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重高考成绩更测综合素质 上海纽约大学做首届招生说明 Weight of the university entrance exam more comprehensive quality measurement of Shanghai New York university do the first recruit students instructions

  美国纽约大学负责招生事务的副校长Shawn L. Abbott,美国纽约大学、上海纽约大学“双肩挑”副校长R. May Lee,今天上午联合发表谈话,就即将于明年进行的上海纽约大学首届学生招生事宜做了说明,表示将结合一系列定量和定性指标,对申请者进行全面、整体的评价,而不仅仅基于其高考成绩。

American New York university recruitment of students affairs responsible for the vice principal Shawn l. Abbott,New York university/Shanghai New York university"ShuangJianTiao"Vice President r. May Lee,This morning united announce a conversation,Is coming in next year's Shanghai New York university, the first student enrollment matters are explained,Says it will combined with a series of quantitative and qualitative index,The applicant to conduct a comprehensive/Overall evaluation,And not just based on the achievement of the university entrance exam.


The two principal said,American universities make much of examinee's high school academic achievement,And analysis each examinee in the past 3 to 4 years learning course and result,Especially some basic course grades,Such as mathematics/Natural science/Social science/The humanities and language(Including English), etc.Of course,In addition to excellent academic results,Admissions officers also comprehensive evaluation examinee's recommendation letter/Standardized test scores/Essays and extracurricular activities, etc.For Chinese education the truth of consideration and respect,The new big recruit students selection process and traditional way of higher education in the USA is different,But enrollment mode will is China's current college enrolment unprecedented.

  与美国纽约大学的招生过程相似,所有申请入读上纽大的中国和国际学生,都需要提交短文和推荐信等材料并在线填写一份“通用申请”(Common Application,这是美国高校用来采集申请者定性信息的在线申请系统)。此外,上纽大还将对所有有竞争力的申请者进行面试。通过材料审核的申请者将被邀请参加上纽大专门组织的“校园日活动”。学校将通过该活动全面评价学生的综合素质及其与上纽大的“匹配度”。

And the New York university admissions process similarity,All applications into reading new big Chinese and international students,Need to submit essays and recommendation letter etc material and fill out an online"Universal application"(Common Application,This is the American university used to acquisition applicants qualitative information online application system).In addition,The new big will also to all competitive interview applicants.Through the material review applicants will be invited to the new large special organization"Campus day activities".The school will through this event comprehensively evaluate the students' comprehensive quality and with the new big"Matching degree".

  “优秀的学业成绩是必不可少的,但这还远远不够,学校还将全面评价学生的综合素质。”两位校长说,学生首先必须具备良好的沟通能力和较强的英语听说读写能力,因为,上纽大的教学语言为英语,学生毕业时需具备流利的英语水平;其次,上纽大学生在个性方面要乐于接受新体验、探索新知识,在倾听和提问中寻求前进的动力;更重要的是,上纽大学生要有强烈的好奇心和社会责任感“简而言之,我们寻找的是未来的发明家、企业家、学者、领袖。”(记者 王蔚)

"Outstanding academic achievement is indispensable,But that is not enough,The school will also comprehensively evaluate the students' comprehensive quality."The two principal said,The students first must have good communication ability and strong English listening, speaking, reading and writing,because,The new big teaching language is English,Students graduate should have fluent English;secondly,College students in the new personality be willing to accept the new experience/Explore new knowledge,In listening to and ask for motivation;More important is,The new college students should have a strong curiosity and the sense of social responsibility"In short,We are looking for future inventors/entrepreneurs/scholars/leader."(Reporter WangWei)
