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  如今,出国留学成了许多学生及家长嘴边儿的"热词"。越来越多的家长开始送孩子出国读大学、读高中,甚至三岁幼童也出国读幼儿园。出国这么火,最不能忽略的问题就是费用。受各国国内经济状况变化 、国际汇率变动的影响,各国留学费用每年也都有一定的起伏 。2月22日,记者在青岛几家留学中介机构了解到,美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大等主要留学国家的地位依然不可撼动。

now,Study abroad became many students and parents of the mouth son"Hot word".More and more parents began to send children abroad for college/Read high school,Even the age of three young children also go abroad read kindergarten.Go abroad so fire,The most cannot ignore problem is cost.All countries by domestic economic situation changes /The influence of international exchange rate changes,All the costs of an education and every year there are certain fluctuation .On February 22,,Reporter in the Qingdao several study abroad intermediary organizations to know,The United States/British/Australia/Canada and other major study in the country status is still not shake.


这些国家留学一年花费较高 These countries to study abroad in a high cost


美国费用跨度大:20万~35万 The United States cost big span:200000 ~ 350000


"As with the largest number of countries all over the world university,More than 4000 U.S. universities because of its position,Public and private school and different,So its price has great difference.Different economic strength of the families in the United States can find the right school."Study abroad experts PangXiuJuan told reporters.


The American university is divided into public and private two,Due to the private university cost is relatively high,So choose public university Chinese students more than offset.From cost up to consider,Family economic status is not very superior,Personal conditions may apply for less than high scholarship cases,Suggested that the family and children choose public university.If the family condition is better,Can afford higher tuition and living expenses family can apply for private schools;In addition,If personal family economic conditions generally,But students' condition is very good,Sure apply to high scholarship students,Can also try the private university.

  纽约大学、波士顿大学是青岛各中介机构办理学生最多的美国私立大学。纽约大学一年学费为3.5万美元左右,由于该校位于纽约市中心,生活成本非常高,一年的费用在50万人民币左右。像哈佛大学、耶鲁大学等顶尖私立大学,如果付全额学费 、没有奖学金等补助,一年光学费就要30万人民币,总费用将在50万人民币以上。

New York university/Boston university Qingdao is the intermediary institutions students most American private university.New York university a year tuition for 35000 dollars,Because the school is located in the heart of New York city,Living costs are very high,The cost of a year in 500000 yuan or so.Like Harvard University/Yale university and other top private university,If you pay full tuition /No scholarship and subsidies,A passage of time tuition is 300000 RMB,The total cost will be more than 500000 yuan.


ShangBo, 24, the United States has just arrived from Missouri state university graduate,His yearly tuition is $24000,Plus living expenses,A year of spending for 270000 yuan."In the United States to study abroad to choose a consumption level low city is very key."The reporter statistics,In the United States to read undergraduate or graduate,Average cost every year 200000 ~ 350000 yuan.Funds guarantee aspects,Undergraduate course phase for 300000 ~ 400000 yuan,The graduate student stage for 350000 ~ 450000 yuan.


英国比较贵但学制短:20万~25万 Britain is more expensive but short learning system:200000 ~ 250000

  "去英国留学的大部分是去读研究生。虽然英国每年的费用较高,但因为学制短 ,研究生只读一年,所以算下来还是比去其他国家便宜。2011年,我们办理了去英国的学生将近200人。"留学专家刁文娟说。

"To study in UK most is to go to a graduate school.Although Britain annual cost is higher,But because of the short learning system ,Graduate students read only a year,Therefore they were down than to other countries or cheaper.In 2011,,We dealt with the students to go to Britain to nearly 200 people."Experts said study DiaoWenJuan.


Study in UK popular professional for business/Institute of technology, and the media,Tuition fees in an average of 100000 to 120000 yuan between,Living expenses of about 100000 yuan.

