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初中生因栏杆断裂坠亡 已毕业者称曾掏钱修栏杆--亲稳网络舆情监控室

初中生因栏杆断裂坠亡 已毕业者称曾掏钱修栏杆宿豫实验初中出事教学楼。南都记者 高龙 摄 SuYu experiment teaching junior high school have an accident.SMW reporter GaoLong perturbation


On the evening of 15th nov.,Jiangsu suqian SuYu experiment junior middle school,Arching over during the break,Two boys in the classroom building early in the fourth floor railing,Rail suddenly fracture,Two students head over heels fall dead.The death of the two students a 15 years old/A 16-year-old.At present,The cause of the accident have yet to be announced.


The falling from a building events for the society is still the focus of discussion,There is no lack of among them the sound of question.Last year in the same teaching buildings reading a alumni said,At least one year ago,The accident buildings rail has problems.But school officials denied the claim.In addition,Netizens question the accident rail welding place strength has a problem.

  “我们教室前面的栏杆是每个人掏了100元修的。当时刚坏一点的时候,老师让我们不要到栏杆那儿玩。后来完全坏掉了,老师让我们班级出钱修。” 去年曾在出事的教学楼读高中的大学生杨坚平(化名)

"We the front of the classroom rail is everybody take 100 yuan of repair.Just at that time a little bad,The teacher let us not to rail play there.Then completely broken,The teacher let our class pay repair." Last year was the accident in the teaching building of the high school students YangJian flat(alias)


已毕业学生称曾掏钱修栏杆 Already graduate students say had paid repair rail


Public data shows,An accident SuYu experiment for junior high school in jiangsu province key middle school,Suqian is the only two districts of modern education demonstration school of jiangsu province,Nature is the collection of public and private advantage in one of the joint-stock GongZhu private junior middle school.SuYu experiment that the junior high school is SuYu education group deep pockets,It's SuYu middle school in hardware and software construction has spent hundreds of millions of dollars.But last year was in an accident four high school teaching building of college students YangJian flat(alias)Tell SMW reporter,Schools in rail maintenance/Maintenance and not pay the output.Belong to a group SuYu experiment junior middle school/SuYu middle school for building tension,Some students shunt in the SuYu experimental primary school teaching building 4 reading.


YangJian flat says,He last September to June this year in SuYu experimental primary school teaching building 4 read three,Specific classroom teaching in the fifth floor.The teaching building is junior high school and senior high school students are enrolled.Last year,An accident four floor or high school students studying.In just read into,YangJian flat he found them five floor the front of the classroom rail is broken,"Rail welding is not strong,Will be shaking.Before we the rail have only one screw card in there,Use a little force,Will depart from."YangJian flat observed,When 4 teaching building on the fourth floor and the fifth floor have bad rail,Total accounted for a third of the whole building.


YangJian flat said,After the discovery of rail problem,SuYu education group officials have stressed the security problem,But did not take substantive protective measures.YangJian flat the grade director when meeting will emphasize the security problem.YangJian flat memory,Rail problems after two months to be repaired,But not the school repair,But students pay their own way to repair."We the front of the classroom rail is everybody take 100 yuan of repair.Just at that time a little bad,The teacher let us not to rail play there.Then completely broken,The teacher let our class pay repair."


According to this kind of view,Yesterday afternoon,SuYu junior high school a relevant person in charge of a response.The officials say,"The accident of the teaching building is new,This is can see,Certainly not the quality problems.Even with quality problems,Also can appear personally by the school to solve,Can't let the students pay."


One story is,A few days ago in an accident,The school was in during morning independent study time broadcast to tell students rail is broken.But the statement also been SuYu junior middle school related person in charge deny.The officials say,Every class,The school bell will have a such content:"Class is over,Students please note stair safety."


