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高校青年教师自比“工蜂” 称社会地位处中下层--亲稳网络舆情监控室


The young college teachers actual become a line of main,But income can't and qualifications/title/Administrative position than most.Scientific research/Teaching and economic pressures they regard as"Three big mountains".


CFP for map


PengFeng(alias)33 years old this year,Domestic famous university dr. Arts graduate,At present in Beijing as a key university lecturer.His weekly teaching 8 hours,Together with the professor for two research topics,No administrative duties.


PengFeng very busy,He plans to three years six article published CSSCI(Chinese social science citation index)The paper,To associate professor title.therefore,He put the most time to research,Many of which and"Loss in the written tender/Run relationship/Looking for the invoice to submit an expense account".


PengFeng married,Each year his contribution to the family wage about 40000 yuan,Another twenty thousand yuan of wage income is outside the project funds"subsidize"of.Although university teachers' job stable and"Sounds good",But PengFeng in politics or business in front of friends didn't have much confidence.PengFeng be everybody called intellectuals,But he and his colleagues sometimes laugh at themselves for"Knowledge workers",or"Worker bee"Family - under the attractive appearance"Pears shandong"(That is under a lot of pressure - reporter note),Is the unit of the main business but harvest limited,Most busy on to the bottom of the pyramid,Only a few people can spell to upper,to"Have the capital to do really interested in things".


This is best for cheap research team"After 70"/"After 80"University teachers' painting of a like.


Statistics show that,Our country university 40 years old of the following the number of young teachers at present already more than 860000,Accounted for 63.3% of the total number of full-time teachers college.The water think 30 people led research team for more than one year,In Beijing/Shanghai/wuhan/xian/Guangzhou five city,To worked for including 985/211/Ordinary universities/Colleges and universities adult/private universities, 5138 young teachers,The first nationwide sampling questionnaire survey,Combined with depth interviews/Focus group discussion and participatory observation and investigation method,completed[Worker bee - China young university teachers survey report].

  72.3%感到“压力大” 72.3% feel"Pressure big"

  科研任务重是最大压力源 The scientific research task is the biggest source of pressure

  彭锋每天都觉得自己“在跟时间赛跑”。 PengFeng feel every day"In a race against time".


His working day schedule is usually:Morning reading/Check material,Take a few students to do research,Write the old professor or department head"reappearance"Topic report;In the afternoon to school two and a half hours of classes,Get financial"Make an hour to submit an expense account".Double cease day in,In addition to out at the conference,He made a"Literature translation plan",As for the international journals published collecting material.


The survey report shows,As nearly ninety percent of the population has a doctorate degree retired,the"Worker bee"Family is also high pressure the crowd.72.3% of those surveyed the truth"Pressure big",The more 36.3% of the people think"Pressure is very big".


Pressure mainly from three aspects - the scientific research task/The teaching task and less economic income."The scientific research task is the biggest source of pressure."Water think told China youth daily reporter,"Survey found,Because most universities put titles and promotion and published papers/Published books number/Application project number, etc‘Quantitative index’Directly link,78.1% of the‘Worker bee’think,His work in scientific research of time‘Not enough use’,even‘Very not enough use’."


"up-or-out"The latent rules has intensified PengFeng sense of urgency."Many people take the college teacher work as‘Iron rice bowl’,But for many young teachers is,A latent rules are:Five years from the lecturer cannot ascend to associate professor,You're in the school teaching career is almost stopped."


Associate professor, of course, is the basis of/completion of index.But the report,the"Worker bee"Family complete index of the situation is not optimistic.


Nearly 3 years,20.5% of the liberal arts"Worker bee"Not in CSSCI has been published on paper,92.5% of science"Worker bee"Not in SCI(Science citation index)Has been published on paper,85.5% of the engineering"Worker bee"Not in EI(Engineering citation index)Has been published on paper.No independent works"Worker bee"Accounted for 83.2%.


PengFeng work is 5 years,Nearly two-thirds of their peers around the teacher is lecturer title,Only about a quarter is associate professor title,"40 years old of the following professor almost invisible".


"Time used to the‘Softening the winner’,More icing on the cake,Urgently needed less."PengFeng said,Title low let"Worker bee"Feel the made quite a lot,"Associate professor can't play important topic,Even if he is the main actual research.Scientific research funds and academic resources are to academic circles‘elite’and‘Top notch’close."The report also shows that,80.6% of the"Worker bee"No hosting national projects,Sixty percent"Worker bee"A year of scientific research project funds of less than 50000 yuan,61.6% of all people, have no to school research grants.


PengFeng have their own research interests,But his present study and life are around"The horse up, an associate professor at,40 years ago professor rise"for.In order to be"hives"upper"The winner",He must be efficient early/Fast be efficient/Much be efficient,Sometimes have to make relationship,Even buy page.


"Investigation shows that,no‘Worker bee’Believe that the impact paper presented factor is only quality,More than two-thirds of the people think,The interpersonal relationship and the title will have an important impact on paper presented."Water think told China youth daily reporter,"When these with your identity/income/All dignity even in together,Many young‘Worker bee’Only low noble head,In the subject the professional standard of the discipline,Production of highly specialized knowledge products,Step by step to chase the only success criteria - have higher cultural capital and become a professional authority."

  近七成每月难有结余 Nearly seventy percent per month to have a balance

  14.2%主要靠兼职养家 14.2% depend mainly on a part-time job to support a family


"‘University teachers’To mention the attitude to win the equal respect,But speaking of income,When many poorer."PengFeng said.Investigation report of this point.


