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Since the winter,Cold air attack frequency,Snow and freeze/The fog and other natural disaster happens,Give the school security work to bring a lot of challenges,The ministry of education has issued about do winter school safety related notice of work,Urging provinces to/Autonomous region/Municipality directly under the provincial(Education commission),Xinjiang production and construction corps education bureau,Subordinate to the higher school,Must attach great importance to,Take effective measures,To ensure the safety of teachers and students.The requirements are notified as follows:


一、积极预防气象灾害。 a/Active prevention of meteorological disasters.各地教育部门要保持与气象部门的联系,密切关注天气预报信息,及时发布预警通知。遇到大雪、大雾、冰冻等极端恶劣天气时要及时启动应急预案,包括允许学校自行调整上下学时间。要全面排查并消除学校校舍安全隐患,严防积雪、冻雨造成师生伤亡事件。要特别加强对寄宿学生在校安全的统一管理。

All education departments should keep and meteorological department contact,Pay close attention to weather forecast information,Timely warning notice.Meet snow/fog/Frozen and extreme weather when launched the emergency response plan in time,Including allows schools to adjust ShangXiaXue time.To comprehensive traffic and eliminate the school building safety hidden trouble,Takes strictprecautions against the snow/Teachers and students casualties caused by freezing rain.Would like to strengthen the boarding students safe unified management.


二、切实做好御寒取暖。 two/To do a warm heating.要把师生温暖过冬作为一项重要工作,增加投入,确保每一所学校(包括教学点)备齐备足必要的取暖物资。对学校御寒取暖情况进行全面检查,及时更换破损的门窗、暖气、煤炉等御寒取暖设施设备,确保冬季采暖地区所有学校采暖设备运转正常,防止管道冻裂等情况的发生,保证达到当地供暖部门规定的温度,防止师生因寒感冒或冻伤。

The teachers and students to warm winter as an important work,Increasing input,Ensure that every school(Including teaching school)Prepare note necessary heating materials.For the school from the cold heating condition to conduct a comprehensive inspection,To replace the broken doors and Windows/heating/Coal stove, etc from the cold heating facilities,Ensure that winter heating area all schools heating equipment normal operation,Prevent pipeline frost crack wait for the happening of the circumstance,Ensure the local heating by the department of temperature,Prevent the teachers and students for cold cold or frostbite.


三、全力办好学校食堂。 three/To do good school canteen.各地教育部门和学校要充分考虑冬季伙食原材料的供应以及价格变动情况,因地制宜采取各种措施,确保食堂饭菜价格基本稳定,避免冬季菜品过于单一,保证饭菜足量供应。要重点解决边远地区学校和教学点冬季蔬菜食品储备问题,保证足量供应。要密切关注家庭经济困难学生的基本生活,提供合理数量的低价菜,保证学生基本生活需求。坚决防止发生食物中毒事件。

All education departments and schools should give full consideration to the winter food raw materials supply and price changes,Adjust measures to local conditions to take all kinds of measures,To ensure the canteen food prices basically stable,Avoid winter food is too single,Ensure adequate supply of food.To focus on the remote area schools and teaching school winter vegetable food reserve problem,Ensure adequate supply.To pay close attention to family economic difficulties students' basic life,Provide reasonable number of low-cost food,Ensure that students basic living needs.Resolutely prevent the occurrence of food poisoning event.


四、努力确保上下学交通安全。 four/Efforts to ensure that ShangXiaXue traffic safety.冬季雨雪天气易造成路面结冰湿滑,要加强校车驾驶人和随车照管人员的教育管理,严禁出现超速、超载、疲劳驾驶、逆向超车、不按规定路线行驶等交通违法行为。要做好校车的维修保养,确保车辆处于良好状态,坚决杜绝校车“带病上路”。学校要教育学生注意上下学交通安全,提醒家长不要让学生乘用农用拖拉机、三轮汽车、低速货车、拼装车和报废车。

Winter rain and snow weather is apt to cause the road icing slippery,To strengthen the school bus drivers and lorry-mounted care personnel education management,It is strictly prohibited to appear overspeed/overload/Fatigue driving/Reverse overtaking/Does not press formulary routes and other transportation illegal behavior.To do the school bus maintenance,Make sure the vehicle in good condition,Resolutely put an end to the school bus"Road in spite of illness".School education to students pay attention to ShangXiaXue traffic safety,Remind parents don't let students take the use of agricultural tractor/tricar/Low-speed truck/Assembly car and scrap car.


 五、坚决防止煤气中毒。 five/Resolutely prevent gas poisoning.采用燃煤取暖的地区要集中开展一次安全隐患排查,重点排查教室、宿舍、办公室等通风换气、排烟管道有无泄漏、有无煤气中毒隐患等,采取有效措施保持寄宿学生宿舍室内通风,防止造成煤气中毒。学校要通过专门的安全教育使学生了解预防煤气中毒的基本知识和方法,提高安全防范意识,掌握基本应急处置方法。

By using the methods of coal heating area to concentrate on the start of a traffic safe hidden trouble,Focus on the side/dormitory/Office ventilated take a breath/Smoke exhaust pipe leakage or not/For gas poisoning hidden trouble, etc,Take effective measures to keep the boarding students dormitory indoor and ventilated,Made to prevent the gas poisoning.The school will through the special safety education to make the students understand the basic knowledge of prevention of gas poisoning and method,To improve the safe, guard consciousness,Master basic emergency disposal methods.


 六、预防滑冰溺水事故发生。 six/Prevent skating drowning accidents.各地教育部门和学校要积极主动提请当地政府加强重点水域安全管理,开展学生上下学路途和经常活动区域及周边安全隐患排查巡查,及时在危险路段及水域设置安全警示标牌,设立安全隔离带、防护栏,做到及时发现险情,及时消除隐患。学校要教育学生在上下学途中或节假日不要擅自到冰面上行走或滑冰,防止发生滑冰溺水事故。

All education departments and schools should actively for the local government to strengthen safety management of key waters,Students in ShangXiaXue way and often activity area and peripheral security hidden danger regularly patrols,Timely in dangerous sections and waters set safety warning signs,Set up safety strip/Protective guard,Be a timely find danger,To remove the hidden danger in time.School education to students in the ShangXiaXue way or holidays don't do STH without authorization to walk on the ice or skating,Prevent the occurrence of skating drowning accidents.


七、加强消防安全。 seven/Strengthen the fire safety.要深入开展火灾隐患排查,对发现的隐患要及时采取措施进行整治。要确保消防设施设备保持良好状态,在发生火灾时能够切实发挥作用。要加强对锅炉等特种设备的定期全面检查,确保设备运转正常。要加强实验室、楼道等集中堆放易燃易爆物品区域的消防管理工作。

To further carry out fire hazard regularly,To find hidden trouble to take timely measures to control.To ensure that fire control facilities equipment keep good condition,In case of fire to really play a role.To strengthen the special equipment such as boiler periodic thorough examination,To ensure the equipment running normal.To strengthen the laboratory/Corridor and pile up concentration flammable and explosive substances area fire management work.
