 本报通讯员 李远广 令叶莹)

So far,Two schools haven't heard the voice of the opposition,A recent survey shows that parents,Some parents explicit bid to support the school open this course,Hoped the school can make up the child adolescent sex education this course.Lanzhou 2 and LanTie one are actively planning to expand puberty sexual health education coverage.It is understood,A LanTie will further expand the course,From the original six class covered the whole grade higher.Lanzhou second planning a adolescent sex education in school-based curriculum,Three high should be carried out in the lecture.Second in lanzhou,Adolescent sex educational curricula have been incorporated into the whole school of education,Become an indispensable part of the.(Our reporter SongXiQun our newspaper reporter LiYuanGuang make YeYing)
