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南宁一名2岁半女娃能辨认224个国家和地区旗帜邹一一在接受测试 Zou each in acceptance testing南宁一名2岁半女娃能辨认224个国家和地区旗帜

  测试过程中,邹一一不时笑嘻。广西新闻网记者 李平 文/图

Test process,Zou from time to time one smile heh.Guangxi news network reporter li wen/diagram


核心提示 summary


A 2 1/2 years old female,Could identify 224 countries and regions flag you believe or not!


SAO tome/principe/Bosnia and herzegovina,This tongue twister like the name,Everyone is listening to the strange/Read also as stiff as a poker.but,Nanning 2 1/2 one little girl zou,Seem to be strange these names/Design special places and flags have a special liking,Characters recognition for her,But will the world 224 countries and regions all flags can accurately recognize.Recently one night,In a ordinary residents' home,Our reporter with a stack banner card,On 2 1/2 years old girl zou tested by himself.


出场:面对测试落落大方 appearances:In the face of the test natural and graceful


Zou one,The girl,In 2010, was born on May 6.


Graduation YuHuaZhong normal university/A study of children's psychological and early education of zou father to her evaluation is:Accept knowledge and new things quickly,Can quickly to quiet down,Attention adjust quickly,So remember things quickly.


As one of the accounting for the evaluation of mother daughter is:Sweet and innocent,Sensible polite,Like to learn to play,Like performance,Don't fear.


Comprehensive evaluation:Character lively and cheerful,Natural and graceful,Meet strangers is not stage fright,Language is clear,Good memory,Many of the songs to listen to a after twice,It can sing it out.For many things are very interested.


That night,Reporters saw one zou.She looked like any other age girl ever,But when her mother to her introduction when visitors,She is playing very politely/Very clear with reporters say "hello":"Aunt good!"


测试:边抽卡片还边玩边问答 test:Edge extraction card also play while question and answer


7 PM,One mother will she brought into a room,One reporter with the 30 minutes of one-on-one conversation.


"one,Know this pattern?Which country?"In front of them stood a stack of CARDS,The printed the flag of the countries and regions,Write the corresponding behind the names of countries and regions,Reporter face.he picked up a card start to question the.


"kyrgyzstan."Sitting opposite one reporter,Take a piece of small stick in the play.


"Can you say that again to listen to my aunt?"Reporter deliberately didn't hear clearly.


"kyrgyzstan."Loudly answer one.


"Great one,This one??There is only the eagle oh."


"moldova."One took a glance at replied.


"The two?,Good like oh,Which is which ah?"Reporter NaWen.


"East timor/South Sudan."A told reporters.


"Really bad one.Then you look at this,Like a shield the same,Which country is ah?"Reporter continue to ask.


"Slovakia."Loudly answer one.


"The two??"Reporter took have m word and stars pattern of the two flags to identify them.


"This is Australia",Said, "one,Then pointed to the m word with a ring of stars flag said:"This is the European Union".


In the past half an hour,Before the 224 card finished ask.meanwhile,In addition to the national flag of individual countries due to the attention is not centralized one too,Have never see clear will answer and mistakes,But she can be corrected immediately.


经验:短时间内大量输入强化记忆 experience:A short time a large number of input strengthen memory


Big one doesn't know a few,Is how understanding and remember these flags?


"One about 2 years old,I can send,The United States themselves are often read French British Italy and other countries the name,So he bought the world national flag card back."Zou dad said,One can know at that time about 100 national flag.See her like,Then increase the training,So one of the flash card training.


See zou dad picked up these printed with countries flags card:"Armenia/Cyprus/Indonesia/Kazakhstan..."Turn out and read 30 card only twenty seconds.


Zou father told reporters,This is the right for the activation of the flash card training,In the United States/Japan and other countries have been popular.


"In fact this practice is also catch children with brain regularity and characteristics,Accept soon/Remember fast."Zou dad said,One daughter in 2 years old,He consciously train her,Of course is not only a flash card training,But more systematic training.


"The child's attention time is very short,In a short time will be carried out with a high speed/A lot of input,Such as,Within 1 minute before children read fifty card,Don't worry about the children can not accept."Zou father and reporters to share his experience.


Zou dad said,His faithful training and daily training,Purpose is not to let children remember how many words/Many national flags,But hopes to stimulate children's vision/hearing,Activated brain nerve links,Gradually achieve highly the effect of reading.This reading than other children much quicker,Absorbed dose than general child big a lot,Benefits should be not only in study.


说法:让孩子觉得学习是愉悦的 statement:Let the child feel that learning is joyful


"In fact one mother was pregnant,I started to carry on the prenatal education."Zou dad said,To suggest that every day for them,Is mom get up will feel belly,Said baby's day,We should get up;To play in the park,Will also said baby today we went to the park to play,The park have what good-looking of fun.


"Did you come to cultivate prodigy?"Reporters joked.


