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教育部发布儿童发展指南 未涉及性教育遭质疑--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  “孩子问:我从哪来的?这个最易问到的‘敏感问题’在《指南》里没找到答案。”昨天,扬子晚报报道了教育部发布《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的新闻,引发不少读者热议。有细心的家长和老师发现,这份儿童发展指南中唯独只字未提“性教育”。但不少家长表示,幼儿的“性问题”其实真不少,怎么解答让家长们很头疼。 扬子晚报记者 蔡蕴琦 王璟 "The boy asked:I come from?The most easily asked‘Sensitive problem’in[guide]Haven't find the answer."yesterday,Yangzi evening news reported issued by the ministry of education[3-6 years old children's learning and development guidelines]news,Many readers caused by hot debate.A careful's parents and teachers found,The child development guide but nothing"Sex education".But many parents said,Children's"Sexual problems"In fact true many,How to answer let parents very headache?. Yangzi evening news reporter CaiYunQi Jing king
Issued by the ministry of education[3 to 6 years old children's learning and development? ?? ?
读者追问 Readers asking


《指南》为何独缺“性教育”? [guide]Why only lack of"Sex education"?


"this[guide]Pay attention to the child's health/language/Science, etc,Why is not involved in the children's sex education."NaShiDa preschool education development center kang the teacher pointed out that,For parents and a lot for kindergarten teacher,3-6 years of education the discovered how,What are the error,Education how to grasp the degree,These are the issue that everybody CARES.[guide]Nothing in,Is a"regret".


"In the kindergarten,About the child sex education content almost no.Only when the children to the toilet,The teacher will say that girls go first,The boy and the girl come back again.Some boys will ask,Why ah?"A kindergarten teacher said,Children have such a curiosity,But the present course no such content."Some young preschool teacher education can not grasp the degree,[guide]If the can give some workable solutions of the burning issue advice."


Reporter then detailed thumb through,Found that the ministry of education issued the for 47 page[3-6 years old children's learning and development guidelines]in,Really have no separate chapters children"Sex education",Only in"The basic safety knowledge and self-protection capability"This section,Mention a education Suggestions:"Tell children don't allow others to touch their private parts."


家长苦恼 Parents distress


幼儿“性问题”真不少 children"Sexual problems"Such a lot


女孩会学爸爸站着尿尿,男生喜爱摆弄小鸡鸡 The girl will learn father stood pee,The boy like tinkering with chicken chicken


interview,Many parents reflect to the reporter,Children in early childhood,Parents will face to answer a lot of"Sexual problems".


小男生小女生也会“自慰”? The little boy little girl will also"masturbation"?


Ms. Wang's daughter in kindergarten classes this year,Let her unexpected is,Children always to chicken chicken little sparrow finches such topic take great pains,Also learn father stood pee."His father took her bath are dressed in her underwear,She actually by dad pants said:dad,You there like a lollipop!We really don't know how to let her say!"And wang have the same worries parents really many."My son always like to touch your chicken chicken."Mr. Zhang told reporters,He learned that data access,The child to do so unexpectedly is seeking pleasant sensation,Is a kind of masturbation behavior,"It was hard to worry."


中班女生痴迷同班男生 Middle shift girls crazy classmate boy


"I think the most terrible is our daughter home to the middle shift,Unexpectedly to the class a little boy to‘Infatuated with’degree."Children in nanjing QinHuaiOu a public kindergarten classes on the ms. Zhang to her the change said concerns,"Had such a small child like and class which students playing,I think that is very normal thing.But now some of her action let I was too surprised."


Ms. Zhang told reporters,"One day daughter is very hard to say:‘I grew up to marry him,Put your money to him!’In the kindergarten,Daughter always look for every chance to and the little boy together,Even plunged head first to touch the boy's face,Active pulling somebody else's hand.The child begin to understand so early,Later not to early love it?"


