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体育已入中考 体育入高考仍在激烈讨论中--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  庄晓英 杜佳雯

ZhuangXiaoYing DuJiaWen


Whether can accept,Our students' physical quality is a continuous decrease of the state,And according to the students' physique monitoring,The results are worrying.so,In physical examination in after years,Have expert advice will the sport is also included in the college entrance examination,But some colleges and universities also began in the independent recruitment process to improve sports performance influence specific gravity.But the problem is the physical education into the university entrance exam is really solve students' physical quality of the best medicine?


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学龄增长 体质下降 School age growth physical deterioration


In June this year,By the city of primary and middle school students physical health test results show,The city's 1.2 million primary and middle school students' physical health comprehensive success rate was and9.1%.The students obesity rate was 16.9%,For the first time in five years down there.So far this year on January 15,,Shanghai of 1473 primary and middle school high school grade one to grade three of the 120and947 students,According to the[National student physical health standard]Divided into physical form/Physiological function/The body quality and so on three aspects of 21 indicators on test,The results show,From the study period of physical health success rate is to see,Present with school age growth and physical deterioration trend:The statistical percentage of 92.2% elementary school,and6% of junior high school,and5.5% of the high school,Are higher than the level of 2010,The ministry of education to the overall success rate is higher than and5% of the requirements.


The primary and middle school students in the lung capacity in body mass index is relatively low,Rate is 43.2%.The students learning period between the quality development imbalance situation:Primary school soft power quality is good,And the success rate was 56.1% and 91.9% respectively,Endurance quality is poor,And the success rate was 4and.2% and and9.2% respectively;Junior high school speed dexterity quality is good,And the success rate was 66.6% and 93.1% respectively,Endurance quality low success rate,Is andand.6%;High speed dexterity quality and soft power quality are deviation,Speed dexterity quality good and success rate were 53.6% and and6.6% respectively,Soft power quality and success rate was 40.2% and and1.2% respectively,Endurance quality have no obvious advantage.


大学生身体素质25年来持续下降 College students' physical quality, in the past 25 years, continued to decline


"School age growth,Physical deterioration",This state in the college students' physique monitoring verified.State general administration of sport/Published in 2011 by the ministry of education of the 2010 national civil constitution monitoring results show that:College students' physical quality, in the past 25 years, continued to decline.And 19and5 than,Lung volume down nearly 10%;College girls in the and00 - meter run/The boy in the 1000 - meter run results were down by 10.3% and 10.9%.


"College students' physical deterioration is accumulated,"Tsinghua university sports department director LiuBoCeng in the interview said:"For instance,The provisions to run 1500 meters,Physical education in primary school students will start to run,Always run to university,Appear the possibility of accident will greatly reduce.instead,From the lack of corresponding exercise,Want to in the university rapidly improved cardiopulmonary function,It is almost impossible,Let such a student to run 3000 meters/5000 meters,No does not have an accident."


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小调查:超8成家长反对体育测试应试化 Small survey:Super and into parents objected to sports test takes an exam the change


In order to reverse the students' physical quality is declining"flagging",The ministry of education/The national development and reform commission/The ministry of finance/General administration of sport has come[On further strengthening the school sports work certain opinions],Put forward"Improve the students' physical health test and evaluation system",and"Active exploration in the high school level exam increase the practice of sports course,Promote the university entrance exam comprehensive evaluation system construction,Effectively play the enhancement of students' physical guidance".There are reports that accordingly"Our country consider high school sports course in the university entrance exam comprehensive evaluation system".


While these reports in the parents has triggered a heated discussion,In the E degree education BBS do small range survey,More than eight into parents against physical test takes an exam the change.Parents Mr. Li said,Now that the children are learning pressure is enough,At seven o 'clock in the morning will have to go out,Night came to do homework do 11-12 o 'clock,Even sleep time is not enough,Which still have time to exercise,Was the hope school physical education,But physical education sometimes be literacy class occupancy.The child's physical quality is poor,But this is takes an exam the education problems,The sports is not included in the college entrance examination can change,Sports again into the exam will only increase the burden of the children.Want to strengthen children's physical quality,Have to grab from fountainhead,Change the examination education system is"kingcraft".


除了学业负担 还有其它一些“不能说的秘密” In addition to academic burden and other"Can't say secret"


Students' physical quality declines linearly with the academic burden/The university entrance exam pressure are inseparable,The Chinese middle school vice President ZhouXiaoFang said,Now the child's physical quality common bad this is an indisputable fact,And it is to turn the situation is not easy.Although the school attaches great importance to the child's physical exercise,For those interested in sports children is also very encouraging,But sometimes suffer from does not have site.Such as the Chinese middle school at seven o 'clock every morning will organization running in the morning,But there is a campus just can't do,Because of flank is taking the subway.


Many objective factors are easy to cause the child to exercise hindered.Parents ms. Chen said,The daughter of a high once in a long distance of and00 meters after the test to make a phone call to say rhinitis made again,Feel dying.She opened his phone environment quality testing software a look,It was"Severe pollution".