"no."Zou father firmly negative,He said the reason to do so,To maximize mining the child's potential,Not urgent desire to daughter become ten thousand outstanding child prodigy.


For the cultivation of the daughter,Zou dad said,3-5 years old he will use the digital children sensitive operations training,5 to 12 years old he will pay attention to the child to the history of human learning and the cultivation of emotion quotient (eq).


Zou dad said,After all, children are children,Love to play is nature,Every day they let them study for no more than an hour,And to do a small amount of many principles,Where each learning is 10-15 minutes."I most like to see,Let daughter feel that learning is happy/cheerful,Regardless of her future like,I will respect her."Zou father laughed,"I and mother is one democratic parents."


新闻纵深 News depth


早教:顺“天时”还是逆“天命”? early:the"days"Or reverse"destiny"?


家长: parents:


对早期教育有赞有弹 On the early education has a great play


Son Ye(alias)6 years old this year,His mother attaches great importance to the early education.From the age of three children began to Ye is mother to early learning institutions,Mainly for the right development,To now also has already 3 years time.


"Do have a certain effect.The son Ye language ability increase a lot,The teacher also said he thought very active,Learn something faster,Memory is also very good."The son Ye mother told reporters.She felt that these changes with the right brain development has the very big relations,Her attention to his son's early achievements is also very satisfied.


The reporter understands,Although the development of right brain by some parents welcome,But some parents to brain development is not so rest assured.They think that children should play,Enjoy a healthy and happy childhood,Rather than let the child to learn this learning that,And think too early to education for children may backfire,Should let nature take its course,Conform to the child's interest.


Beckham's mother is a middle school Chinese teacher,She will not agree with the parents let children to participate in one way or another class or early intelligence development class,Especially now, many parents and early institutions praise highly right brain development.She said,"A child's growth and his future comprehensive ability,And is not merely determined by early success,The process of growing up each link is very important."


专家: experts:


早教绝不是白费工夫 Development is not a failure


"According to the ministry of education issued 3 to 6 years old children's learning and development guide lists of preschool children's cognitive ability standard,Do you have for your child's education is advanced or over now?Will not spoil things by excessive enthusiasm?"The reporter asked zou faithful father.


"I am one of the training and education is to her potential properly activation,No forced,Is completely let children pleasure to accept,So far from excessive education and haste makes waste."Zou father is an example:Karl Witt is the 19th century Germany a famous genius,Karl Witt can do wonders,Not because of his talent how superb,Its success depends much on his father's education wisely.


"Although some people think that,Before the age of three things children don't remember,Education useful??"Zou dad said,Carl's father think a person's potential must be in five or six years ago through the early education developed,And after 6 years to undertake to the child education has missed the best opportunity by education.The great father/Early educators point of view also got now many education experts recognition.


Wuhan university, director of the center for children's development research YangJian professor says:"Early education is the education,May not like to learn the knowledge that immediate,But in the development of life slowly in present a long-term effect."In his view,0 to 3 years old of early education is not a failure.For the first three years of life scientists called"Form printing KeQi",Like as YinKe,In the brain produce trace,And in the next moment play a role.Early education is the key to timely input information,Let the child in the brain formation"YinKe",Understanding is later things.


新闻资料 News material


右脑开发闪卡 开发十种能力 Right brain development flash card development ten kind of ability


Right brain development flash card with infant brain development process,The smaller the child age,Effect of the more obvious,The more you'll hear the see accept according to the order,And set up a lot of information,Thus stimulating brain nerve synaptic contact,So as to stimulate children in infancy perception and understanding of the ability of writing.When the child to text comprehension and reading speed high strong words,He will fall in love with words and books,Even at a tender for interest and then read a lot of books,The reading ability of children in the future study and development is a great help.When the children grow older,Part of the brain show more and more mature,The effectiveness of this method will be gradually reduced.So - 3 years the best effect,3 to 6 years old the effect will be significantly reduced,After 6 years of results will look all the slimmer.


Along with the progress of the scientific research,Research reveals early childhood education returns than children's access to basic education of higher returns.Baby learn math and reading is part of the children's brain potential development.Reading is the brain inherent physiological function,Is through the visual training strengthen children's brain function,Is the baby of the brain in the process of development is important one annulus.


Right brain development flash CARDS can develop ten kind of ability:


a/telepathy/Predict ability/Perspective ability(ESP ability)


two/Like to see pictures of clear visual ability to imagine(Intuition as also called camera memory ability)


three/To read a things like photos with general clear memory(Super memory)


four/Instantly solve complicated calculation ability(Fast computing power)


five/Will imagine in an instant pronation into words/Digital or mark ability and reverse thinking ability


six/The ability to easily master a foreign language(The right language learning ability)


seven/Intuition and inspiration, creative ability(Innovative thinking ability)


eight/Ability of rapid reading(photographic)


nine/Access to information from the universe and its treatment using ability


ten/Engage the five senses ability(understanding).
