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图书馆、教室一座难求 大学生开辟编外自习室--亲稳网络舆情监测室

图书馆、教室一座难求 大学生开辟编外自习室 图为:纺大学生食堂自习 The graph is:Spinning college students in the dining room self-study


Near one's deceased father grind,In many universities library and self-study the classroom is a is hard to find.China has obtained at hkust students even for a seat,In the library all night outside firm tent queue(This newspaper was reported).recently,Wuhan textile university students began to turn his eyes to the school canteen.Reporter observed,Many college students also began to open around the building of self-study resource.


食堂:靠窗座位受欢迎 Dining room:Window seat popular


From this the beginning of the semester,Buy cup soya-bean milk/With textbooks and exercise book in the dining room one morning time spent,A great many students spinning new choice."The classrooms and the library everyday self-study of the seat so damned,It is in the dining room environment is good,To self-study are not many."Media college students LiChong said.


According to the school campus sunshine a dining room administrator is introduced,After a dinner time,In the dining room and less people,Many students choose a quiet corner by the window reading,Only the morning rush hour can reach hundreds of people.Often in the study of textile college students ZhangWen told reporters,this"mecca"Be more and more students discovered,Think of a good seat also will begin to stand in the queue."The dining room window seat is quiet,Light and good,Learning tired still can see outside.But the 7 o 'clock in the morning,These seats don't have to count on it.Some students get up in the morning here to find a good seat,Eat a meal is in situ began to self-study."He said.


Reporter in the"occupation"The dining room of the students in inquiry found,Afraid of self-study interruptions/Don't want to go to the classroom rob seat is the most common reason.Electronic and electrical college students WangQianSheng is said,Compared with the classroom,Dining room is open,He and some of his classmates composition study group are discussed in a low voice,General will not to other students cause too big effect.


室外:边晒太阳边学习 outdoor:Edge in the sun and learn


The university campus in the woods will generally put some ShiYi stone,On sunny days,These places will also become a good place for students self-study."I like to go to school in the morning youth park early read a pavilion.If no classes in the morning,It is a sunny day,I simply in the self-study,Still can in the sun."China university junior student XiaoDu told reporters,This term he is preparing for the GRE general test,Outdoor open learning environment is more advantageous to the English memorization.


XiaoDu said,Due to the limited number of outdoor seats,And vulnerable to weather,To try your luck every day of seat of the students is not much."The weather has turned to cool,A bright learning time short,The temperature outside is also lower,After a short time I will join in the teaching building‘Accounts for a great army’."


快餐店:不打烊的自习室 Fast-food restaurant:Don't put up the shutters of the study room


In addition to the,In order to achieves the self-study"A place",Reporter discovery,Many fast food restaurants outside/Drinks store has become college students"Knitted study room".

  记者在光谷看到,星巴克咖啡店,麦当劳、肯德基等24小时营业的快餐店的角落里,不少学生面孔的人正在埋头学习,他们面前的桌上摆满了书本、笔记本电脑等物。“期末考试前,这里的人更多,而且不少是来通宵自习的。”正在肯德基里备战2013年研究生考试的一名大四学生告诉记者,她是地大的学生,因为习惯晚上复习又怕影响同学休息,她隔三岔五会到这里来开个“小灶”。“买杯水就能在这里坐一天,而且不打烊,冬天还有暖气。只是人多的时候吵了点,学习气氛不够浓。”她说。(楚天金报 记者梅莹 通讯员侯庆、乔琳、陶茂锐) Reporter in the optical valley see,Starbucks coffee shop,McDonald's/Kentucky Fried chicken and other 24 hours in the corner of the fast food restaurant,Quite a few students faces are sunk learning,Before them the table is strewn with books/The content such as laptop computers."Before the final exam,The people here more,And many came to all night self-study of."In KFC is prepare for the 2013 graduate examination of a senior student told reporters,She is a great students,Because habits night review again afraid influence students to rest,She regularly will come here to open a"stove"."Buy a glass of water can sitting here one day,And do not close,Winter heating and.Only when the people a little noisy,Learning atmosphere is not strong."She said.(Chutian 27 reporters MeiYing correspondent HouQing/jolin/TaoMaoRui)
