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只因不会做算术 五岁女童被狂扇70余下耳光--亲稳网络舆情监测室

视频截图:被伤害女童 Video screen:Been hurt girl
  近日,一段发生在山西省太原市蓝天蒙特梭利幼儿园的视频让无数网友愤慨视频里,一位女老师对着年仅五岁的孩子们加以施暴,扇耳光、揪脸,下手毫不留情。监控录像记录下了这一个个令人触目惊心的过程,孩子家长含泪数了一下:就在10月15日的下午四点左右,短短10分钟的时间,这位老师就在一个女童的脸上狂扇了70下耳光。 recently,A happened in taiyuan, Shanxi Province blue sky montessori kindergarten video let numerous net friend indignation in the video,A female teacher to only five years old children to violence,Fan a slap in the face/Face pulled,Kill without mercy.Surveillance video to record the process of a scream,Child parent tearful counted:On October 15, afternoon around four o 'clock,Just 10 minutes,The teacher is in a girl's face crazy fan the 70 a slap in the face.


Reporters from the Shanxi Province yesterday yingze district to know,According to the kindergarten teachers LiZhuQing corporal punishment children event,Taiyuan city related department has taken measures.At present,LiZhuQing has been administrative detention 15 days,The kindergarten has been banned,In the garden 43 children are properly shunt.Taiyuan city of relevant departments jointly law enforcement team,On October 22, up to a month of concentration and rectify.


视频:十几分钟,女童被老师狂扇耳光 video:Ten minutes,The girl was the teacher crazy fan a slap in the face


A girl's father Korean teacher said:"I at five o 'clock in the afternoon very connected to the children.When connected to a child,Her eyes have two bumps,swollen,Black green,Eyes are swollen.From 4 to 4:30,The teacher hit my girl face under 70!Also in the buttocks played two feet."


Korean teacher told reporters,His daughter 5 years old this year,In taiyuan city's blue sky montessori nursery school to go to school,Is just monitoring inside is playing the most serious little girl.From the monitoring of,Reporters can see black-and-blue children and not Korea master home children a,At least see have four children are subject to the teacher different degree of beating,"There is a child was played 43 next,A dozen four,A play the next 27."


The children really made a what kind of mistake,The teacher will be to the child down so malicious hand?


Korean teacher told reporters,The teacher is because children won't do"At the 10 + 1"arithmetic,"Single-digit addition the child will.The first said won't,The teacher taught my house after the girl,The boy said‘Teacher liu I can't’,The teacher with a book impact is the face of the child".


Video monitoring in,The reporter sees,The teacher basically all is for the children in correcting the homework to beat the boy,The children were standing on the other side,Some still side beaten,Side BanZhi head arithmetic,All daring to speak.


What calls in kindergarten told reporters,The hitting the teacher came to the kindergarten soon,Also on probation.

涉事幼儿园展板 Wade things kindergarten exhibition board


处理:幼儿园被取缔,老师被拘留 processing:Kindergarten was banned,The teacher was detained


According to introducing,After the incident,Taiyuan city party committee and YingZeOu/The government held an emergency meeting,Survey understand the specific situation,Requirements relevant departments take immediate measures,To deal with problems as soon as possible.So far,The relevant departments on the basis of investigation in earnest,According to[Public security administration punishment law of the People's Republic of China],On October 22, LiZhuQing to implement administrative detention 15 days of punishment.


Yingze district education bureau issued notice of suspension,The blue sky kindergarten has not obtained[Private kindergarten license],Belong to illegal the kindergarten,Shall immediately close down.YingZeOu bureau of blue sky kindergarten requirements as soon as possible liquidation work well property,Children to repel the tuition,Pay the staff wages,Completely closed kindergarten.


Taiyuan city related department and to form joint law enforcement team,On October 22, to November 22 for a month of concentration and rectify,On the"LaWangShi"Big machines,Resolutely have serious problems kindergarten.And this will be for authentication,Further strengthen the management of the kindergarten,Strengthening the construction of ethics of teachers,Promotion of the teacher's professional moral accomplishment,Resolutely put an end to such incidents happen again.

视频截图:涉事幼儿园教学场景 Video screen:Wade things kindergarten teaching scene

探访:当地教育局曾6次下发停办通知 visit:The local education bureau has issued by 6 times suspension notice


23,Reporter on-site visit in things kindergarten,Yingze district is in the south China sea west street 5 one place quiet building hospital.Kindergarten gate lock,In front of the blackboard,Kindergarten fees notice emblazoned on the wall.fence,Young children tagging name homework very eye-catching.Through the Windows,The the blackboard in the classroom is still remain Chinese characters/Arithmetic and teaching content.


Reporter in the kindergarten see nearby,Several children alone at home, accompanied by long play.Many parents said,In the blue sky kindergarten of students,There are quite a part to the worker of ab extra wu is avoided.Most of the parents is to take a fancy to it a small number of blue sky kindergarten/Leave home close,And to receive small age children's characteristics,Choose into garden.


It is understood,In the blue sky kindergarten,Each child each semester will cost about $56000.Ms zhu children and beaten girl belong to one class.Ms zhu said,Begin hitting miss li just to school soon,As a class teacher in charge.At present,The blue sky kindergarten class for children to open Chinese language/arithmetic/Art course such as,And in the homework after class.In February next year,Executive students will usher in the exam papers.it,Before the,Ms zhu's children ever were in things teachers' crowds.In addition,A number of infant parents said,Children don't want to go to the kindergarten.


According to local media reports,In two years time,YingZeOu education bureau have 6 times to the blue sky kindergarten issued notice of suspension,But organizers without any approval department under the condition of private article opened,To KaiYuan.(According to the xinhua news agency/CCTV, etc)
