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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:搜狐的网友大家好,今天很高兴我们邀请了成都市教育局副局长,四川省青年常委教育界别主任左华荣先生。左局长欢迎你的到来。

Sohu net friend of everybody is good,Today very happy we invited chengdu bureau deputy director,Sichuan youth education sectors of director Mr. HuaRong left.Left chief welcome your arrival.
  左华荣[成都市教育局副局长]: Left HuaRong [chengdu bureau deputy director]:谢谢。

thank you.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:你这两天参加我们亚洲教育论坛有什么样最大的感受呢?

You this two days to our Asian education BBS have what kind biggest feeling?
  左华荣[成都市教育局副局长]: Left HuaRong [chengdu bureau deputy director]:我参加亚洲教育论坛的目的是来和大家交流,看一看我们亚洲其他国家的基础教育,他们在思考什么,他们在想什么,我们在基础教育方面做的这些工作,我们的思路和亚洲的其他的一些国家,他们的做法,他们的思考有什么不同。我就是带着这么一个目的来参加亚洲教育论坛的,主要是一个交流,至于其他国家的思考和做法,是不是和我们一样,是不是适合我们,我们的是否适合他们,这个都不重要,重要的是我们相互的交流。交流就能够产生新的东西,交流就在相互的学习,我觉得这次我达到了目的。

I took part in the Asian education BBS purpose is to communicate with everybody,Take a look at our other Asian countries foundation education,They are thinking??????,They think,We in the foundation education aspect to do the work,Our ideas and other Asian countries,They do,Their thinking what's the difference.I just took such a purpose to Asian education BBS's,Main is a communication,As for other country's thinking and practice,Isn't like us,Is suitable for us,We is suitable for them,This is not important,It is important to our mutual exchange.Communication can produce new things,Communication in mutual learning,I think this time I reached the purpose.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:你昨天也主持了我们的一场分论坛,名字叫做"城乡教育均衡发展论坛—多加包容的基础教育"。在你看来,什么样的基础教育适合我国的国情呢?

Yesterday you also presided over our a points BBS,Name called"Urban and rural education balanced development BBS - more inclusive education foundation".In your opinion,What kind of foundation education suitable for China's national conditions?
  左华荣[成都市教育局副局长]: Left HuaRong [chengdu bureau deputy director]:对于基础教育,我们关注的是"人",是学生,而不是教育本身,我们不是为教育而教育,我们的教育好与不好,是不是适合学生,是否能为他们的成长发展服务,是否为经济社会的发展服务,为人们服务。基于这么一个思考,我认为最好的基础教育是既均衡又优质的教育,就是我们讲的优质均衡的教育是最好的教育。

As for the elementary education,Our concern is"people",Is the student,Instead of education itself,We are not for education and education,Our education good and bad,Is suitable for students,Whether can the development of service,Whether for economic and social development services,Serving people.Based on such a thought,I think the best foundation education is both equilibrium and quality education,Is that we speak of quality balanced education is the best education.

Due to our country is discrepant developed,At that time the entire development process,The economic situation is not very good,Education needs and great.Our country urban and rural difference is bigger,Our next goal is the pursuit of the nine-year compulsory education later,People meet the original have learn need,Now the pursuit of a studious,All hope to have a very high quality education.So in this situation,We now want to pursue is the balanced development of urban and rural education.So we now work is to commit to the country's urban and rural education,To commit to balanced development,Make the rural and city of the students are able to enjoy the fair/Equal education.

 therefore,In the urban and rural education balanced development problems,I think the world,Especially Asia a lot of countries,Face these problems,Are thinking,How to pursue education fair,Let the people to be able to get a high quality balanced education.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢左局长很详细的一个介绍。那么能否介绍一下目前成都的教育发展情况?

Thank you left chief is very detailed introduction.So can you explain the current chengdu education development situation?
  左华荣[成都市教育局副局长]: Left HuaRong [chengdu bureau deputy director]:成都在96年普及了九年义务教育,05年普及了高中阶段的教育,两个历史性的跨越完成了以后,实际上就已经解决了上学难的问题,让学生都能够有学上。现在人民群众追求的是优质教育,因此目前成都市在致力于优质均衡教育的追求。

Chengdu in 96 made nine-year compulsory education,In the popularization of high school education,The two historic leap after completed,In fact it has solved the difficult problem in school,Let the students are able to learn on.Now people are in pursuit of high quality education,Therefore at present in chengdu dedicated to the pursuit of high quality balanced education.

