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学好数理化 空手劈砖都不怕--亲稳网络舆情监测室


教授会武术,流氓挡不住! Professor will martial arts,Rascal stop!


See his,Left hand to press brick,The right hand is raised.Hand fall brick break!Associate professor su WeiXiaoYong class this scene,In the online overturned thoroughly people to the professor's impression.Professor is not synonymous with glasses and weak sven!


And the students,Saw the show to explain the,For complex physics principle have great interests.But here comes trouble,Some people think he is martial-arts expert,Off the challenge,For a showdown negative.


 课堂断砖 学生惊叹 Class broken brick by students


podium,He speaks English professor physics knowledge,Young handsome.From time to time flipping slide,Give the students in class.


His name is WeiXiaoYong,35 years old,Associate professor su.


Spoke about the,He was after fight,Shook his head/Jilt left foot/BaiBai hand."I come to show a single hand split brick……"Wei teacher needs to be split brick?Didn't listen to wrong,?Students stare big eyes,Clap up babar palm.


Miss wei took out a piece of long/wide/High were 20/10/5 centimeters of red brick,Smash a walnut,"Won't will head to well test".He put the bricks on the desk,End on the table,End reach out desktop,Took off his coat after,"Ma bu" or horse stance taken less than a minute,"ha!"With a voice call,Miss wei lift arm suddenly cut to bricks,Brick answered and broken into two pieces.


Wow and,Miss wei the true cow ah!The classroom applause came again,The university associate professor,As if moment became martial-arts expert,The students have surrounded up,Ask miss wei have injured hand,hurt.The key is a child is not high/Looks sven university teacher,How can do single hand split brick?


劈砖 Split brick

  为讲科学工程实践 Speak for science and engineering practice

  这是大约半个月前,发生在川大望江校区“科学工程实践”课堂上,副教授魏骁勇运用物理原理单手劈砖的一幕,被同学们拍成视频后发到了网上。视频中, 老师授课内容被同学们翻译成中文,并配有字幕。

This is about half a month ago,Happened in su wangjiang campus"Science and engineering practice"class,Associate professor WeiXiaoYong using physical principle single hand split brick scene,By students made into a video to online backwardness.Video in, The teacher lectures translated into Chinese by students,And equipped with subtitles.


"Not kung fu,Not entertainment,Just science,Everyone can do it".WeiXiaoYong word what mystery,He is the integrated use of initial/High middle school the lever principle and law of impulse to realize split brick.


Put one hand split brick used in the classroom,Miss wei from a walk.Wei teacher told reporters,Now many students are after 90,Speak truth than do a experiment,Let the students seeing is believing,For this he has been thinking about how to improve teaching efficiency and teaching effect.His last semester in campus walk,See the campus construction field when bricks,Suddenly to the inspiration.so,He hugged 10 block bricks back to start the laboratory experiment.Research ZhangJin one student said,He is very like wei the teacher's lecture style,Often very complex boring principle and formula,Wei teacher is good at using a simple way to make people understand quickly.Also have students said,Before learning do not understand it by rote,Remember fast,But forget to also fast.


曾经学过武术 Once learned martial arts

  走红后有人挑战劈砖 After rising challenge someone split brick


Video a,The net friend immediately caused a hot debate.Wei the teacher also fire up soon,Netizens to admire miss wei are so considerate."Such a teacher too great,Class vivid,Atmosphere active,Teacher speak attractive,Students also like to listen to".Video comments,Have fun,But more and more are admire.At present,This section is a record of my teacher split brick teaching video,Has set up a file in the youku got more than 310000.


In addition,Wei teacher identity also let netizen elusive,He really is a university professor?Or wulin superior?WeiXiaoYong also revealed a secret,He did a little fighting skill,But none.When I was a child often use their spare time,To the sports school and martial arts training,But many are performance class routines,"HuaQuanXiuTui".2002 start,He fascinated by tai chi.but,He has repeatedly stressed that this and single hand split brick no relationship,Because he didn't know qigong.


There are even netizens feel wei teacher is a superior,Campus just his xanadu,Have net friend issued challenge,Want to meet miss wei,Have a competition single hand split brick who is the most severe.

  “比啥武喔,我只是一名老师”。魏老师幽默地表示,他不是少林寺的高僧,只是一名在四川大学任教两年的老师。“我也是接到同学的电话,才晓得传到网上去了。” 成都商报记者 安利平 图据网络视频截屏

"Than what wu oh,I'm just a teacher".Miss wei humorously said,He is not the shaolin temple monks,Just a name in sichuan university two years of the teacher."I also received students telephone,Just know that on Internet went to." Chengdu commercial daily reporter AnLiPing diagram according to network video screenshots


单掌断砖的秘密 Single palm off the secret of brick

  在于砖的一头翘起一点 In brick of a head tilted a little

  方法A 砖块全部放在桌面上。这样,手劈向砖块时的冲力,通过砖块形成压力扩散到桌面上,力量分散,不易劈断。

Method A brick all on the table.this,Hand split toward bricks of impulse,Through the bricks formation pressure diffusion to the table,Scattered forces,Split off not easily.

  方法B 砖块的一端留在桌面,另一端伸出桌面。这样,手劈向砖块时行成“剪力”,把砖块折断,不过这需要很大的力量,一般常人很难做到。

Method B bricks at the end of the stay in the desktop,The other side out of the desktop.this,Hand to make bricks split into"shear",The broken bricks,But it takes a lot of strength,General ordinary people difficult to do.

  方法C 将砖块的一端放在桌面上,用手按住,另一端伸出桌面,并抬起来一点点。 手劈向砖块时,力量用在砖块抬起的顶部,在最短的时间内以最快的速度劈向砖块。

Method C will be at the end of the bricks on the table,Put my hand on,The other side out of the desktop,And up a little bit. Hand to split the bricks,Power in the top of the lift with bricks,In the shortest time with the fastest speed to split toward bricks.


{1}Cleft end


According to the lever principle,Palm struck the bricks the end,Will produce the maximum impact force


{2}Micro tilt


According to the principle of impulse,Bricks with desktop to a certain distance,This can produce greater force


网友评论 The net friend comment on


"That kind of split three brick how explanation?"


Net friend spike month:"This teaching pretty interesting,China is lack of this kind of practical teaching".


Net friend miya:"This exactly is what class,physical?High number or qigong?"


LiuCheng 27:"That kind of split three brick how explanation?"


"Finally know how brick is split!""Professor will martial arts,Rogue also can not hold up against"/"I regret I didn't read the su"/"Focus is not split brick,But the teacher's lecture method is very cow""I know why I mathematics(physical)Hanged division the"……


他还发明“点名系统” He also invented"Call the roll system"

  拍照就可查谁翘课 Photos can check who to skip class


Miss wei also study a set"Call the roll system".Use this"Call the roll system",In class the teacher only need to the classroom points area as a few photos,Then will photo upload server can finish a calling.Photo upload server,Will automatically splicing into a big photo,Then the system automatically photos to the students in the head portrait automatic Numbers and identification,And the background data contrast,Know who comes to class,What people do not have to come to class."Of course,The current face recognition accuracy is not to get 100%,Add photos of problems such as Angle,System also do less than 100% automatic identification class students.


