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导读: introduction:又是一年走过,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向中国教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月举行。搜狐教育将与亿万网友一起,向中国教育发问,解答困惑,寻求变革。《孟子•尽心上》云:"观水有术,必观其澜。"朱熹在《四书集注》中对此句的注解为:"观水之澜,则知其源之有本矣。"正如古圣先贤所言,考察产业的要点,在于观其大势,知其本源,方能探知行业命脉,把握经营真谛!

Another year through,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"To the Chinese education question"Sohu education annual festival will be held in January 2013.Sohu education with hundreds of millions of users together,China's education to ask,Answer confused,Seek change.[mencius•On with]cloud:"View water art,Will view the billows."Zhu xi in[Contact four]This sentence for comment:"View the water ripples,It is down to have this yi."As the ancient scholars said,Study the main points of the industry,The general trend is to view,Know its origin,Can ascertain industry lifeline,Grasp business essence!


In the Chinese education the most promising in 2012,Education system in the continuous ice,Education industry in rapid development after the ebb tide.We call on education reform way beyond the group interest,We pursue the origin of education to the original ideal feelings,We have the chance to take China education better,And you in the meantime,unique,indispensable.We believe that,Whisper to each other will only make a few people benefit,Audible words chorus to energy amplification,Will power reunion!Billows and SuoYuan,Heart is the world view,Sohu education channel will be in December 2012 and held on"[quite]Network education industry annual inventory peak BBS",Collision thought,all,For China's education answer to reassure,In order to promote the reform questions discussed.

  论坛时间:  BBS time: 12月28日(周五)14:00 - 15:30

On December 29,(On Friday)and:A - 15:30

  论坛地点: BBS site:搜狐网络大厦12层•大演播室

Sohu network building and layer•Big studio

  年度话题: Annual topic:

  PART1 实体教育网络化

PART1 Physical education network

  PART2 远程教育“远”吗?

Part2 Remote education"far"??

  PART3 向教育提问

PART3 Education question to

  PART4 与搜狐教育旅行3分钟

PART4 And sohu education travel 3 minutes

  年度论坛重磅嘉宾: Annual BBS blockbuster guests:

  杨志坚:国开放大学校长 YangZhiJian:Countries Open University President

  嘉宾简介: Guest profile:

  杨志坚,1959年3月生,广西苍梧人,博士研究生毕业,曾长期在教育部高等教育司工作,此前担任教育部高教司副司长。2012年7月31日,国家开放大学正式成立,我国广播电视大学系统踏上了新的征途。从国家开放大学的筹划到正式成立,作为国家开放大学的校长,作为一位来自广西的教育家他付出了巨大的努力。 YangZhiJian,Born in March 1959,Guangxi wuzhou became the people,Doctor graduate student,For a long time in the ministry of education have higher JiaoYuSi work,Previously served as the ministry of education GaoJiaoSi deputy director general.On July 31, 2012,National Open University formally established,China's radio and television university system set foot on a new journey.From the national Open University planning to formally established,As a national Open University President,As a from guangxi educators he paid a great deal of effort.

  朱正东:正保远程教育集团总裁 ZhuZhengDong:Is the remote education group President

  嘉宾 guests简介: introduction:

  2000年,朱正东成立了正保教育,正保教育是在纽交所上市的中国唯一一家远程教育企业。朱正东被称为中国远程教育第一人。每位创业者都有着不为人知的血泪史,而朱正东在这条路上似乎走得更艰难。从1992年至2000年,他经历了三次创业才最终在远程教育领域“修成正果”,并且在行业里所向披靡。2000年做会计,2003年做法律,2004年考研,2005年拓展到了医学、自考网设备等诸多领域。 经过8年艰苦奋战,力压群雄,最终笑傲江湖,成为中国远程教育第一股。行业人士都喜欢用中国远程教育的开拓者和领跑者来形容朱正东,2008年7月30日,正保登陆纽交所成为远程教育第一股。

In 2000,,ZhuZhengDong established is the education,Is the education is in nyse-listed China only a remote education enterprise.ZhuZhengDong called China's remote education first.Each entrepreneurs have no known history of blood,And ZhuZhengDong on this road seems to go more difficult.From 1992 to 2000,He has lived through three business finally in the remote education field"airness",And in the industry invincible.2000 do accounting,Law in 2003,2004 one's deceased father grind,In 2005 to develop medical/Since an equipment, etc. After eight years of hard fighting,Force pressure a,Finally smile the ao river's lake,Become China's remote education first shares.Industry people like to use China's remote education pioneer and leader to describe ZhuZhengDong,On July 26, 2008,Is the landing nyse become remote education first shares.

  黄 波:弘成教育集团总裁 Yellow wave:Hong into education group President

  嘉宾简介: Guest profile:


Yellow lady,Hong into education group(The learning network,NASDAQ: CEDU)The chairman of the board,China network education industry the Portland trail blazers,China people's university dong,Columbia University business school Beijing on behalf of the interview.

  毕业于美国田纳西州大学,获化工、微生物学双硕士学位,后获得美国哥伦比亚大学商学院MBA学位;曾先后在美国MERCK & CO.、美国BANKERS TRUST投资银行、美国ERNST & YOUNG LLP管理咨询公司担任多个管理职位,积累了丰富的企业和项目管理,投融资及资产管理等领域经验。1999年,中国的网络教育刚刚兴起,黄波女士便回国参与创建弘成教育集团,与人民大学合作,开创了在业内被称之为“人大模式”的网络教育整体服务模式,该模式将国际网络教育的实践经验与中国高等院校的实际情况结合,保证了网络教育服务的质量与网络院校的稳健发展。

Graduated from the university of Tennessee,The chemical/Microbiology double master's degree,For the United States after the Columbia University business school MBA degree;Once successively in the United States MERCK & CO./American BANKERS TRUST investment bank/The United States ERNST & YOUNG LLP management consulting company as a multiple management position,Accumulated a wealth of enterprise and project management,Investment and asset management experience, etc.In 1999,,China's network education just rise,Yellow lady will return to participate in creating hong into education group,And people's university cooperation,Started in the industry are called"Mode of National People's Congress"Network education overall service mode,This mode will be international network education of practical experience and Chinese institutions of higher learning with the actual situation,Ensure that the network education service quality and network colleges and stable development.

  张 伟:奥鹏教育集团总裁 Zhang wei:AoPeng education group President

   机构介绍: Mechanism is introduced:


In December of 2002,Approved by the ministry of education"The central distance education public service system construction pilot"Project official start,And the central radio and television university and TV university online remote education technology co., LTD. Is established jointly"AoPeng remote education center"(Referred to as"AoPeng education").AoPeng education as the central radio and television university under the mechanism responsible for the construction of the whole system/Operation and management,Through the whole service system for education institution to distance education provide nationwide recruitment organization/Teaching administration/Student affairs/Test organization outside support service,Resources as well as the transmission/Platform construction and other services.According to the development of public service system and management needs,In some provincial TV university set AoPeng management center,Assist AoPeng remote education center to the area of AoPeng learning center management/supervision.
