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 [原标题:老师说,买蜡笔非买20支一盒的] [the original title:The teacher said,Buy crayon not buy 20 cigarettes a box of]

  本报记者 彭薇

Our reporter PengWei

  最近,一些幼儿园、小学的新生家长教育论坛频频“发帖”,抱怨学校“太严格”:“学校让家长买蜡笔,规定只能是20支一盒的,少一支也不行”,“幼儿园上课,必须举手才能发言,没举手直接说,会被老师呵斥”…… 家长们说,如果都按学校这套“死板”的标准教育,如何能培养出有个性的一代?

recently,Some kindergarten/Primary school new parents in education BBS again and again"post",Complain that the school"Too strict":"The school let the parents buy crayon,Regulation is only 20 cigarettes a box,Less a also not line","Kindergarten class,Must raise your hand to speak,Don't raise your hand direct said,Will be the teacher hoot"…… Parents say,If according to this school"rigid"Standard education,How to raise has the individuality generation?


家长:上学才知学校规矩多 parents:School more than just knowing the school rules


WuFangRui children read kindergarten classes this year,To her amazement,Originally thought to activities and games give priority to kindergarten should have a lot of rules.She told reporters describes the kindergarten classroom scene:


We formed a circle,Two hands to in the back,Listening to the teacher in class.Be the teacher point to name answer problem of children,Cannot directly said,Want to stand up;Ask questions of the teacher,Can't sit on the seat directly ask,To put up your hand first,By the teacher after roll call,Can speak.

  “因为孩子不能做到这些,我被老师叫去学校好几次,要家长配合,回家好好训练孩子。”吴女士认为,老师的这些规定有点 “小题大做”,“幼儿园没必要对三四岁的孩子一板一眼地提出要求”。

"Because the child can't do this,I was the teacher told to school several times,To parents with,Go home to have a good training children."Ms wu think,The teacher's the rules a little bit "Make a mountain out of a molehill","Kindergarten not necessary to three or four years old children scrupulous to request".


Ms wu complaints,Cause many new parents resonance.A primary school grade one students' parents said,Children in primary school later,Found that the rules should have so much,Buy a box of crayons 16 teams,Come back by the teacher,Because the provisions of the 20 teams than less four branch;Homework to have unified format,Do mathematics,Finished writing a line,To empty out a line,Not according to the format of writing,Returned to rewrite.


"These regulations some the unkindness,So cultivate students won't change stay?"Many parents say,At home,They gave the baby is to let it"Free play","Even if the child with crayons to draw on the wall,I also can't criticize him,These are his originality.We will be afraid too much regulation,Will kill the child's nature!"

  校长:“规矩意识”需要训练 The headmaster:"Rule consciousness"Need training


"Parents and teachers of the education gap between,In fact are two concepts of collision."[The young pioneers activities]Magazine executive editor ZhaoXiaoHua found,Today's young parents universal praise highly"To children as the center"'s education thought,Advocating western education mode,Think for children pipe less,Is to respect the child's nature."The parents to the teacher's ideas so big,Just because they will oppose the western education completely".


ZhaoXiaoHua said,Now family only raising a child,Children undoubtedly become the focus.Every parents hope their children different,outstanding,Every child in different environment and education mode growth,As time passes,Formed its own personality.While in school this environment,The teacher more attention is collective the formation of the good atmosphere,First concern is common.A lot of the headmaster stressed,Students from different family,Schools need to train their"Rule consciousness",Abide by the collective order and social rules."It is hard to imagine,When the students in the classroom,Want to say and then say,Want to jump jump,How can the teacher a good lesson??"


"In fact,The two cognitive is not contradictory."ZhaoXiaoHua said,This is like towers,No good"foundation",What about personality?Only let children adapt to the surrounding environment,To be able to display the potential.


专家:追求共性也培养个性 experts:The pursuit of common also culture personality

  教育专家认为,如今家庭教育往往 “模式化”,家长们容易“走偏”。比如“虎妈”、“鹰爸”等铁腕式家长代表,以“狠”和“严”著称;也有主张“猫爸”等柔和式教育的家长,更多的是注重孩子的感受,与他们平等交流。家长们往往将自己归入到某种中式或西式的“教育门派”,但其实更重要的是科学的家庭教育观,与学校教育相得益彰。

Education experts say,Now the family education often "modeled",Parents are easy to"Go partial".For example"Tiger mother"/"Eagle dad"And iron WanShi parent,to"malicious"and"strict"Is famous for its;Also have advocated"The cat dad"Downy and type education of parents,More is to pay attention to the child's feelings,And they equal exchange.His parents often will belong to a Chinese or western"Education branches of",But in fact more important scientific family education,And school education bring out the best in each other.


Education bestseller[A good mother is better than a good teacher]author/Education experts YinJianLi in micro bo said,In the daughter's education aspects,She often does not agree with the teacher's approach,Such as the teacher use copy homework way to punish the child,This damage the child's interest in learning,Parents can not concessions."But don't compromise does not mean and the teacher obversion relationship."She thinks,Every parents can according to your own situation,Find an appropriate way and communication with the teacher.


Experts suggest,Young parents first should cooperate with the teacher,Let the child from"Natural person"A smooth transition into the"Social man".To the new entering the campus gate for children,On social cognition/Survival and life ability training,And cooperation spirit,More important than make public individual character.And the school in the pursuit of common basis,For the child's personality to create space."Education is not make standardization‘parts’,But create don't repeat individual."
