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高二女生交换生名额被“抢” 每天就想报复同学--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  在外人眼中,小莉一直是个开朗而优秀的女孩,从小学到高中,成绩优异的小莉也一直很顺利,可在升入高中后不久,小莉却遭受了一次“重创”:在一次的选拔中,小莉输给了同班的女同学。对此小莉一直忿忿不平,这种情绪甚至一直持续到了同学从国外归来,“见不到面的时候还好一点,现在一看到她就有种想掐死她的冲动。” Outsiders in,Small li has always been a cheerful and good girl,To acquire high school,The result is outstanding little lisa also has been very successful,Can be in to shortly after high school,Small li but suffered a"hit":In a time of selection,Small li lost to my female classmates.This small li has been incensed,This kind of mood even until the students returning from abroad,"See the time still a little bit better,Now a see she has a want to strangled her impulse."


When XinXuNanPing,Small li will write on the paper with each other's name and tore a crush,But even so she still don't feel solution spirit,"I just want to revenge for her,Is she gave me the chance to go abroad robbed,Is she deprived of my happiness."Because this kind of mood can't call away,Has even affected small li normal life and learning,Now she even don't want to go to school,More is not willing to see the students.


She called to 12355 teenagers desk pour out,In the psychological consultation under the help of the ShiWenQing,The small li in the dark side idea also pour out.WenQing remind parents,Don't just stare at the child's academic performance,The children tumbled resistance education is more important.The child's frustration endurance in life is through a events,When a child when setbacks,Parents' guidance is particularly important.Such as the same area for two little girls,May the usual level almost,But in the game a took the first place,Another only took the second place,The second child will lost,This time the parents will be offered to help resolve this lost children,Let the children enjoy the dance itself brings happiness.

  文清还提醒家长,不要总拿自己的孩子跟其他的孩子作比较,尤其不要拿自家孩子的短处跟别家孩子的长处比。在经历的生活事件中也要不时告诉孩子,努力是必须的,但努力后却不一定能得到自己想要的结果,教会孩子坦然面对生活中的不顺与挫折。扬子晚报记者 薛 玲

WenQing also remind parents,Don't always take their children with other children to compare,Especially do not take their child's shortcomings with another child's strengths than.After life event will tell their children from time to time,Effort is needed,But after hard but can not get the results you want,To teach children to calm in the face of life not and setbacks.Yangzi evening news reporter xue ling
