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传统强国组团亮相教育展 英国留学签证政策调整--亲稳网络舆情监控室


On October 20,,Approved by the ministry of education/China education association for international exchange of"2012 China international education exhibition"Will be in Beijing international exhibition hall the curtain.Organizers revealed,This year there will be from 38 countries and regions more than 500 schools/Institutions exhibition,National pavilion was to reach 21.


This year is the theme of the exhibition"International education,Multivariate sharing".According to organizers,The traditional study powers such as beauty/add/British/New Zealand/DE/method/meaning/The Dutch/Russia and other still to national pavilion appearance,Exhibition school many,The German is borrow sino-german diplomatic relations between 40 anniversary,As the main objective countries,Concentrated fully show the quality of education resources and education concept.In addition to the traditional study outside countries,Many new countries abroad also join them,New power such as Sweden/Denmark/Ireland/Estonia/Slovakia/Lithuania/Ukraine/Chile etc are also taking advantage of and,Group exhibition.


Is professional in,More than 500 normal colleges bring both traditional and popular major also has the potential to professional,Such as the United States electronic engineering/Computer engineering/Information industry/Engineering and business;Canada's accounting/Business and financial;German engineering and engineering;French science/business/Fashion and art management;The Dutch marketing/Logistics technology and engineering;Sweden's environmental technology/nanotechnology;Finland's biological engineering;British art and design field;Italy's all kinds of design/fashion/art/Cultural heritage protection and rehabilitation professional, etc.


It is reported,The exhibition will also on October 23, - November 3rd xian tour/chengdu/Shanghai/wuhan/Changsha and guangzhou.


展会看点 Read exhibition


德国 “精英大学”参展 Germany "Elite university"exhibition


This year,Fall on/upon sino-german 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries,To the exhibition honoree countries the identity of the German pavilion at the appointed time will have nearly 40 well-known German universities/Institute and cultural institutions appear together.


According to the German academic exchange center outside,And has obtained the Germany"Elite plan"Huge funding graduate school/"Elite university"Etc the.


Germany there are 11 universities gain"Elite university"title,Such as the university of cologne in/Technical university of Munich.A popular Chinese students more favour German university of science and technology,Will be TU9 Germany university of technology alliance identity common at the exhibition.




一流教育,低廉学费 First-class education,Low tuition


One of the characteristics of Germany higher education is"First-class education/Low tuition",The German culture out of the world famous engineer.


At present,German universities do not collect fees,Or only receive very low tuition fees.It is reported,Accept tuition state including Bavaria and lower Saxony,The two states of charge tuition only between 100 to 500 between European champions.compared,Tuition is low.


允许毕业后居留18个月 Allow residence 18 months after graduation


In order to further attract talents,The German plan in 2020 foreign students studying in Germany from 240000 the number increased to 300000,In order to enhance and improve the Germany in the area of skilled migration international image.


At the same time,According to the new law this year,The German government to allow the eu countries foreign students after graduation in Germany for 18 months,In order to find a fit their qualification of work.During this period,Foreign students can work in any time.Each university career guidance center will also provide help for graduates.


加拿大 大幅提升国际学生数 Canada increased number of international students


This pavilion is Canada so far in the overseas organizations of the most massive education promotion activity.Canada is a federal state,The federal government do not set the ministry of education,Education affairs all by provincial governments responsible for specific.The education exhibition in the Canada pavilion,Many provincial government official education popularization setups will also participate,Show the regional characteristics,Such as the BC provincial/YiErBo tower province and etc.


Canada this exhibition institutions is up to 95,Including the university of Toronto/Manitoba university/British Columbia University/University of york/University of Ottawa/The university of western Ontario/University of Windsor/University of Calgary/North British Columbia University/Ontario university of science and technology/Prince Edward island university/Vancouver island university, etc,And many other public education bureau/Private colleges, etc.