"Investigation shows that,Only 13.4% of respondents is due‘High income’And when the teacher's choice,64.6% of the‘Worker bee’think‘High stability’Is the most attractive place to work,62.1% is due‘reputation’."Water think analysis,Although has the more intangible capital,but"Worker bee"The whole family income is low,Average a year of less than 50000 yuan,Only 10% of the"Worker bee"Can break through 70000 yuan.


In 2006,,Peking University professor yi was in blog"Sun income",Mention wage income is not enough to support the daily expenses.Work for the third year in a,PengFeng also had a contrast"Intelligence intensive industry"paycheck.He found,The financial industry in 2010 per capita salary is 80000 yuan,Computer and software nearly 70000 yuan."We is ranked third in the world,57000 yuan.But remove professor/The leader in the field of income,A lot of young teacher can not reach this level."


PengFeng is not without"External block".But the survey,Seventy percent"Worker bee"The main source of income or salary,Five adult with an annual"Wage income outside"Less than twenty thousand yuan.


The report says:"Some industry compared income level of the rapid increase in recent years,College teachers' relative economic status in recent years does not rise but lower.therefore,An appropriate increase in treatment of young university teachers,For the establishment of basic life safeguard system is an urgent job."


"the‘Worker bee’Family just appointment soon,Wages and job title is relatively low,Apply for funds difficult subject,And get married/To buy a house/car/Children bound/Supporting the old economic pressure and concentration emerging,So many people have to do all kinds of part-time,To substitute/training/Contracting projects‘To contribute to the family’,Even 14.2% respondents to part-time income as the main economic source."Water think further analysis to the reporter.


With mortgage pressure,PengFeng and his wife's income per month just add up"balance",Sometimes slightly bright"Red light".


And the survey report shows,PengFeng situation is not a few,Monthly can have economic balance"Worker bee"Only 31.3%,23.7% of the people do not receive to branch,11.8% of the"Worker bee"In the first few years,Economic depend mainly on parents and spouse support.


"The lack of a decent income,Intellectuals can only‘For DaoLiangMou’."PengFeng said,Because of its part-time undertake the research time consuming a lot of,Although your home is 600 books,He almost a year in addition to professional books,Already there is little time"Delicately reading".part"Worker bee"Family in the survey said"Part-time affects the lessons",To contribute to the income for,To all sorts of project funds also"Pinch and scrape","This use do not want to use,Should open will not be willing to part with or use open".


"In a meeting with Beijing university Chinese department professor of yixin dialogue,He pointed to the‘Worker bee’Family said,The university must have a scholar‘leisure’not,The ancients said‘Then the universe,Look to the product of content cheng,And to tell the one born to have the position,Not have leisure not also’."Water think told reporters,"But when a lot of teaching YuRenZhe must for secular when labor,We worry about young intellectuals are the‘Noble spirit’into‘Knowledge workers’,And put the anxiety to the next generation."


 84.5%认为自己处于社会中下层 84.5% thought themselves in the resourse of society


No matter from what hardware condition to see,"Worker bee"Family is not"Prick silk":Highly educated,stable,83.7% of respondents have local urban registered permanent residence,Eighty percent of housing accumulation fund,More than fifty percent have medical and endowment insurance.And social fame,the"Worker bee"Should belong to the family"With degree capital and rise"Middle class.But the survey report shows,The crowd self-perception was"descending".


for"How to cognitive their social status",5138 of the young university teachers,84.5% thought themselves in social middle and middle the following,the,36% thought that oneself belong"increases",13.7% thought themselves in"bottom",Only 14.1% think themselves in"upper",0.8% thought themselves in"upper",Another 0.6% of respondents did not answer the question.


The report, the paper points out that:"The whole social value system changed,Power and money instead of knowledge and morality into core index evaluation,This is what the‘Worker bee’Family feel depressive important background.The whole intellectual position down,‘Worker bee’More marginalized family status."


Beijing normal university professor has claimed a real estate field,If a student in 40 years old haven't earn 40 million yuan, you don't come and see him.In the water think it seems,The remarks of knowledge and of the degrees earned money the imbroglio,It is the change in a typical.


University internal resource allocation inequality,Arrange in order of seniority is serious,"Color thick ranking of",Sometimes make PengFeng produce"loss".


The report shows that,majority(54.0%)of"Worker bee"Have a similar feeling."Different age of young intellectuals,‘Stand out’The probability of different.At present,The society as a whole academic/thought/Culture in‘Platform period’- roughly path and scale has been formed, young people than in‘Change period’Many difficulties to."Professor yixin to water think research team such analysis"Worker bee"The family is not easy to rise.


The report also shows that,"Descending feeling"Already in a certain extent, affected the group of young university teachers role positioning and the sense of social responsibility.


Survey found,In the part of the considered line breaks"Worker bee"in,22.8% of the ideal is a civil servant,Want to be engaged in enterprise management or financial bank from the also twenty percent or so.


In addition,In judging whether they are excellent standards,45.6% of the respondents"Worker bee"Think peer recognition is the primary standard,The second is to receive government approval,Only 23.4% of the people"Get social acceptance"As the evaluation standard,This also makes the researchers feel worried."Because for the interests of the basic evaluation and promotion all by‘counterparts’or‘Relevant government departments’Decided to,therefore‘Worker bee’Family are thinking,Will more choice station in academic position and the government's position,Hard to‘For the public think’the."Water think wrote in a report.


PengFeng now remember,In their reading,His teacher told him:"A qualified intellectuals,To play for the nation,The growth of the younger generation to gain time/Space and sense of direction."But he told the China youth daily reporter,Now in the campus,No matter the teacher or a student,Are in a hurry to depart,like"Worker bee"as,To find a good job,Have a good family,The day and hustle.


"When the intellectual horizons/Purport and feelings,All shrink to the spirit of the age no relations,The spirit of the age was laid in where?"This is more than the PengFeng busy,Often came to my question.

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