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澳华人留学中介疑卷款潜逃 21名学生被骗逾60万--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网10月9日电据澳大利亚新快网报道,悉尼又有一家华人留学移民中介疑似发生卷款潜逃“人间蒸发”的事件。被骗的几位中国留学生记者表示,他们中有些人损失了学费,还有些是学生签证的资金担保费,其中涉及金额最大的一个受害人前后几次共向该中介汇款9万元…… Beijing, oct. 9 according to Australia new fast reported,Sydney and have a study in Chinese immigration intermediary suspected happen volume of lam"evaporation"events.To be lied to several Chinese students told reporters,Some of them lost tuition,Also some is a student visa DanBaoFei funds,The amount of involving one of the biggest victims before and after several times to the intermediary remittance total $90000...

  “这些都是我们父母的血汗钱,不找回这个骗子,我们绝不罢休。”上周六(6日)一些受骗学生在悉尼Market City自发集会,声讨无良中介,同时表达了自己要讨回公道的决心。据记者了解,目前悉尼警方已接受了受骗学生的集体报案,案件正在进一步取证之中。

"These are our parents hard-earned money,Don't find this fraud,We will never give up."Last Saturday(6)Some students cheated in Sydney Market City spontaneous assembly,Condemn without good intermediary,At the same time expressed his determination to get back to justice.According to reporter understanding,At present the Sydney police have accepted deceived students' collective report a case to the security authorities,The case is further evidence of.


21名学生被骗逾60万元 21 students cheat more than 600000 yuan

  9月29日是今年中秋节的前一天,悉尼唐人满是为节日采购礼物的人,但下午2点, Market City斜对唐人街牌坊的一处入口处,却聚集了十多个统一穿着白色背心,佩戴口罩和墨镜的中国留学生。在他们打出的横幅上,写有“移民中介诈骗学生”的中英文字样,横幅的一角,还用红色颜料醒目的写上了“AUD600,000”。

On September 29, is the day before the Mid-Autumn festival this year,Sydney tang for the festival is full of people shopping for presents,But 2 PM, Market City inclined to Chinatown arch at the entrance of a place,But gathered more than ten unity in white vest,Wearing masks and sunglasses of Chinese students.They played in the banner,Write have"Immigration intermediary fraud students"English and Chinese words,A corner of the banner,Also in red pigment marked written"AUD600,000".


A man named Helen Chinese female student told reporters,Banner said the intermediary is Sydney Chinatown building heart a street called"# letter"Study of immigration center.


"I was cheated out of nearly 8000 yuan."Helen said,She reads before translation course should pay tuition fees,But because the check was bank to send the wrong place,So the remittance rejected,Watched because can't pay and miss entrance date,Didn't expect the"kind"Intermediary for her but promised to paid tuition fee...


"At that time I was to her a favor,Because it can for the students' benefit intermediary is less and less."Helen said,After a few days,Intermediary will urge her to return money,But because at that time check haven't to account,Helen let China's domestic parents according to the exchange rate on the day the money transfer to the intermediary in the domestic account.


"But after school but give me call,Says the tuition hesitated to account."Clearly by the intermediary disbursements tuition why still outstanding?Helen hurried to school to play to phone just know,The school only received intermediary issued by bank transfer record,And date is July 30,,Helen's parents and early on July 20, will put the money"also"Give can previously"disbursements"The intermediary fees.


"(intermediary)Don't give me pad tuition,And after school also found online transfer record screen also suspected of cheating,Because school never received the money."Abruptly be intermediary"swallow"7900 yuan tuition Helen after several times also found intermediary request return money,But she always with all sorts of reason in arrears."The last time I get through her phone is on September 14,,After they didn't meet through,To her company for someone,Also people go to house empty."


Helen said,Such as she was cheated out 78000 yuan or a few.She said,Many students take a part-time job cheated because on Saturday,Can to Chinatown."Last week we had the collective to the police station,At that time a total of 21 name swindled students,Total amount of more than 600000 yuan,Most is a girl for undergraduate visa amount of bond,Almost 90000 block."Helen says,The intermediary is a in Chinatown has nearly 10 years old intermediary,So the"evaporation"Let no one has thought of.


“卷款消失”中介人疑是无牌代理 "Roll money disappear"Intermediary doubt is no brand agent


Reporter then login to study abroad migration agent registration website MARA,Helen according to provide the intermediary information further look for clues.MARA website suggest,The Chinese name called"# believe immigration center study abroad"The company is registered in another male licensed agency's name.Helen told reporters,The male agents and"Roll money disappear"The women are husband and wife relationship.


"I worked in three years ago in their Sydney company seen her husband,But after they haven't seen,Listen to them in China and intermediary company."Helen told reporters,According to her speculation,this"disappear"of"Wife of shop-owner"May not migration agent qualification.Reporter then in her card also did not see usually licensed agency will be printed on the"MARA number",And with her name in both Chinese and English in the database are not found the women of any registration material.


Helen told reporters,In addition to be cheated out of tuition or amount of bond,Some students also because intermediary bag"Visa fee"Or no help for the extension,And lead to visa expired,"As far as I know,I know the visa expiry date because the victim will have 3 people are forced to return to China in advance."


The reporter understands,These students cheated in the past few days have been accept police E-mail asked,The police want to know more information,Help put on record,And XinZhou fair exchange from the latest news said,because"Roll money disappear"Intermediary system legally registered intermediary,And pay insurance in the industry,Therefore deceived students from the insurance company is expected to be there first win compensation.


But an industry insiders revealed,Get the compensation insurance company won't such as imagination as well,Deceived students in addition to need to hire a lawyer outside,May also face take out insurance company"Roll money without company licensed agent"of"spite",The process of claim is not plain sailing.


According to another reporter obtained unsubstantiated news,"# believe immigration center study abroad"Suspected offender.they volume of the women has had to digital swindled students to send E-mail,says"Your current short of money,Grace days,Will value return."The organization on September 29 swindled students a chance to Sydney university Chinese students and Paul confirmed the news,Paul said he is not informed,But if you really have it,He wants to be cheat students don't continue to listen to the intermediary,But the case promptly inform the police.


Sydney central police station Maricic.Maricic told reporters,If according to the student said,Can the initial judgment for this is a serious business fraud,The police will then spread related survey.If sufficient,Will Sue related people involved.He comfort victims it is certain to should have patience,Because of the complicated case,The police need to fully investigate and collect evidence.


Maricic officer to remind the community people,Similar immigration fraud in Australia is not rare in this country,Some of the immigrant the applicant's eager psychological,Special for this people commit crime,Citizens and students all needs to remain vigilant.Survey if there is progress,The police will pass the community bulletin.


And the central police station of the Chinese police and the contact LiJingRong director, said,The police has repeatedly received similar report a case to the security authorities,A liar specially take students laid hands on him.He says,Along with the immigration policy tightening constantly,These people took the opportunity to fraud.He suggested that the students in the intermediary to deal with immigration before application,To seek legal advice,Or to immigration and MARA, including relevant institutions inquires the intermediary working qualification.


LiJingRong director also remind students,Don't be intermediary various commitment hoodwinked."Many people say not success not to receive money,but‘Don't succeed’What is the specific definition,Students must understand".According to he introduced,In many immigrants in the fraud,Most of the victims were Chinese students.He appealed for more victims to their apartment near the police station,Or to the immigration office to report.
