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古装剧里邂逅汉服 女大学生坚持穿汉服上课3年--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  在苏大校园里有一个姑娘,每日云鬓轻挽,裙裾飘飞,身着汉装,脚踏青鞋,在来来往往上下课的学生人潮中显得分外惹眼。这位“汉服女孩”名叫秦亚文,苏大艺术 学院大四学生,从大一至今,秦亚文坚持每天穿着汉服上课。汉服对她而言是平日里的便服,是生活起居不可或缺的部分。

In SuDaJiao garden have a girl,Daily cloud light wan,Train scud,Dressed in han outfit,Feet spring outing shoes,In the coming and going adding and dropping classes students the crowd is particularly eye-catching.the"Hanfu girl"Named QinYaWen,Sue big art college senior student,So far from freshman,QinYaWen insist that every class in hanfu.Hanfu as to her is ferial li of casual clothes,Life is an integral part of the daily life.

实习生 于婷婷 扬子晚报记者 单成志 Interns YuTingTing yangzi evening news reporter ChanChengZhi  

古装剧里邂逅汉服,从此一见倾心 In the costume piece encounter hanfu,From now on love at first sight  


      After college,Will the hanfu when daily life casual clothes

      回忆起幼年接触汉服的零星记忆,秦亚文羞涩地告诉记者,古装武侠电视剧是她结缘汉服的“媒婆”,当时年幼的她对汉服文化一无所知,但却打心眼里认同汉服的华 美。自打记事时起,秦亚文便迷上了古装剧,见她对古装戏着迷,父亲还戏称她为“秦武侠”。随着年龄的增长,秦亚文开始逐渐了解汉服背后诠释的文化,尽管钟 情汉服,但初中阶段受学校限制秦亚文一直未能公开穿着汉服。

      Remember young contact hanfu sporadic memory,QinYaWen shy to tell reporter,Ancient costume martial arts drama is her become attached to the hanfu"matchmaker",At that time young she knew nothing about hanfu culture,But kind of identity of China hanfu beauty.Ever since the note,QinYaWen will fan the costume piece,See her on a costume play obsessed,Father jokingly call for"QinWuXia".As the growth of the age,QinYaWen to understand gradually hanfu behind the culture of interpretation,Although clock feeling hanfu,But the junior middle school stage by the school QinYaWen restrictions have been unable to open in hanfu.


 "University campus environment relatively loose and free,From the university,I really put on hanfu,Will the hanfu as their daily life casual clothes."QinYaWen from freshman put on hanfu class,A wear is more than three years,Although university atmosphere relatively free,But the eye-catching"through"Dress up or draw a lot of endless speculation and accused.

       据秦亚文介绍,因为汉服着装,她曾多次和长辈辩论。秦亚文的父母起初以为女儿穿汉服只是图个新鲜,后来发现她每日身着汉服,才知道女儿对汉服着了迷,从当初 反对她的“另类”打扮,后来竟也慢慢接受理解,并给予支持。“现在父亲有时在网上看到汉服相关资料,会第一时间发邮件给我。”家人的支持让“汉服女孩”秦 亚文有了坚强的后盾。

       According to QinYaWen introduced,Because hanfu dress,She has repeatedly and elder debate.QinYaWen parents at first thought her daughter to wear hanfu just chart a fresh,I later found out that her daily in hanfu,Just know her daughter for hanfu hooked,From the original objection to her"alternative"Dress up,Later, but also slowly understanding to accept,And give support."Now his father sometimes in the Internet to see hanfu related material,Will be the first time send email to me."The support of your family make"Hanfu girl"Qin aven have strong backing.