出事教学楼建成不超过三年 The accident buildings built not more than three years


At present can be sure of the fact that,Two students due to the classroom before the stainless steel rail fracture cause drop dead.Netizens analysis,"The stainless steel baluster wall thickness may not have standard,Cause strength is not enough.Another stainless steel welding for argon arc welding,Because the stainless steel pipe wall thickness is not enough,The welding place can spot welding,So soldering strength also have problems."


Online teaching building to have an accident"Rail aging"guess.Public data shows,An accident SuYu experimental primary school teaching building number four,A building area of 3685 square meters,Price 3.66 million yuan.Before the construction,Once in March 2010 announcement of tender,Suqian by the construction engineering co., LTD., the construction,Built for no more than three years,Belong to a new building.SuYu experimental primary school teaching building 4 original planning for residence halls,Later in 2009 is adjusted for teaching building,Reason is"With the increasing urban population,Increase students,Teaching building is not enough.Extern more,Resident student less,Dormitory need to reduce."


Reporters on the scene saw,SuYu experimental primary school four teaching buildings from south to north in turn arrangement,For a respectively to 4 teaching building.Is located in the north of the 4 teaching building and other buildings as,Side a brownish red,Positive is white.Four new teaching buildings appearance.Each classroom before the rail is located in two plugging stick with the white wall brick wall between,Is divided into three.


In form,Experiments show SuYu junior high school campus safety work not inferior.The school was named in recent years"Jiangsu province safe campus",Weekly Sunday arching over the first class for security FaZhiKe,The November each year for the school"I am for peace SuYu out a force"Safety XuanChuanYue.


At present did not see official accident investigation results.SuYu district party committee propaganda department is responsible for the relevant person,The investigation results to the public security bureau and the related research.


两家庭获赔数额未获确认 Two family HuoPei amount has not been confirmed


Drop dead of students so that ChengGuanJie,Suqian two districts in ZhuoWei street 5 groups,Only son.ChengGuanJie parents divorced many years,Lifetime and father live together.ChengGuanJie home there is one second building,But in most cases the door shut.His family circumstances general.

  15岁的程冠捷已是一个个子较高的男孩,身高在1 .7米以上,戴着一副黑框眼镜,长相英俊。邻居对他的印象是“看起来很老实”,说他长相像他父亲。程冠捷平时说话较少,在学校有时表现出少年特有的活泼好动。他去世后,家人将他的课本、照片等物件烧掉。程冠捷性格较为安静,班上人缘较好。出事后,许多同学在网上留言纪念他。

15 years old ChengGuanJie already is a taller boy,The height of 1. 7 meters above,Wearing a pair of black-frame glasses,handsome.His neighbours impression is"Looks very honest",Said he looks like his father.ChengGuanJie peacetime talk less,In the school sometimes show young special active.After his death,The family will be his textbook/The thing such as burn photos.ChengGuanJie character relatively quiet,Good popularity in the class.After the,Many students online message in his memory.


Another name called the accident students of jena glance,14 years old this year.Jena in fai suqian SuChengOu.The two of them with SuYu for junior high school students of class early.


The advance,Two people in the SuYu experimental primary school teaching building 4 reading,The classroom is located in the fourth floor.


At present,The region of the normal school students.Two students were killed each family win compensation,Online speculation for each family obtain 960000 yuan,But this has not been confirmed the amount of the school.Two students body was cremated in recently.yesterday,Netizens Posting said,School students in the collection of money used as compensation,But this is the school was denied.


Junior high school students SuYu experiment on two arching over.On November 15, late 6 point about 40 minutes,Arching over the first quarter after class,There are 10 minutes of break time.From the classroom after coming out,ChengGuanJie and jena glance at the front of the classroom in the corridor happened pillow fight.Two people's body has trust in the corridor of the stainless steel railing.A source says,"Rail direct broken,Results a first fall,Another not plucked from the four floor with falling down."Rail with two young life fall together,And pressure in them.


The six point 45 points,Tragedy happened eventually.

  南都记者 高龙

SMW reporter GaoLong
