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北大报告显示34部委拒公布办公经费 仅8家公开--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

北大报告显示34部委拒公布办公经费 仅8家公开 北大报告显示34部委拒公布办公经费 仅8家公开 北大报告显示34部委拒公布办公经费 仅8家公开 北大报告显示34部委拒公布办公经费 仅8家公开

  新京报讯 北京大学公众参与研究与支持中心昨天发布的一份报告称,在该中心相关调研人员向42个国务院下设机构申请“2011年人均办公经费”时,只有8家部委予以公开,其余34家均予以拒绝。

The Beijing news - Beijing university public participation in research and support center yesterday released a report said,In the center of research personnel related to 42 consists of organization for the state council"In 2011 the per capita office funds"when,Only eight ministries and commissions shall be open,The rest are 34 refuse.


yesterday,Beijing university public participation in research and support center held[China's administrative transparency observation · 2011-2012 year]conference,And for"Sunshine China · 2012"awards,At the same time the center special released["three"Funding public research project report].


今年三公经费公布更及时 This year published three funds more timely


Peking University, vice President of the school of law/Peking University public participation in research and support center director WangXi zinc sure this year the central department public departments and final accounts"Three funds"Compared with the last year more timely,Most of the central ministries and commissions published"Three funds"More detailed budget than in previous years,For the first time and published by the administrative funds.


WangXi zinc said,The researchers statistical application results show that the public,In addition to ministry of supervision,The rest of the 41 ministries and commissions"According to application of open channel"Are relatively for the convenience of the,And in addition to ministry of supervision and banking regulatory commission (CBRC),The rest of the 40 ministries and commissions to such information to make public application are the requirements of the law are made timely reply within the time limit.


But only human resources and social security/The ministry of health/The justice department/The ministry of commerce/Ministry of science and technology/State general administration of safety supervision/The state grain administration and the state's drug watchdog, eight ministries and commissions released"Per capita office funds",And the traffic department of transportation/The national population and family planning 34 ministries and commissions are refused to open.But WangXi zinc said,These refuses to open"Per capita office funds"The ministries and commissions of the 27 home reason is not sufficient.


地方公布“三公”不积极 Place announced"three"Do not actively


WangXi zinc they finish data also show,By the early August this year,Only the Beijing/Shanghai/guangdong/Xinjiang and sichuan provincial department of the public and other provinces and cities"three"budgets,While most of the local government this all sidelined.March last year at the executive meeting of the state council has demanded,The local government and relevant departments should practice in the central government,do"Three funds"Public work.WangXi zinc think,"Local government response is relatively negative".


But WangXi zinc also noticed that,Some not included in the requirements of the city and county level city also active began"Three funds"Public course.As for the city of zhejiang possessing all government departments budget and"three"Funds to public careful to"orders",The local education bureau is released the city a total of 93 school budget and"Three funds".


He thinks,At present in the open"Three funds"On the question of,Does exist concept not clear,Standard is not unified problem,FeiCaiZheng appropriation of"Three funds"Spending has not included in public range,Non-budgetary funds too much.


【部委行政透明度】 [Ministries and commissions administrative transparency]


部委透明度评测平均分首次及格 The transparency of ministries and commissions average evaluation for the first time to pass the exam


According to the observation,The traffic department of transportation in the state council under the institution of the administrative transparency score the highest,77.5 points.She in turn are respectively and banking regulatory commission (CBRC).After that in three is YanCaoJu(49.5 points)/The ministry of railways(47 points)And ministry of supervision(23 points).WangXi zinc explained,In the composition of the state council department in addition to the department of defense and the national security,The state council departments of the mechanism are integrated into the observation.


This 42 evaluation object scoring average reached 60.4 points,'d reached 54.8%,"This is a good news,Ministries and commissions score rise quickly",The first two times the average scores of 46.1 and 51.2,The average score of the first to pass the exam.


WangXi zinc noticed,Compared with the first two,The state council has mechanism with 33 evaluation object score continuous increase,Four unit first increased and then decreased,Five unit to drop and then increased,"No consecutive three years evaluation score of continued decline".This reflects the state council under the mechanism of progress is very obvious,Also shows the central ministries and commissions increase construction information publicity work good situation."Of course with the original low score,Development space more relevant".


WangXi zinc specifically presented,The state council under the ministry of supervision mechanism for two consecutive years score rise(12 points up to 18 points,To this year's 23 points),But as responsible for the supervision and the government information publicity function department ranking"Always relatively stable",Comfortably in the last one,"This, to a certain extent, shows the Chinese government information publicity to promote lack of power,His work not ready,There is no bottom spirit to supervision and other departments".


【省级政府行政透明度】 [The provincial government administrative transparency]


北京行政透明度连续三年排第一 Beijing administrative transparency three years in a row row first


From Beijing university public participation in research and support center start on China's provincial government administrative transparency since observation,Beijing for three consecutive years ranked first in China inland provinces(Tibet did not include the range of observation),And realized continuous increase scores.The national only six provinces to realize the administrative transparency scoring continuous increase,And half of the observation object(Namely 15 provinces)Administrative transparency score is first increased and then decreased.


Yesterday, Beijing university public participation in research and support center released[China's administrative transparency observation · 2011-2012 year],In the assessment of centesimal system,Beijing with 90 points to the high scores"excellent",Leading the second name jiangsu 16 points,WangXi zinc said,This is"lead".WangXi zinc said,Beijing in the initiative information public and according to apply for public this side do very well.


In the past three years in a row in the implementation,Beijing has always ranked the provincial government administrative transparency score first,The 2009-2010 year for 76.5 points,The 2010-2011 year for 79.5 points(And jiangsu coordinate),The 2011-2012 year is as high as 90 points.


According to the requirements in the administrative units of administrative transparency observation also found,Beijing dongcheng of spot check and haidian reached to 76 points(In the spot check of 38 area county administrative unit ranked first)And 65.5 points(Ranked in the top five).

  本版采写/新京报记者 郭少峰

This collection &composition/Beijing news reporter GuoShaoFeng


(The Beijing news)

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