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古装剧里邂逅汉服 女大学生坚持穿汉服上课3年--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室(3)

她三年里组织十余场汉服活动   She is three years organization more than 10 field hanfu activities

身体力行唤起人们的汉服文化记忆 Acting on the body of people, arouse the hanfu culture memory

  三年前,苏大校园里秦亚文是身着汉服第一人,也是唯一穿汉服的人,三年后的今天,秦亚文高兴地告诉记者,苏大已经有二十多个喜欢汉服的学生,她们偶尔也会穿 汉服外出。秦亚文是苏州汉服群的发起人,三年多时间里,该群已经有近两百人。秦亚文笑言,如今她有了很多志同道合的汉服朋友,现在的她已经不是一个人在 "战斗"。

Three years ago,SuDaJiao campus QinYaWen is dressed in hanfu first,It is the only wear hanfu people,Three years later,QinYaWen happily told reporters,Sue has more than 20 like hanfu students,They sometimes go out wearing hanfu.QinYaWen is suzhou hanfu group sponsors,More than three years time,This group has nearly two hundred people.QinYaWen smiled and said,Now she has a lot of like-minded hanfu friends,Now she is not a person in "combat".


During the university,Use of spare time QinYaWen will be held various activities,Wear hanfu show,Hanfu culture lecture, etc.More than three years down,QinYaWen has done more than 10 games with hanfu related activities,Participated in activities of initial hanfu sciolism and even misreading misunderstanding,After they can really understand the hanfu beauty and hanfu culture deep.

  据秦亚文介绍,三年前她走在大学校园里,身旁总会有同学指指点点,小声嘀咕,现在这样尴尬的情景已经很少出现。"不仅苏州,其实全国各地都散落着热爱汉服的 人,每到一个地方,看到穿着汉服的人,就像看到亲人,对汉服的共同爱好,一下子就拉近彼此间的距离。"秦亚文告诉记者,在全国各地,她都有志趣相投的汉服 知己。

According to QinYaWen introduced,Three years ago she walked in college campus,There will always be carted off to students,Small voice whisper,Now this awkward situation has rarely appears."Not only suzhou,In fact all parts of the country are scattered love hanfu people,Each to a place,See people wearing hanfu,Like to see relatives,The common interests of hanfu,Was close the distance between each other."QinYaWen told reporters,In all parts of the country,She have like-minded hanfu bosom friend.


QinYaWen introduced,Her daily wearing hanfu on the one hand because of hanfu was born with sincerity,On the other hand is also hope that through the external form arouse people to the memory of hanfu,To let more people know about hanfu,So as to better appreciate Chinese culture is extensive and profound.


热爱汉服也喜欢古典文化 Love hanfu also like classical culture

  去年还按古时女子成年礼节行"笄礼" Last year also perform woman adult etiquette line"Hair pinning ceremony"


Clothing is the carrier of culture,Basic necessities but also"clothes"Word",QinYaWen introduced,Hanfu began in the yellow emperor Ming dynasties until,It has four thousand years of history,Although various dynasties hanfu on modelling each have evolution,But the implied cultural implication is almost consistent.

  四 书五经,经史子集在汉服细节上都有体现,秦亚文举例说,汉服上衣后背都有中缝,就是寓意中庸之道。汉服通常由领、襟、裾、袂等十部分组成,每部分都各有考 究,不能随意更改。"有服章之美谓之华,有礼仪之大谓之夏",秦亚文解释,华夏之邦的由来与服装大有渊源,而服装则是礼仪最外在的呈现。

Four books and five,After the history subset in hanfu detail embodied,QinYaWen for example,Hanfu jacket back have raphe,Moral is the doctrine of the mean.Hanfu usually by the collar/front/fringing/No wait ten parts,Every part in the exam,Don't feel free to change."Chapter is serving the beauty of China ",Have manners of the summer "",QinYaWen explain,The origin of the Chinese nation and the clothing is origin,But the clothing is the most explicit present etiquette.

  采访中,秦亚文希望只提及其号"若兮","若兮"取自曹植《洛神赋》中描写洛水女神"仿佛兮若轻云之蔽月,飘飘兮若流风之回雪"二句。秦亚文对古典文学兴趣 颇深,自己取的字号都颇有底蕴。去年,二十岁的秦亚文按照古时女子成年礼节,在大学老师的见证下,行"笄(jī)礼"。

interview,QinYaWen hope only mention and its number"If xi","If xi"From cao zhi's[influenced]Described in LuoShui goddess"As if xi if light cloud shaded month,If the return is waving LiuFeng snow"Two other.QinYaWen classical interest is quite deep,Take his name they have inside information.Last year,20 years old QinYaWen according to old woman adult etiquette,In the university teacher under the witness,line"Ji(J ī)ceremony".

  古时女子十五岁许 嫁,行笄礼取表字。如果十五岁未许嫁,就后延到二十岁行笄礼。"秦亚文介绍,去年在二十岁那天,她搭了末班车,行了"笄礼"并在征求父亲同意下,自取表 字。秦亚文自取表字"初尘","初"字正对她名中的"亚"字,"尘"是看得见的微小事物,对其名中"文以载道"的"文"字,寓意简单踏实的生活。

Old woman fifteen years old xu marry,Do hair pinning ceremony take secondary personal name.If fifteen years old is not made to marry,Just to twenty years old later do hair pinning ceremony."QinYaWen introduced,Last year in twenty years old that day,She spent the last bus,did"Hair pinning ceremony"And ask for father's consent,Himself table word.QinYaWen secondary personal name himself"Initial dust","initial"Word is the name to her"the"word,"dust"Is visible tiny things,In the name of"Writing carry doctrine"of"wen"word,Moral simple practical life.


QinYa said,She dressed in hanfu,Did han rite is not want to follow the example of everyone,Just to let more people understand hanfu,Understand Chinese culture.