幼儿园探索 Kindergarten exploration


幼儿园怎么教?主要还是“性别教育” Kindergarten how to teach?The main or"Sex education"


Reporters found that,More and more kindergarten children no longer avoid"Sex education",But try to do some exploration/communication,Help parents to solve the trouble problems.


专家建议妈妈带儿子洗澡 Experts suggest mother took son take a shower


"The mother took his son home take a shower,The father took his daughter take a shower,With the practical action tell children heterosexual body is not rare."a,In nanjing experimental kindergarten parents meeting classes,NaShiDa teach science college family education experts YanFei of this view cause parents hot debate.YanFei teacher explained,"From the age of 4,The child will produce curious to the body,Parents have to do it is easy to tell them,And take a shower is the most basic way to enlightenment.If this stage parents didn't meet children curiosity.This curiosity will continue to the next age,And long plagued the child."


老师妙答:长大你就会知道 The teacher best answer:Grow up you will know


Reporter survey found,At present in the kindergarten are no thematic so-called"Sex education",Mainly in daily education permeation of some sex education.


"The children will put forward such and such strange questions,Can say some‘Great grandma’/‘Chicken chicken’So let a person feel embarrassed words."interview,One does not wish to disclose the name of the kindergarten teacher told reporters,Yourself just graduated,Also not married,So in the face of these words also embarrassed to explain to the children."An experienced teacher in charge teacher will tell me,Encounter this kind of problem,There is a magic weapon:It said to the children:‘Grown up you will know’."


专家回应 Experts respond to


1 未提敏感字眼,是怕家长过度关注 1 no mention sensitive words,Is afraid of parents excessive attention


For why[guide]No clear about"Infant sex education"topic,Contact reporters to participate in at that time[guide]Review of the nanjing gulou kindergarten CuiLiLing the principal.It is understood,Cui the principal is the ministry of education preschool education steering committee members of the committee,Is when the participation[guide]Review of one of 30 members."this[guide]simple/Operational strong,Not only to the kindergarten education has the guidance function,To parents also have help."CuiLiLing told reporters,The kindergarten education about sexual topics,Discussion was also more,Is not explicit reference,Is to prevent"sensitive"The emergence of the word, on the contrary, will cause parents excessive attention,Parents are afraid/worry,Resulting in the effect of structures.


2 其实《指南》有一些性教育“指点” 2 actually[guide]There are some sex education"directions"


"To the child development benign aspect of sex education is needed,Because as children, such as the development of cognitive ability,There will be accompanied by about these aspects of education demand.But how to put this question scientific transfer,Was the experts discuss topics.In fact,in[guide]Although there is no clear in‘Sex education’formulation,But there are some content,Or related."CuiLiLing analytic said,For example, in"The basic safety knowledge and self-protection capability"This section,Mentioned education Suggestions:Tell children don't allow others to touch their private parts.That is to let the children know that what is their privacy parts,Learn to protect themselves are not infringed upon;Again for instance in"interpersonal"Goal 1 mentioned:4-5 years old children can enjoy and children play together,Have to play together a lot friends.This means that kindergarten kids have their own favorite children also is very natural thing,Adults don't often mentioned"Emotion between"up,Sense of anxiety.


3 幼儿性问题,家长教育把握两原则 3 infant sex problem,Parents education to grasp the two principles


For some parents anxiety children appear"Sexual problems",CuiLiLing said,Undertake to the child sex education,Main grasp two principles:One is not to strengthen,Let nature take its course.When a child curious to ask,Adults also don't be shy,Can naturally to answer their curiosity;The second is that love is given priority to/In interpersonal and gender identity is given priority to.Let the child in such a process like themselves,Identity himself.


"The child asked parents,Parents also don't be shy,Any part of the body can be naturally told them;For the child will touch reproductive organs such behavior,Parents should first check the is:Give children trousers are too tight/The child is allergic constitution or give your child to wear underwear is clean enough,Because pruritus may be cause children this behavior incentive,Children with face itchs touch face is the same."CuiLiLing said.