Working in urban and rural education balanced development process,We have already in/04 years began to chengdu rural standardized school construction.That is,Chengdu from hardware construction,From the school construction/set/Equipment of,To commit to the balanced development of urban and rural education,Also is to solve the balance of school running conditions.We passed through urban and rural areas of the standardized construction of rural primary and secondary school,Post-disaster reconstruction has been completed,After finished the post-disaster reconstruction,We have a timely start the construction of the standardization of primary and secondary schools in chengdu the ascension of the engineering.

At this point we're done with chengdu running conditions of the equilibrium,But between schools is not only the conditions for running the equilibrium of the balance,And managerial level/Teachers team/School management these aspects of equilibrium,So chengdu is working to overall urban and rural balanced development of education.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:可以看出来成都的教育现在发展还是很好的。我们搜狐教育马上就要开展一个新的栏目,就是"创新教育",能不能为我们这个栏目提一些建议?

Can see chengdu education now development is very good still.We sohu education will be developing a new column,is"Innovation education",Can this column for us some advice?
  左华荣[成都市教育局副局长]: Left HuaRong [chengdu bureau deputy director]:我从两个层面来考虑。一个层面是教育本身的教育思想,教育的观念,教育的方法,以及区域教育和学校教育的管理模式都需要创新,这是一个永恒的主题,只有通过创新才能够解决发展当中遇到的一些问题。如果从这个方面来讲,我提一个希望,那就是多元化和包容。我们的目的是致力于教育的优质均衡发展,但是要达到教育优质均衡的方法是很多的,我特别希望在我们这么一个差异化很大、区域很大的国家,能够包容多元的方法,多元的思想,多元的观念,鼓励大家更多的实践,更多的探索,更多的思考,建立一个多元化的教育方法和教育的管理模式。百花齐放,百家争鸣,那么我们的教育就能够迎来很繁荣的的局面。这是我想说的第一个层面,从教育来讲。

I'm from two aspects to consider.A plane is the education thought education itself,Education idea,Education method,As well as regional education and school education management mode is the need for innovation,This is an eternal theme,Only through the innovation of development to solve some of the problems.If in this regard,I make a hope,That is diversified and tolerance.Our purpose is to contribute to the education of high quality balanced development,But to achieve education quality equilibrium method is a lot of,I really hope that in the us such a great differentiation/Regional big country,Can include multiple methods,Multivariate thoughts,Multiple concept,Encourage more practice,More exploration,More thinking,To establish a diversified education methods and education management mode.Hundred flowers,Schools of thought contend,So our education can have very prosperous situation.This is what I want to say the first level,Will tell from education.

Another aspect,From the point of training talents,Is also an innovative education,The cultivation of innovation spirit and innovation ability of the students is very important.Our country is to rely on the construction of the people,Our entire career is to rely on people to do,The country,Our society is very good development,Can be strong,Key talents by,We need the innovative talents,So we education to cultivate more/More excellent creative talents.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢您的建议。我们搜狐教育频道每年都会有一个大型的教育盛典,主题叫做"致青年",您能不能为我们中国的广大青年送出几句祝福?

Thank you for your advice.We sohu education channel every year a large education grand ceremony,Theme is called"To youth",Can you for our Chinese the vast Numbers of young send out a few words of blessing?
  左华荣[成都市教育局副局长]: Left HuaRong [chengdu bureau deputy director]:其实我也曾经是很青年的,现在已经不青年了,老了。但是我是这么想的,要敢想、敢干、敢实践、敢创造。特别是青年人尤其是要敢于、善于实践和探索,这个是很重要的。

In fact I was very young,It's not the youth,old.But I do,Should dare to think/Dares to do/Dare to practice/Dare to create.Especially young people especially dare to/Good at practice and exploration,This is very important.
