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  今年开学时,大学新生中女生数量持续攀升得到关注,社会上展开了“男生危机”的讨论。近日,北京大学教授吴必虎在微博上发表观点,认为男孩心智成熟得比女孩晚,应该比女孩入学晚一年,此观点得到了很多家长和学者的响应。 At the beginning of this year,University students, Numbers of women continue to rise for attention,The society launched"Boy crisis"discussion.recently,Beijing university professor wu will tiger in micro bo published on view,That boy mental mature later than girls,Should a year later than girls admission,This view has been a lot of parents and scholar's response.


热点事件 Hot issues


北大教授提出错龄入学观点 Peking University professor put forward wrong age entrance point of view
关注男孩危机 调查显示女孩成绩好于

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"In view of the children's intelligence development of men and women at different speeds,Boy's common later than girls 2 years,Gay children have developmental differences,So the national unified regulation 7 years old children of men and women in violation of education law school.Suggest girl can be in 6 ~ 7 annual income study,The boy can be in 7 ~ 8 annual income study.The girl's parents obviously no opinion,Because no change.But boy late 1-2 years admission,The boy parents,Do you agree to this?"On September 24,Beijing university professor wu will tiger in micro bo published on view,That boy should be later than girls entrance.


This micro Po immediately caused a lot of discussion,There is no lack of among them identifier.Famous commentator CaoJingHang also think,The fundamental way to solve is the boy a year late admission,He was 7 ZuSui entrance.


Net friend sun_long expressed strongly agree,He said,Especially the boy born July,Just over six years old to go to school,With nine children born October a year or more later than to go to school,Psychological physiological gap is larger.


then,Wu will tiger in micro bo said:"The nature of fault age admission is to follow the law of education,Let parents are available in 5-8 years old children school age between freedom of choice."


On the same day,On the net also to this proposal launched vote,Of the 140 people participating in the vote,choose"Strongly agree with"Accounted for 21.75%;choose"There is something,Can consider"Accounted for 27.8%;choose"Let go of age,6-8 years free choice"Most the proportion of,Up to 42.6%;choose"Strong don't agree with"Only five people,4.3%.


不少家长支持错龄入学 Many parents support wrong age entrance


Wu tiger will put forward fault age entrance point of view to get a lot of parents' approval,But for more for parents is the more contradictions mood,Many a n experienced person have online support boy night a year school suggestion.


Doug mother said,6 years old son to go to school.In the son's class,The girl obviously better grades,Also more by the teacher's love.instead,Son because not careful,Performance is better than old girl,Get praise rarely,Repeatedly hit.and,Because my son is relatively small,Also often suffer.Several times down,Son confidence by the blow,She has to help children from other place for confidence.In addition,Doug due to the age is smaller,Class also change love dynamic problem,So there is no less get the teacher said.Doug mama said,From the actual situation of son to see,She is very understand this boy late last year learning initiative.


The reporter understands,At present many parents just said,Willing to let the boy go to school a year later,but,Real have let the child seven more school parents is not too much.


专家意见 Expert advice


男孩上学不应晚于7岁 The boy to school should not be later than seven years old


China youth research center deputy director/The researchers SunYunXiao said,According to the study,The boy early brain development level of language would indeed be later than girls,Boy at the age of 5,Only equivalent to three and half years old girl language development ability.therefore,He also identity children late in a good school,But should be in eight years ago to go to school.


SunYunXiao think,The girl 6 years old school is more appropriate,Because the girl that time cognitive abilities have suitable for primary school learning.In the present"The boy crisis"Under the environment of,He thinks that let the boy go to school late a year only is solved"Boy crisis"A problem,Rather than fundamental way.He said,The boy in the study relies mainly on the movement/operation/Computers and participation experience ways of learning,And these just is the foundation of school education to ignore,Should put the education teaching evaluation of combined standard better.


SunYunXiao think,The ideal way is,The boy unity and annual income study,Girl 6 annual income study.Because at that time,The boy's mind has basically achieve the requirements of admission,Can perform well in the teacher's teaching.but,Because many parents worried about competition,This approach is not feasible,A more realistic solution is to let nature take its course.


SunYunXiao said,Now many parents hope children early admission,At early caesarean section/Change of registered permanent residence,It is not necessary.For for boys,School the earlier,Frustration will be stronger,Girls have been suppressed,Especially in 1 to 4 grade,They feel they have no confidence,Feeling of competence difference.And girls in language communication/reading/Chat, etc often have obvious characteristics.


对话 dialogue


北京大学城市与环境学院教授吴必虎 Beijing university professor wu city and the environment will be tiger


建议采取弹性入学制 Suggests to adopt flexible admission system


Jinghua times:Why do you put forward"Men and women living wrong age to go to school"idea?


Wu will tiger:Main is to see the boy learning than girls.Now the big primary and middle school has appeared in such a situation,Though some explained that the boy on the high school can catch up with them,But it was not so.A lot of college girls quantity are more than boys,The university entrance exam is also more and more women champions,And not only limited YuWenKe,Many science champions also are girls.