国际学生人数将到45万 The number of international students will come to 450000


According to the Canadian embassy staff revealed,2012 1 to September,Canada has to deal with the embassies or consulates in nearly 300000 short-term travel/Business visit and study visa,More than 2011 year 130% of the total.


At present,Chinese students studying in Canada has more than 70000.recently,The Canadian federal government announced,Hope from now to 2025,Canada will receive international students from the current 230000 or so increased to 450000.


多项计划方便留学申请 A number of plan convenient applying for study abroad


Through learning straight into the plan/Students partner plan and multiple return visa and so on many convenient students apply the categories set up,Applying for study abroad is becoming more and more convenient,The success rate is significantly higher.


At the same time in Canada,More than twenty thousand international students through 2009 the establishment of the Canadian experience class immigration category successful permanent resident status.


英国 签证官现场咨询 British visa officer consultation


Cultural and education section of the British embassy/University of Manchester/University of Warwick/University of Birmingham/Sheffield university/University of Nottingham/Leeds university/St Andrews university/Liverpool university.According to students and parents are very concerned about the new visa policy,Site will have a visa officials to provide you visa consulting.


In addition,The exhibition not only financial/Business and management of popular major,Also will launch the media/engineering/The law and the new sports management/Digital technology/Curators and other professional.At the same time in the international exhibition on,The British embassy/consulate general will be in Beijing cultural and education section/Shanghai and guangzhou in the exhibition opened the special British art design exhibition area,To demonstrate to the Chinese public English education institutions in art/Design and creative fields to the forefront of creation and teaching results.




去年拒签率下降至4% Last year refused rate fell to 4%


In 2011, he went to the British university applicants up 60% over 2009,At the same time,Low levels of course application because the related policy tightening and was reduced by 50%.In China,Because of high quality students apply for the rise,Denied rate in 2010 from 14% to 4% in 2011.


留学生签证政策调整 Student visa policy adjustment


This year,The home office for foreign student visa policy adjusting,From April 6 up to cancel the original graduates work visa,Greatly improve the English level of foreign students threshold and the cost of living that amount,At the same time will also strictly limited international students in English learning and work time.


The British ambassador to WuSiTian has said,New British student visa to effectively protect the best interest of the students,Ensure that the British accept high quality education,At the same time to prevent the abuse of a student visa,And continue to attract excellent international students to study English.


美国 留学政策有望越来越宽松 The United States policy is expected to more and more comfortable


This exhibition is the United States the school nearly 80,Including New York university institute of technology/The Virginia tech/The New York state university of buffalo/The university of Michigan west/Jue huge learn/University of rochester institute of technology/The university of Missouri, Kansas city/Temple university and its business school/The university of Massachusetts/Kent state university/Kansas state/San Francisco university/The New York film academy/San Francisco art university/University of California, irvine/University of California at Los Angeles international education college/And California state university system 5 university, etc.


Analysis of the personage inside course of,From the current see,Chinese students to study abroad will continue to go up,Reason is affected by the financial crisis,The American college of finance does not improve,The university will still increase for the Chinese student admissions strength,All kinds of policies and scholarship system on good will continue,Study abroad policy is expected to more and more comfortable;At the same time,China itself education resources,More and more students go abroad to study abroad as a selection of high quality education resources export;Various factors superposition,Is expected to make the United States lasts hot.




在美留学生中国占22% International students in the United States China accounted for 22%


According to the American association of international education(IIE)Annual report shows,In 2010-2011,China has the second year in a row the United States the largest source of overseas students.The report shows that,Chinese students leave the total to 157558 people,The United States accounts for about 22% of the total number of overseas students.


The report says,In the 2009/10 school year,International students in the United States the 10 most popular area of study was business and management/engineering/Mathematics and computer science/Physics and life science/Social science/Art and applied art/health/Strengthen the English language/education/Humanities and agricultural.