  青岛学生留学比较多选择的英国大学有:约克大学,学费12万元/年;诺丁汉大学,学费 12.4万元/年;谢菲尔德大学15万元/年;埃克塞特大学,学费 12.4万元/年。

Qingdao students study more choice of British university has:University of york,Tuition fee is 120000 yuan/year;University of Nottingham,Tuition fee is 124000 yuan/year;Sheffield university 150000 yuan/year;University of Exeter,Tuition fee is 124000 yuan/year.


DiaoWenJuan introduced,Plus living expenses,250000 dollars a year in Britain in the basic enough."Now the pound RMB exchange rate almost to 1:10,For international students than a few years ago bang for the buck.Add the visa policy eased,Study abroad situation is very good."


But go to the UK to study for high school students is very little,First, because cost is quite high,Every year 300000 yuan,Some private high school can reach 600000 yuan/year,And Britain more rigorous immigration policy will make these expensive input can not get anything in return.


Are British Sheffield university master's degree YuXiaoJie said:"My tuition a year 13000 ~ 15000 pounds,Cost of living is bad to said,Because I have spent a lot of,Didn't dare to calculate.In Britain to eat something not cheap,Especially to eat Chinese food.Go to the supermarket to buy something a little more than 30 pounds.Abroad in England,A year general also get 300000 yuan,Accommodation quite expensive,Rent a house £ 90 ~ 100 pounds a week."


加拿大费用差别不大:13万~20万 Canada cost difference:130000 ~ 200000


"In the past a lot of people choose to study in Canada,Canada is to go to the United States as a springboard.But as Canada to raise the level of education,Especially in the business/Engineering discipline in the leading position in the world,Canada degree and the United States and British commonwealth of nations degree have the same level.Add the Canadian study cost is relatively low,So more and more people choose to study in Canada."LiuShuXia said.

  "加拿大的学校比较容易识别,只要问学校是公立还是私立即可。只要是公立学校的文凭,就被加拿大承认,也被世界承认。高中生申请去加拿大留学,如果想被直接录取,需要托福达到 85分或者雅思达到 6.5分,高中3年的平均成绩要在85分左右。在语言方面,最好在国内已打下一定基础,如果语言不过关,到加拿大后再补习,需要的费用会比较高,住宿、学习,一年学语言大概需要15万~17万人民币。"刘书霞说。

"Schools in Canada easier to identify,As long as ask school is public or private can.As long as it is a public school diploma,Is Canada admits,Is also the world admit.High school students apply to study in Canada,If you want to be direct admission,Need toefl or ielts reaches 85 points to 6.5 points,High school three years of average grade in about 85 points.In the language,Best in domestic already lay a certain foundation,If words do not pass,To Canada after the remediation,The cost of the need to be higher,accommodation/learning,To learn a language in a year probably need 150000 ~ 170000 yuan."LiuShuXia said.

  记者了解到,加拿大有近百所公立大学,相同专业学费方面差别不是很大,根据所在地区消费水平不同 ,生活费会有变化,每年大约需人民币7万到 10万元。所以在选择城市时,可适当选择中等城市,生活质量和大城市相当,但生活费会比大城市低20%~30% 。

The reporter understands,Canada has nearly public university,The same professional tuition aspects there was not much difference,According to the region of different consumption levels ,Cost of living will have change,Each year about should be RMB 70000 to 100000 yuan.So in choosing the city,Can be appropriately choose medium city,The quality of life and the big quite,But living expenses will be 20% ~ 30% less than big cities .

  去加拿大读本科,每年学费在8万~14万人民币之间。读硕士,学费在12万~15万人民币之间。加上生活费 ,每年大约需要13万~20万人民币。

Go to Canada read undergraduate course,Tuition fee each year in 80000-140000 yuan between.Read a master,Tuition is in 120000-150000 yuan between.Plus living expenses ,Each year about 130000 ~ 200000 yuan.


德法荷等国家费用:11万~20万 German load and other countries cost:110000 ~ 200000

  如果去法国、德国、西班牙读公立大学,是免收学费的,德国、西班牙需交1万元注册费 。由于是小语种国家,在当地就读语言学校的学费每年在4万~7万元之间。而荷兰是不减免学费的,学费在7万元/年左右。

If going to France/Germany/The Spanish read public university,Is the tuition,Germany/The Spanish pay 10000 yuan fee .Because is minority language countries,In the local studying language school tuition fee every year in 40000-70000 yuan between.And the Netherlands is not the tuition waiver,Tuition is in 70000 yuan/year.