Entrance age is planned economy results and product,[education]Only stipulate the compulsory school age,But they don't consider mental development is uneven.In fact,Each child's intelligence excavation situation/Emotional maturity is different,Unified age entrance lack of distinguish degrees.


I think,Should adopt flexible admission,Now many parents also think can try this method.


Jinghua times:In your students,The girl pressing boys was it serious?


Wu will tiger:Peking University graduate recommended need reference during undergraduate course is three to four years of average,High segmented girls than boys obviously a lot.Some say this is the problem of college entrance examination system,But I think not.Our college interview committee seven professor at the same time the interview,The admission of more than 20 people,Most of them are girls,Only three boys.In the interview,Whether answer this question,Or assessment,Girls behave glib,A clear and organized,All aspects are excellent,Instead the boy not obvious,One day down to find out a few to see the past.This kind of situation has existed for years.


My students in,There is a two boys,Because be the girl from pressing,Plus parents' education,Become soft,No masculinity,Although good intelligence,But lack of determination,Insufficient masculine,This butter unripe too much,The future to find objects are difficult.


Jinghua times:So do you think you"Wrong age to go to school"To be able to solve this kind of"Boy crisis"??


Wu will tiger:To solve the problem of the essence,But there are certain help.Generally speaking,The girl mental development will be around two years earlier than boys,If the boys go to school late two years,Can make his children born between men and women intelligence development almost,Boys have more to the psychological help.otherwise,They can only in the whole student career are constantly learning to frustration,No masculinity.Of my students,Many girls also feel boring,And I said"The teacher you can recruit some boys".


上学故事 School story


孩子太小推迟一年上学 The child is too small delayed a year to go to school


August,LiuJi son just seven years old.LiuJi son just over six years old,Has successfully graduate from kindergarten,The family that children can go to school.But LiuJi but don't think so,She said,At that time the son feel relatively small,And very naughty,Many ways cannot provide for oneself,Hope children don't too early bear up learning pressure,therefore,She wants to follow the example of foreign parents,Let the son night a year to go to school,As to send his gift.When to go to school for children,She also with my family had a big discussion.


Family feel,Should children to school as soon as possible,Even now can't keep up,And after a bit bigger will naturally follow up study.and,Now the students the competition is fierce,The more the child back,Pressure will be greater.Family think go to school early harmless,"A year earlier,May be reduced the tens of thousands of people's competition".


After the difficult choice,The whole family eventually agreed to 7 years old children go to school again.LiuJi is still very close to son near at home to find a kindergarten,Hope children play happy again a year.but,Since decided not to go after school,She also has a new worry.Son mood is very low,Especially saw nursery school age children to go to school,Is particularly sad,Will always ask LiuJi"The children still remember me?Why I don't go to school?"She had to spend a lot of energy to appease the child's heart,Tell him why.


7 years old when signing up a formal entrance,"We this situation seemed less,The teacher also repeatedly asked me why 7 years old took children to go to school",She had to follow the teacher explains many times.but,Her ideas also get some of the teacher's approval,The teacher also feel a bit bigger more sensible children to go to school.


LiuJi said,The child this year have entrance for more than a month,In the class is the big brother,Actually between students age are not big."Achievement is not the most major,I just hope children happy".


学校经验 The school experience


小学男女生差距不明显 Primary school boys and girls gap is not obvious


City experimental nest is the principal YuanAiGong said,Although the experts urged children wrong age to go to school,But in fact,More and more parents are willing to let the child go to school early.Experts said of the men and women living mental differences,In the teaching performance is not very obvious.


YuanAiGong said,Men and women living difference is due to personality.The girl quiet connotation,So learning up very sedate,And the boy is born active,In the active state.She said,In the teaching,Men and women born in age difference is not too big,For the teacher,Feel they more is complementary.


According to her feelings,In one to four grade,Indeed the girls do better in boys,The girl organization ability and oral expression ability is very strong.but,In the senior,Especially five grade begins,The boy became more advantage.


She said,Now the campus really do exist girls than boys strong phenomenon.In the low age,The boy want to listen to the words of the girl is common,Study result girls than boys also have a lot of good.but,The teachers in training or small cadre aspects pay attention to men and women collocation,Consciously train the boy's masculinity.class,The boy to participate in classroom questioning more positive,Thinking ability is stronger,And girls in language ability is stronger.YuanAiGong think,Gender difference is not too big.


YuanAiGong said,The provisions of the state over 6 years old children to school,In this year of school enroll more than 60 name in a freshman,Only two boys is 7 annual income study.She said,The two 7 annual income study boy,A name is parents long-term not at nearby,Want to accompany children more than a year,The other one is the parents hope children can last for a year in the law of the kindergarten life,Keep the habit of children take a nap.


She said,More and more parents are willing to children 6 years old and entrance,Especially there are many less than the age of the child parent,Always hope to advance into the school.She thinks,No matter how the child is the age of the entrance,The key is the school education,Have to be emphasis on training.