法国 “一对一面谈”答疑解惑 France "One-on-one interviews"unriddling

  今年,法国高等教育署组织了27所法国高校亮相法国展区,其中包括14所工商管理院校、 4所综合大学、3所工程师学院和6所专业技术学院,其中有法国顶尖管理学院之一的南特经济管理学校、法国排名前五位的北方高等商业学校、欧洲管理硕士排名第二的欧洲管理学院-巴黎HEC商学院以及里昂经济管理学院等充分展现了法国高等教育的多样性。

This year,The French higher education department organized and the French universities exhibition at the French,Including the business management institutions/ 4 comprehensive university/3 engineers institute and 6 professional technology institute,There are French top management of one of nantes economic management school/France ranked in the top five north higher commercial school/European master of management ranked second European college of management - HEC Paris business school and Lyon economic management academy fully show the French higher education diversity.


In France exhibition area,The French universities will through the one-on-one interviews form and hope FuFa study for a master's or doctor diploma students for them to meet and unriddling,At the same time will also host the French higher education sessions.




工学/管理为重点专业 Engineering/management as the key professional


France in 2011 issued 10000 a student visa.So far,In France the Chinese students study in total has more than 30000.The French higher education department related officials say,France hope in 2015 to have 50000 Chinese students studying in France,50% of applying for study abroad through the sino-french college cooperation project implementation,66% of the study abroad apply for master's and doctoral stage,75% of the study abroad apply for the following key development professional:engineering/Management and public institution management.


意大利 文化产业是最大卖点 The Italian culture industry is the biggest selling point


The exhibition,Italian education center will join 19 by the Italian government the authentication institutions composition Italian pavilion,Among them include the design/fashion/art/music/Art of famous colleges and universities.Such as the European institute of design/MaLanGe, college/NABA milan art university/The west's oldest university bologna university;Open the world's first cultural heritage protection and repair professional udinese university,And Venice carver scarlett university/Genoa university.


After last year for the first time after leading the family guest countries,Italy to study abroad keep a high attention,Favorite intergovernmental Marco Polo plan and turandot plan are also promote the study in Italy became the focus.


According to the Italian education center in China always XingJianJun doctor is introduced,This exhibition is the highlight of launch cultural heritage/Cultural heritage protection/Ancient building repair/Ancient cultural relics repair and the ancient books repairing course,And these courses and and cultural creative industry management form cross course,The employment competitive power is very strong.At the same time,Will also put the biological technology,Agriculture and food safety technical recommendations to Chinese students.


俄罗斯 政府挂帅,力推高端专业 The Russian government reappearance,Push high-end professional


By the Russian federal education science and the Russian federal education administration organization"Russian higher education pavilion"Includes more than 20 famous Russian colleges and universities.


Russia in the high-end professional field teaching/Scientific research has a higher level,A lot of professional ahead of the European and American countries,therefore,Russia will be comprehensive universities introduced world-class leading professional,If the rockets/aviation/space/geological/mining/nuclear/Ship manufacturing/Biomedical new process/Molecular physics/Computer software/Optical and electronic instrument processing, etc.

  留学TIPS 扩招留学生应对生源不足

Study TIPS to insufficient enrollment students students


September this year,The Russian federal education and science said,The number of Russian higher school will reduce,The reason is currently Russia all university students are facing shortage problem/Hard enrollment is more and more serious,Thus expand to foreign students enrollment and strength will become the university to solve this problem is the only way of.therefore,In 2010-2012,The Russian government has issued a series of policies for foreign students,Including investment 32 billion roubles,Support and the national research university and national university of Moscow/National university of st. Petersburg development funds,Establish Russian test center,Allow foreign students legal jobs,Russia university enrollment rate doubled in China rapidly rising and provide government scholarship, etc.


- 其他国家参展信息 Other countries - the information


澳大利亚 Australia


Have more than 10 well-known colleges and universities exhibition,Such as the university of new south wales/Queensland university/Deakin university/Wollongong university/The central Queensland university/The university of ballarat, etc,In addition several private high school/Vocational education and language school also will appear on the exhibition.


