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海南一中学200学生食物中毒 学校:谣传不属实--亲稳舆论引导监测室

海南一中学200学生食物中毒 学校:谣传不属实 网曝定安中学学生发生食物中毒(微博截图) Net exposure DingAn middle school student outbreak of food poisoning(Micro bo screenshots) 海南一中学200学生食物中毒 学校:谣传不属实 定安中学食堂(南海网见习记者吴湟帅摄) DingAn middle school canteen(South China sea network trainee reporter WuHuang handsome perturbation) 海南一中学200学生食物中毒 学校:谣传不属实


Wang says von students should be is ate"tomatoes"/"Ice cream"Cold food such as cause diarrhea(South China sea network trainee reporter WuHuang handsome perturbation)

  南海网海口11月18日消息(南海网见习记者 吴湟帅)近日,有网友“@黄凤云break”通过微博报料,称定安县定安中学食堂发生多起学生食物中毒事件,该网友微博中还透露该校已经食物中毒人数多达200名。对此,11月18日下午,南海网记者进行了实地走访。该校领导表示,网上此说法属谣传,目前只有一名学生出现疑似食物中毒的情况。

South China sea network haikou on November 18 news(South China sea network trainee reporter WuHuang handsome)recently,Have net friend"@ HuangFengYun break"Through the micro bo writer,Say DingAnXian DingAn middle school canteen happened several students with food poisoning,The net friend micro bo also revealed that the school has food poisoning number up to 200.this,On November 18, afternoon,South China sea network reporter visited the field.The school chief says,This is online of rumors,At present, only a student appear suspected food poisoning case.


网曝定安中学200名学生食物中毒 Net exposure DingAn middle school 200 students food poisoning


At 18,,Net friend"@ HuangFengYun break"In micro blog post said,"At present according to not complete count,Two days for more than 200 people appear food poisoning symptoms,Many people go to the hospital for treatment,The school to our reason is the day was cold do not pay attention to keep warm.The school only a dining room,And the school executes is totally enclosed system,Even know canteen food isn't clean but also have no way,Eat after all is a big problem.Hope to further investigation."


In order to understand the truth of the matter,18 afternoon,South China sea network reporter then hurry to DingAnXian DingAn middle school field visit.Just entered the campus,Reporters then random asked a student,They say the students belong to the school,And in the ChuZhongBu,It is not clear.And the reporter from the campus and another third year students heard,Nearly two days in the grade is a few students appear the symptom such as diarrhea,She said to"May be related with diet it".


学校回应:网上流传并不属实 School response:Online spread is not true


For online popular"Recently the 200 students collective food poisoning"that,The school logistics department director WangChangXiao said is not true,Say this kind of view belongs to the rumors.He told reporters,It is true that in the November 15, in the evening,Logistics department received school doctor room reflect,Say may be due to diet or weather turns cool reason,Recently the school some students occurrence diarrhoea and discomfort phenomenon.Until 16 night at about 9,He through the school doctor chamber to know,The school year seven class a FengXing students owing to the body heat/Diarrhea was taken to the county people's hospital a bit.


"Then the hospital doctor diagnosis,The students got‘gastroenteritis’.When the doctor said,Students should be eating reasons caused."Wang said,Von classmates in the hospital after after a bit,That night 12 o 'clock we went back to school.He later learned from other students there,16 at noon,Von students just off the ball,And then to the dining hall,Eat ice cream, etc during the cold food,Occurrence diarrhoea estimation is the students' improper diet."That night we from the school that the hospital statistics about,Before and after a total of six students appear the symptom such as diarrhea,In addition to von students outside,Several other students questions are not."


"At that time,I will also reflect to the school leader,It also got the attention of the school leader.The next day,School immediately called three grade teacher in charge down to the student dormitory,Check if there are students diarrhea discomfort phenomenon,At the same time also prepared some prevention stomach upset drugs,Responsible for the distribution of each class."WangChangXiao said,Until 17,Already didn't have a single students have diarrhea/The body of the discomfort."In this,The school also remind the classmate,Due to the weather suddenly turned cold,To pay attention to food hygiene,Eat less cold sex cold food."He said.


食堂方面称:饭菜无问题 Dining room has said:Food have no problem


Whether such as Internet said,"Students diarrhea is and the dining room meal? Have relations?"then,The reporter also came to DingAn middle school dining room to visit.The relevant person in charge said that the dining room shall be denied.He said,In the morning,Food supervision and/health/Education department and school leaders who came into the dining room,To the dining room and kitchen health check,And no find food/Eating environment exist not sanitation problems,At that time, extracting the day students food sample back and analyzed.


The officials say,To ensure that students dining environment,The dining room is made[DingAn middle school canteen management regulations],To do environmental health work,Every day must carry on the sanitary inspection,To prevent food poisoning occurred,And urge to three meals a day food supply work,Service to teachers and students,Let the teachers and students have a secure/Rest assured/Comfortable learning environment.