加强体育测试未必就能提高身体素质 Strengthen the sports test is not necessarily can improve physical quality


Wen to middle school PE teacher huang teachers think,Physical examination into the scope of the college entrance examination,Or can strengthen the students and parents to physical training consciousness,But only for tests,Not necessarily can achieve the purpose of physical exercise,Physical training and sports test should be separated.Yellow teacher said,Sports after the tests,Found that some students though sports got a full mark in the test,But itself physical quality is not good,After the start of high school,Sports a baseline test result is not ideal.This is because in order to cope with the exam,Many students to participate in social sports course,And physical test project is optional,Students will only choose favorable testing project,Such as some students not endurance,Will choose swimming.


High school students schoolwork burden was already very heavy,If physical test into the college entrance examination,This will lead to some students try their best to cope with the exam,Not only can not reach the purpose of strengthening the physical quality,But they increase their burden.The teacher suggested that yellow,The body quality of the training is to from the grab,And need to perserve.For high school students in,High school physical education as long as usual on foot can achieve exercise and the purpose of the campaign.According to the uniform provisions of the municipal education commission,High school physical education weekly arrangement three classes/Two operating/Two activities.


For sports test takes an exam the change,ZhouXiaoFang also have objections,He said now the child's academic burden is heavy,Physical quality and sent,Suddenly strengthen physical test,may"community",One thousand during test the child problems?Who will be responsible for?


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“体育入中考”获初中教师好评 "Sports into tests"The junior middle school teachers' high praise


"Sports into the college entrance examination"It is in the fierce discussion,And oppose the majority of parents and teachers,But sports into the implementation of the tests after a few years,Although there have been some problems,But overall,Get the teacher's consistent high praise.


明显感到体育受到家长和学生重视 Obviously felt by parents and students pay attention to sports


Pay China middle school sports teacher li Ming said,As a teacher of physical education teacher six years,In the third year of work since the tests sports test scores after total included in the tests,Can obviously feel that parents and students to pay more attention to sports.Have tests this"baton"guidance,For physical training,First of all sensitive and attention up not students,But parents,They see in the sports in the tests"component"after,Often make a phone call to the teacher about the child's physical condition and level,At the same time actively supervise children exercise at home.


Li Ming said,Especially to meet the children have a headache/But in the test scores of a large proportion of the stamina to run,Through the parents and school work along both lines urged,Grade students can now more consciously practice,Some students will be in after dinner or JiaLian weekend,Some parents will accompany side,With a stopwatch"supervision"role.As a sports teacher,Li Ming said,Although some students may be"Be forced"To pay attention to sports,But see students move up is a good phenomenon.


初中低年级学生体育课也不再“放羊” Junior high school junior student physical education will no longer"sheep"


Not only so much grade students in sports,Junior middle school lower grade students also more and more show for sports attention degree,Physical education is no longer"Sheep class",Because from 2012 sports tests structure and can be seen in the score,30 points total score is divided into unified exam and daily assessment two parts,Both of the 15 points,So usually the result is also very important.Li Ming said,Some of the parents will be born early in children's sports to prepare ahead of time.


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大学招办:体育好也能获名校自招加分 University manages:Sports good can also won the school since the recruit bonus


Although Shanghai municipal education commission, said,Sports into the college entrance examination is still no clear timetable.and,Any tests/College entrance examination's policy will be released after detailed argumentation,Three years prior to inform the parents of the students,So high my parents did not need to worry about that.But many universities in order to change students' declining physical quality the situation,Began to explore students admission criteria,Begin to roll in the fitness testing in the independent recruitment of students assessment category.


Tsinghua university professor in Shanghai recruitment groups XuePing revealed,And the first two years,Tsinghua university this year will continue to implement physical test,Undertake to the student physical health as an objective evaluation,Including to height/weight/Lung capacity/Grip strength/Step motion test and the standing long jump six test project.From tsinghua university in 2012 independent admissions policies can be learned,Through the test,Think your body quality good,Can voluntarily choose to participate in tsinghua according to[National student physical health standard]The physical testing organization.Test score good,In the independent deemed appropriate to offer.


XuePing introduced,Tsinghua university to do so is to hope to be able to encourage more students to strengthen physical exercise,And do have some achievements.In 2011,,The physical test for outstanding students rarely,Is only a number,Most of the students even can not reach the requirements of the normal level,And by 2012,The number of outstanding candidates have increased.


A source says,Beijing university will also in 2013 for the first time in the autonomous enrolment into physical test this link,After in the tsinghua university,The second place in the autonomous enrolment start physical test 9and5 university.


建议学生记住7+1>8这个说法 Suggested that students remember 7 + 1>The statement


XuePingShui,Tsinghua university for sports this one has always been very seriously,"For the motherland health work fifty years"This slogan which not only embodies the tsinghua profound culture idea pays more attention to sports/Advocating sports a mark,Tsinghua has become an important school characteristics.In addition,This year is the 100th anniversary of the tsinghua university sports day.


Tsinghua expressly sports failing grades of students can't get degree,Some other students tastily said"A day's study eight hours every day than learning 7 hours plus exercise 1 hour"this"7 + 1>and"that.
