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山东高考8日起网报 学籍跨市考生回户籍地报名--亲稳舆论引导监测室


2013年高考8日起网报 In 2013 the university entrance exam 8 hauling newspaper


继续实行春夏季高考,学籍跨市考生户籍报名 Continues to implement springsummer college entrance examination,KuaShi students back to assess examinee registration


yesterday,Provincial education enrollment examination authority announced[Shandong province in 2013 the ordinary higher school recruitment of students registration work of the notice],From November 8 day,Our province will enter in 2013 college entrance examination time signing up.According to the requirement,Whether the college entrance examination in the spring or summer the university entrance exam,Are subject to an online application,Allow the examinee mutual and report.Student status and census register seat inconsistent fresh graduate of average high school,Belong to the same city can be in household or student status in county(city/area)registration,KuaShi only in census register place county(city/area)registration.


It is understood,Our province ordinary university recruitment of students continue to implement for different students types of classification test method,The university entrance exam that spring and summer the university entrance exam.Online application is divided into online fill basic information/The qualification examination and confirmation information/Online pay cost three stages.The college entrance examination in the spring and summer online college entrance examination provided basic information time are November 8 to 15.Spring the university entrance exam qualification examination and information confirm time for December 1 to December 4,;Summer the university entrance exam qualification examination and information confirm time for November 16 to 30 days,the,Fresh born outside of the examinee qualification examination and information confirm time for November 28 to 30,.Online capture expends time is from December 1 to 10.

  考生必须在户籍所在县(市、区)招生办公室报名。户籍和学籍所在地不一致的应届普通高中毕业生,属同一市的可在户籍或学籍所在县(市、区)报名,跨市的只能在户籍所在县(市、区)报名。在中国定居并符合报名条件的外国侨民,可持省公安厅填发的《外国人永久居留证》或《外侨居留证》,统一到济南市招生委员会办公室报名。考生填报基本信息通过远程网上进行。考生可任意选择地点上网填报,在规定时间内可进行修改,在服务器运行期间可查询。填报过程分为登录、查看提示信息、输入信息及提交。修改和查询与填报过程相同。考生要认真核对本人填报的信息,发现问题及时处理,应尽量避免现场确认时修改信息。网上报名网址为:wsbm.sdzk.gov.cn。(记者 张雯雯)

Candidates must be in place county of census register(city/area)Admissions office registration.Census register seat are not consistent and one's status as a fresh graduate of average high school,Belong to the same city can be in household or student status in county(city/area)registration,KuaShi only in census register place county(city/area)registration.Settle in China and in accordance with the conditions of the foreign nationals,Can hold the province provincial public security issues[Foreigners permanent residence permit]or[Alien resident certificate],Unity to jinan admissions committee office registration.Provided the basic information through remote the Internet.The examinee may choose any site provided on the Internet,Within the prescribed time can be modified,During the running of the server can inquire.Fill process is divided into login/View tooltip/Input information and submit.Modification and query and fill the same process.The examinee must be carefully checked my fill of information,Find out problems timely treatment,Should try to avoid field when affirming modify information.Web site for online registration:WSBM. SDZK. Gov. Cn.(Reporter ZhangWenWen)
