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四成农村大学生不敢谈恋爱 自认屌丝没资格--亲稳网络舆情监控室

EF ef T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:来自小山村的冯立峰,他认为入学贷款没有还,家里也因此欠下了一屁股的债,就觉得“屌丝没资格谈恋爱”。他暗恋一个女同学快四年了,但只是默默地关注着她:QQ签名、微博,他都是第一个观众,可是却从不敢惊动对方,并暗自下定决心:没找到有“钱途”的工作之前,绝不向“女神”表白…… The FengLiFeng from small mountain village,He thinks that entrance loans have,Home so owe the debt of one buttock,feel"Prick silk not qualified to fall in love".He has a crush on a female classmate almost four years,But just silently watching her:Qq signature/Micro bo,He was the first to the audience,But never disturb each other,And secretly made up his mind to:Couldn't find a"Capital essence"Work before,Never to"goddess"vindicate……更多精彩>> More wonderful>>


四成农村大学生“不敢爱” Forty percent of rural students"Can't love"


专家:要主动学会与异性交往 experts:Should take the initiative to learn and heterosexual contacts


Report from our correspondent(Trainee reporter ZhuJiaQi)"11.11 single day"eve,Reporters visited wuhan university/Huazhong university of science and technology/Wuhan university of science and technology university, etc,Random survey 341 university students' love condition found:Forty percent of the college students from countryside,In love on the problem lack of initiative,call"Not talk about love".


"brothers,Hurriedly in‘Single day’Prior to his goddess vindicate ah!"Hear my roommates are scare up a how"off",Wuhan university FengLiFeng senior boys(alias)But seem a bit anxious.


The FengLiFeng from small mountain village,Since the childhood by his family had great expectations.So far he hasn't been in love,"Said don't expect that's a lie!Is not……"Whenever he thought of,Parents very not easy for him to the university,And entrance loans have,Home so owe the debt of one buttock,feel"Prick silk not qualified to fall in love".He has a crush on a female classmate almost four years,But just silently watching her:Qq signature/Micro bo,He was the first to the audience,But never disturb each other,And secretly made up his mind to:Couldn't find a"Capital essence"Work before,Never to"goddess"vindicate.


调查 四成农村大学生不敢言爱 Survey forty percent of rural students dare not say love


在受访的341名大学生中,有109位从农村走出的单身大学生,其中的42人,包括35名男生、7名女生,在“你为什么没有谈恋爱”一项问题上,均选择了“经济上没独立”、“觉得自己没能力给对方幸福”、“不配谈恋爱”。 In the surveyed in 341 college students,There are 109 from the countryside of single out of college students,One of the 42 people,Including 35 boy/The seven girls,in"Why didn't you fall in love"A problem,Are chose"Economic not independent"/"Think not their ability to each other happy"/"Worthy to fall in love".


The results of the survey also showed:About 38.5% of the rural students in love not confident.


观点 农村学生要学会与异性交往 View the countryside student to learn and heterosexual contacts


Wuhan university of science and technology development and the education of psychological institute director/Associate professor ray five speaking plainly,Some rural to college students,In love on the problem,Indeed show a sense of inferiority,On the one hand,Because they are held to a sigh of relief from their hometown"Spell out"of,Fall in love will increase spending,Don't want to burden to his family.And part of the students,Because itself character is introverted,In the process of interaction with the opposite sex are more ashamed to show yourself.


Ray five Ming think,College students, especially rural students,In the university should not only learn professional knowledge,More to learn through interaction with others,Including and heterosexual contacts,Too inferiority,Certainly will affect their professional development.


【恋爱经费问题】大学生恋爱成本调查:经费更倾向于双方承担 [Love funding problems]The cost of college students' love to survey:Funds tend to assume both sides


“制造浪漫”是每一个恋人的恋爱必修课,也是维持爱情的润滑剂。不少人为此费尽脑子想尽法子。在大学校园里我们时常能看到一个男生买了一大束花带到女生寝室楼下示爱…在这种精心策划浪漫的背后少不了“爱情经费”。那么,如今这些大学生们的恋爱成本是多少呢?又是由谁来支付这笔费用…[ "Manufacturing romantic"Is each lovers love a required course,Love is maintaining the lubricant.Many people therefore cudgel brain try way.In college campus we often can see a boy bought a big beam is taken to girls bedroom downstairs and love…In this masterminded romantic without behind"Love funds".so,Today, these students love? How much is the cost?And who will pay for it…[详细 detailed] ]


【大学的遗憾】高校毕业生争相“晒遗憾” 恋爱交友学习成热门 [University of regret]To college graduates"Sun regret" Love making friends learning into hot


近毕业,毕业生们通常会以各种形式来纪念即将逝去的大学生活,如拍毕业照、聚餐、写毕业留言等。但今年又多了一种形式,那就是“晒遗憾”:“我最喜欢的女孩,却没有追到手”“没有谈恋爱”…[ Near graduation,Graduates often in various forms to commemorate the imminent passing university life,If take graduation/dinner/Writing his message, etc.But this year and a kind of form,That is"Sun regret":"My favorite girl,But no chasing it""Not to fall in love"…[详细 detailed] ]


【教授的爱情观】南师大新生见面会:大三还不谈恋爱你亏大了! [Professor's love view]NaShiDa new meeting:Junior also don't fall in love you kui big!


在南师大新生见面会上,心理学教授赵凯的“大学爱情观”引爆全场,他说“大一就谈恋爱,那你死定了,大三还不谈恋爱,你就亏大了!”幽默的言谈引发现场笑声无数…[ In NaShiDa new session,The ZhaoKai psychology professor"University love view"Detonate the,He said"Fall in love as a freshman,You're dead,Junior also don't fall in love,You the kui big!"Humorous speech cause field laughter countless…[详细 detailed] ]