新西兰 New Zealand


New Zealand education international TuiGuangJu and New Zealand embassy education organized more than 10 schools exhibition,Including Auckland university of science and technology/Christchurch polytechnic university/Lincoln university/Manu card university of science and technology/Otago university/Waikato university and Wellington university of Victoria, etc.


荷兰 The Dutch


The Dutch higher education international exchange association organized and the famous university,Professional disciplines comprehensively,Compared with Chinese students care about business/Management professional,Such as the university of Amsterdam,Tilburg university,Dike shelemiah fort benning, business school,Rotterdam, IRA, university's;The oldest university in the Netherlands Leiden university also at Beijing,Professional involved in medical and logistics etc;At the university of groningen in the,The establishment of the second university in the Netherlands,The professional universality in the Netherlands in the university in the first place.


西班牙 Spain


By the Spanish foreign trade development council organization Spanish national pavilion will bring the 26 the colleges and universities,Including comprehensive public university/Business school/Language schools and government agencies, etc.the,Bar tower cloth in the university/Castilla la mancha university/Este ray maduro pull university/Balearic islands university/Rio ha university/Oviedo university/Basque university/At the university of navarre, and zaragoza university this 9 public universities coalition of Beijing booth will be appeared.Famous in Europe two business school ESIC business school and IE business school will also face to face with the Chinese students.


爱尔兰 Ireland


Ireland has nearly 10 famous colleges and universities education exhibition focused appearance,Such as the holy trinity college Dublin/National university of Ireland/Dublin city university/The ink rick university/National university of Ireland(Galway)/National university of Ireland, mei's/Dublin institute of technology/University of Dublin, Ireland, etc.


北欧 Nordic


The Nordic countries is also study hot spots.Swedish foreign exchange committee organized lund university,Stockholm university/KaLuoLinSiKa medical school/Halmstad university/Zar,'s university of science and technology etc 15 Sweden university.Denmark innovation of science and technology department subordinate Danish international education center organized 6 Danish university,Including AoHuSi university/Researchers at Copenhagen university and technical university of Denmark, etc.The Swiss embassy has also brought the holy and Aaron university/Swiss application technology and art university and IMI Swiss international hotel management college.


东欧 Eastern Europe


Eastern European countries have many exhibition.


Lithuania university league organization for nearly 20 universities education exhibition for the first time.Estonia higher education development center Archimedes committee will promote Estonia business school/Tallinn university/Estonia academy of art, and other well-known colleges and universities.


Bulgaria varna free university/Poland Warsaw institute of technology/Slovakia academic information center/Latvia education and science - academic information center,Ukraine will be gathered in Beijing the ministry of education.


南美 South America


South America countries,Chilean valparaiso university/Chile development university/Valparaiso Catholic university/Federico SAN maria technology university;Mexico veracruz university, Beijing station will take part in the exhibition.


亚洲 Asia


The Asian countries, such as Hong Kong, city university of Hong Kong/Hong Kong professional education institute and Hong Kong special institute of design knowledge,South Korean ewha women's university,India Ralph in university of science and technology,Singapore east Asian school of management/Nanyang technological university college of engineering, etc,The Middle East Israel's ORT blau DE university will participate in the exhibition.


- 主办方说 - organisers say

  理性选择目标 独立办理留学

Rational choice goal for independent study


Pope tile,China's education international exchange association deputy secretary-general


As the largest international education exhibition domestic one,China international exhibition of positioning is first collection quality and normal colleges and universities all over the world to come to China.We only accept the overseas colleges and universities,China is to provide students with a face to face with the representative of direct communication and exchange platform,Hope that this platform can help students and parents get from a school first-hand material.At the same time,Also encourage students to think rationally independent study/Choose target,Independent understanding of the process,For study abroad formalities,For future study road lay the good foundation.
