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  2012年9月20日,在动画系谭主任的邀请下,创意未来百校巡讲走进百年名校华南农业大学。今天与华南农业大学学子们分享的主题是《炫动的CG世界——围城》。 On September 20, 2012,In animation department director tan the invitation,Creative future hundred school tour speak into the century-old south China agricultural university.Today with the south China agricultural university students is the theme of the share[Xuan action of CG world - siege].


CG world is a castle,Have such as money/stable/free/white-collar/High-end and all attractive trait,It attracts millions of passionate young people to join.But CG industry also has its cruel/Real side of.


Crystal education guangzhou center zou teacher and opening"siege"The theme"town"In all the classmates.But humor lecture style but let the full of laughter.Zou teacher on the comparison and analysis of the domestic and foreign CG industry development situation,When introduced to[Qi jiguang heroes][Lei feng]And domestic"classic""Big production"film,We believe that all schoolmates on domestic animation film have deeper understanding.

  遇到这样富有激情与感染力的老师,学生当然更投入啦!不过要让华农的高材生们如此全神贯注的听公开课,单凭"舞台效果"肯定是不行的。"CG技术是一种表达个人思想的方式与平台,它能让你获得成就感,让你如造物主一般创造你想要的一切""为什么CG技术这么辛苦,还是有这么多的热血青年往里面跳呢?那是因为他们相信,自己的梦想终会实现。人生如戏,演好自己的角色,我们人生的闪光点总会被人发现。"   虽然CG人的世界不如想象中美好,但邹老师一句句殷殷教导却愈发激励着在座的每一名同学。   原定两个小时的讲座,在学生的高声呼吁下,延长到三个小时。讲座正式结束后,学生纷纷不舍的询问下次讲座是什么时候。看着这群可爱的童鞋,顿时觉得所有的辛苦都是值得的。   下一站,创意未来百校巡讲专家组将走进广州城市职业学院,水晶石教育将为大家带来更多的惊喜!想知道是什么如此吸引同学们吗?预知详情,请听下回分解。
Meet such full of passion and influence of the teacher,Of course the students more into it!But to make China farming of the top student so listen intently open class,Single by"Stage effect"Must be no good."CG technology is a kind of expression of personal thought way and the platform,It can make you get a sense of achievement,Let you such as creator generally create all you want""Why CG technology so hard,There are still so many teenagers jump into it??That's because they believe that,Your dreams will come true eventually.Life is like a play,Play its role,Our life will always be found out of bright light." Although CG people's world is to imagine the beautiful,But zou YiGouGou teacher scent but teach more inspires everyone here every students. The lecture was scheduled for two hours,In the student of loudly called on next,Extended to three hours.After the formal lectures,Students are not given to ask the next seminar is what time.Look at this group of lovely children's shoes,Suddenly feel that all the hard work was worth it. Next station,Creative future hundred school tour group will speak into guangzhou city vocational college,Crystal education will bring more surprise!Want to know what it is so appealing to the students?Predict details,Please listen to the next time decomposition.
