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来源:信息时报 source:Information times

  撰文 信息时报记者 郭苏莹 吴瑕 摄影 信息时报记者 何建辉

Writing about information times GuoSuYing WuXia photography information times HeJianHui


According to[Chongqing evening news]reports,recently,Famous Chinese sexology home/Central China normal university professor of the college of life science PengXiaoHui after a public lecture Suggestions,Now college students fall in love not curious,But the campus every place but public occasion,Not really illicit close space to be alone.PengXiaoHui Suggestions,Public love place can case become semi-enclosed small room,Let the student couples take a candle/computer/Games to fall in love,To be both safe,And convenient school supervision.


This news is reported net friend caused by hot debate,Some agree with this,Think it can be avoided in the campus public affect others.And also some people object,That love is concerned with personal privacy,Don't need to be"supervision",College students are adults,Can to be accountable for their actions.


网友PK Net friend PK


赞成 In favor of


设专用场所可保护恋爱学生安全 A special place to protect love students' safety

  一些网友认为,在大学内设“恋爱专区”是应该的,这样做可以避免情侣间在公共场合过于亲密的行为影响到他人。@Donkey-D-帅东 说:“这样是应该的,本来公共空间就不应该做私人事情。”@黑礁石1 表示:“赞同大学为大学生开设半开放恋爱空间,这样既保护了恋爱大学生的人身安全,又利于学校的管理,一味地排斥就会把他们推向社会,不安全因素会大增。

Some netizens think,In the university has"Love zone"Is should,Such doing can avoid between lovers in public occasions too intimate behavior affect others.@ Donkey - D - ShuaiDong said:"This is as it should be,Originally public space should not do private things."@ black rock 1 said:"Agree with university students for the opening half open space in love,This protects both love college students' personal safety,And for the school management,Blindly rejection would bring them to the society,Unsafe factors will soar.

  @维尼蒂亚裸钻 认为,在光天化日之下,做出过于亲密的事,实在令人羞面。能设安静的地方进行儿女情长是好事。@小名鼎鼎20112011 也说:“开设专用场所好啊,不干扰其他人工作学习。坐在自习室里,前边有情侣过于亲密,你说我还有心思看书吗?”

@ winnie's the naked drill think,In broad daylight,Make too intimate thing,It is ashamed face.Can a quiet place to be immersed in love is a good thing.@ childhood name famous 20112011 also said:"Set up special place well,Don't interfere with the work of others to learn.Sitting in the study room,The front have couple too close,You say I have mind reading?"


反对 against


谈恋爱怎能像上课一样固定地方 How can love like class as fixed place

  但也有网友对此表示反对。@热莉莉说:“我不同意,学校就是学习的地方,要谈恋爱自己出去找地方去。”@行者无疆2069 表示,恋爱是件相对私密的事情,没必要设专用公共场所。@小破孩先生 说:“恋爱不是程式化的东西,自由才是最美的。”@小奈川 则调侃说:“谈恋爱还要学校监管,要不要先打个恋爱证啊?”@那抹微笑smile:“谈恋爱还要监管?我觉得应该注重这方面教育,比如普及一下性行为的保护措施?还有就是从道德方面多做教育,这种事情不是光压制就可以压制住的!”

But there are also net friend opposed.@ thermal lily said:"I don't agree with,The school is a place of study,To fall in love yourself out and find place to go."@ walkers boundless 2069 said,Love is a relatively private things,No need to set up special public places.Mr. XiaoPoHai @ said:"Love is not stylized things,Freedom is the most beautiful."@ small nye sichuan is light:"Fall in love and school supervision,Do you want to make a love card ah?"@ the smile smile:"Fall in love and supervision?I think we should pay attention to this respect education,Such as a universal sex protection measures?There is more to do from moral education,This kind of thing is not light pressing can be suppressed!"


@ Alan - xu need to have the courage to say,Love needs to go to all the different places romantic experience,Love is two things,With what make you to supervision?A lover's place is love place,How can the class like as fixed in one place?


