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网友质疑新版眼保健操功效 称其为翻白眼教程--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

网友质疑新版眼保健操功效 称其为翻白眼教程“新型健眼操”网络视频截图 "New health eye operation"Network video screen

  网友调侃新版眼保健操 “做操防近视”再引争议

Net friend poking fun at new eye exercises "Do exercises prevent myopia"To cause the dispute


recently,In a"Rotational eyeball"Give priority to the new eye exercises video on the Internet heat transfer,Is the Internet for fun"Roll tutorial".China"Do exercises prevent myopia"Lasted for several decades,Teenagers myopia, the situation was all the more serious.time,around"Eye exercises for efficacy"Discussion reignite hot debate.


网友调侃新型眼保健操 “转眼球”功效遭质疑 Net friend poking fun at new eye exercises "A ball"Efficacy has been questioned

新型眼保健操走红 网友戏称“翻白眼 New eye exercises popular net friend calls"Roll his eyes? ?? ?


Network circulating on this"New health eye operation"Video in,A girl in red on the demonstration practice,The basic practice action is divided into six parts:Eyes left in the left lower on the watch/At the lower right eyes to see/Eyes left to right to see/Eyes clockwise rotation to watch/Eyes turn counterclockwise to watch/At close their eyes to force open your eyes and look up,Finally close their eyes a rest can,The whole process continued for 5 more minutes.


Because the whole department eye exercises are through"A ball"To realize,The net friend calls for"Roll professional tutorial",Netizens to complain,Finish this"Xi feels dye-in-the-wood is"After the eye exercises,Eyes but feel very uncomfortable,Not a few net friend and this new eye exercises questioned the effect.


"It's a‘Roll his eyes’Movement ah,The finished tired eyeball are going to jump out of the","Zhen 嬛 edition eye exercises are finally:Various despised/contempt/osd/ignore","This where is exercises,Finish with your eyes open,The fast eyes flounder died."


In fact,this"Rotational eyeball"Eye exercises there are multiple versions,called"Bright eye operation"/"Multidimensional visual training", etc.According to media reports,zhejiang/Shandong some cities have a pilot project on campus,And by the students like to compare.


Some experts say,The older version of the eye exercises is mainly by traditional Chinese medicine massage ofbuttocks acupoint primarily,Pay attention to massage acupuncture points to be exact,Force should be in place,But acupuncture points and temperature children generally difficult to master,Don't hand"Eye movement"Can relax the muscles,Alleviate visual fatigue,Also more likely to be children operation.

  对于围绕新版眼保健操功效的争议,北京同仁医院眼科中心眼中医科主任邱礼新表示,这种活动眼球的方式能否缓解眼疲劳,目前还不能判定,“对眼睛有保护作用的、对青少年身体健康有益处的做操方式方法,都可以积极探索,但是在推广之前一定要进行规范的科学论证,才能具有说服力” 。

For around new eye exercises efficacy dispute,Beijing tongren hospital medical director of the center of ophthalmology of eyes QiuLi new said,The activities of the way and can relieve eye eye fatigue,There was no decision,"To protect the role of the eyes/On youth health beneficial do exercises methods,Can actively explore,But in the promotion of previous must through the standard scientific proof,To convincing" .


“做操防近视”再引争议 专家提醒勿本末倒置 "Do exercises prevent myopia"To cause the dispute experts remind don't put the cart before the horse

  “揉天应穴,挤按睛明穴,揉四白穴,按太阳穴轮刮眼眶……”这套1963年由北京医学院体育教研组主任刘世铭根据中医经络穴位理论、推拿按摩方法自创一套眼保健操,经国家推广后延续至今,已近乎为中国的 “全民运动”。

"Knead day should be hole,Crowded by ching Ming hole,Knead four white hole,According to the temporal wheel scraping orbital..."The 1963 by Beijing medical college sports teaching and research group director LiuShiMing according to TCM theory of channels and collaterals acupuncture points/Massage massage method bas a eye exercises,After the national promotion continues today,Is already in China "Sports for all".


Although some of area have been modified,but"Do exercises to prevent myopia"Traditional in China in the primary and secondary schools continue.decades,China youth myopia situation was continued to worsen,Statistics show,At present China youth myopia rate is 60% to 70%.


In recent years,"Eye exercises useless theory"Also appear continuously.Five years ago,Science writer fang had an article points out"The world only Chinese in the implementation of the eye exercises,And Chinese students myopia rate is the world's second row."July,a"Eye exercises mutilating China youth 49 years,The world only China doing eye exercises"Micro bo once again on the Internet caused by hot debate.


At the press random interviews in the primary and middle school students,Most people think that insist on doing eye exercises for many years,His case is myopia does not improve."From primary school to do eye exercises to now,class‘glasses’More and more,I have to change two glasses,Degree is more and more high."October 24th afternoon,In the Beijing tongren hospital in vision inspection ZhangXinRan grade students told reporters,Instead of doing eye exercises every day,Let the school layout point less homework.


"LaoBan eye exercises the relevant acupuncture points,In traditional Chinese medicine is used to treat eye diseases,These meridians are already confirmed for the treatment of eye disease,Especially for alleviate visual fatigue has obvious effect."QiuLi new said,"Both new and old eye exercises,Are defined as‘Health care’operating,not‘treatment’."

  “青少年近视率提高,近视的原因主要就是用眼过度,不能归罪于眼保健操无用。” 邱礼新指出,“现在中小学生学习压力过大,电子产品越来越多,过度用眼造成眼部睫状肌的紧张或痉挛,慢慢出现假性近视和真性近视,如果不去在平时注意科学用眼,仅靠做眼保健操来控制近视,是属于本末倒置的做法。”

"Adolescent myopia rate increase,Myopic reason mainly is to use eye excessive,Not impute eye exercises useless." QiuLi new points out that,"Now primary and middle school students learning stress,Electronic products more and more,With the eye excessive causes eye ministry ciliary muscle tension or spasm,Slowly appear pseudomyopia and true myopia,If you don't go in usually pay attention to the science with the eye,Only by doing eye exercises to control myopia,It is to belong to the practice of put the cart before the horse."


"In fact,For myopia,The eye is wrecker,Is the victim,Lead to myopic incentive many,Today's diet is not reasonable,Lack of exercise,The brain excessive oxygen consumption is myopia appear incentive",QiuLi opinions,If every day with the eye excessive,Diet is not reasonable,Lack of exercise,Only hope that a few minutes of eye exercises to prevent myopia is not realistic.