"Go to Europe to study abroad a big advantage is travel is very convenient,In addition,Can master a second foreign language,After going back to the motherland employment is a problem."JiangFei said.


In France,If choice is not public university but words of private universities,Tuition is about a year for 70000 ~ 100000 yuan,If in Paris,Living to 100000 yuan,If you go to other cities will be slightly cheaper 20000 ~ 30000 yuan.

  在荷兰读本科,学费加生活费 ,一年大约9万~12万人民币。硕士一年11万~14万人民币。

In the Netherlands read undergraduate course,Tuition and living expenses ,One year about 90000 ~ 120000 yuan.Master a year 110000 ~ 140000 yuan.


The reporter understands,In Holland's most famous Rotterdam school as an example,Prep school tuition around 7500 euros per year,Undergraduate course every year around 5500 euros,To rise only this every year around 4000 euros,Master every year around 9300 euros.Amsterdam higher professional college tuition in euro 6000 - around 9000 euros.


澳大利亚费用不低:22万~45万 Australia expenses not low:220000 ~ 450000


In 2010,,The past loose Australia's immigration policy changes.Immigration application to improve the threshold,Began to demand highly educated/GaoYuYan level and should have the employer guarantee,Makes 2010 Australian study appeared small bust,More and more people will look to immigration policy is still loose New Zealand.


"Our many years of experience,Really good results,Hope in the academic study of students will generally choose the United States,To choose Australian/New Zealand and other countries are mostly took a fancy to the future of the living environment,Hope to be able to study abroad through immigration."LiuShuXia said.


Read undergraduate course in Australia,Tuition one year about 120000 ~ 200000 yuan.Read a master tuition a year for 100000 ~ 250000 yuan.Living in the 120000 ~ 200000 yuan or so.Cost is not low.

  而新西兰的热门留学专业主要是环境 、护理 、计算机、传媒、酒店管理等。本科阶段费用为一年8万~11万元/年,研究生费用一年11万~16万元。生活费在5万~6万元/年。

And New Zealand hot study professional main is the environment /nursing /computer/media/Hotel management, etc.Undergraduate course phase cost for one year 80000 ~ 110000 yuan/year,Graduate student cost a year 110000 ~ 160000 yuan.Living in the 50000 ~ 60000 yuan/year.


这些国家留学一年花费不高 These countries to study abroad a year cost is not high


意大利:10万 Italy:100000


"The costs of an education is relatively low,Italy is a big advantage to study abroad.Our students and international students Italy charge standard consistent.At the same time,In Italy studying living expenses is better than other European countries low."Consultants to study the JiangFei said.In Italy,Living expenses for 500 euros ($) per month to 1000 euros inequality.A total cost around 10000 euros.According to the Italian visa policy,Students should all tuition and living expenses prior in Italian bank,Tuition fees directly transferred to the school,Cost of living is extracted from the bank.In addition,The Italian government did not approve of student work,Do not wish to international students for jobs and influence academic,But students such as insisted that to part-work and part-study system,The law also does not have the strict limit,Job opportunities are also many.


Now in Turin, Italy polytechnic university read a graduate student ZhangYangLiu said:"Italy's consumption level than the domestic high,Than British and American low.Eat high spending some."

  由于意大利学费减免,但她在学校每年会有220欧元的注册费 。"我一年大概花了9000欧元吧。同学有的人不出去旅游,花费应该在7000欧元左右,有的买名牌商品花费多一些。我觉得一年下来平均得10万元。"

Due to the Italian tuition waiver,But she is at school every year there will be 220 euro registration fee ."I'm a year probably spent 9000 euros it.Students some people not to go out tourism,Cost should be around 7000 euros,Some buy brand name products cost more.I think a year come down to an average of 100000 yuan."