专家观点 Expert view


华南师范大学教授张敏强 South China normal university professor ZhangMin strong


设“恋爱专区”是管得太宽了 set"Love zone"Is the pipe too wide


this,Famous psychologists/South China normal university professor ZhangMin strong think,Established in the university campus"Love zone"Is the pipe too wide,No necessary.The first is to be done,Which college students will have run go somewhere? Fall in love?College students are an adult,Have the ability of self is responsible for,Love is a man free.


At the same time,ZhangMin strong said,On the other hand,Love is a personal privacy,The school should not be interference,"Love is a very private things,Some people in the psychological also don't want to open.If fall in love to special places,Such disguised public also lets a person very hard to accept."


Super visit


The university set up"Love zone",Do you agree??Reporter yesterday random access some citizens.


吴同学 (22岁,大四学生) Wu students (22 years old,Senior student)


大学生是成年人,可以自我负责 College students are adults,Can self responsible for


"I think it is not needed.As we student,Also hope to be able to in the fall in love to the outside,Don't want to be bound in a space.I think if the school to do so,To everybody is responsible for safety,But we are all adults here,Can self responsible for,To ensure your safety."


鲍老师(29岁,大学辅导员) Bao teacher(29 years old,University instructors)


“恋爱专区”不能保证绝对安全 "Love zone"Can't guarantee absolutely safe


"It seems difficult to realize,Because the university public resources are limited,It is difficult to take out special place for students to fall in love.moreover,Set up‘Love zone’Will not actually and protect students' safety hook,Because on site supervision form and we can't really assure safety.College students fall in love,From their own should strengthen self-discipline and awareness,Rather than by the form of supervision to protect."


孙同学(21岁,大四学生) Sun students(21,Senior student)


谈恋爱哪都行,跟场所无关 Fall in love which will do,Has nothing to do with places


"I think it was not necessary.Whether college students or others,Where can fall in love,No relationship with place.and,Set up‘Love zone’But can let a person feel strange,We students are the adults,Don't dating is not above board,Need to go to a place?"


游先生(28岁,IT从业人员) Mr Y.(28,IT professionals)


一堆人聚集在一个地方恋爱很怪 A pile of people gathered in one place in love very strange


"Although now young man was very open,But a lot of people are to a local concentration will fall in love a little strange.


But can try,Did not execute the things is bad to say whether it is feasible,But the sound insulation effect is close friends certainly to just go,A lot of people are together in love,Estimates will be very noisy it."


何先生(25岁,汽车从业人员) Mr. He(25 years old,Car employees)


“恋爱专区”可避免影响他人 "Love zone"Can avoid influencing others


"University couples room behavior if only simple dating speaking words,I am very favourable,But if beyond the normal range,the


It is improper for.Have such a place,Can reduce the lovers to some of the more remote places,Prone to dangerous.On the other hand,Dating will certainly say some disgusting little words,In this space,To avoid others for their behavior too much advice."


记者眼 Reporter eye


“被保护”更需“被尊重” "protected"Need more"respected"


More than 20 years ago,In the ivory tower of the college students"Talk about love colour change",Love to talk quietly,In public,Close contacts between men and women more be apparent if"A great disaster".now,University in love is no longer need"Deceive the public"of"Underground work"the,Like to eat/Dressing same common.In the university about love/marriage/Sexual course is more and more abundant,"Ivory tower"Also becomes the"Small society".however,In the concept of opening day by day today,University education and management still exist"paternalism"Management concepts.In the university set up"Love zone",The starting point is good,In order to protect the safety of the students,But the practice,Look more like parents management children.The author thinks that,Love is concerned with personal privacy,And college students in the physiological, psychological, and is already an adult,trigger"protected",Need more"respected",Such education can promote psychological"weaning"And mature.


At the same time,This would also give university campus"open"46 young people,Love freedom also need to have"degree",Enjoy beautiful youth at the same time,Should protect yourself,Don't interfere with others in the public places.


