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Climb a tree/Observation body/as"abnormal",This work you do not?recently,Central China normal university college of science and life"geeks"Operation emerge in endlessly,Time cause the students of wide hot debate.
男女分工 完成“爬树”作业 Division of men and women completed"Climb a tree"homework
"Climb a tree to observe the leaves are our homework."Central China normal university college of science and life of biological engineering and technology class 2 a boy said,Because trees need physical strength,So the trees group students took the form of division of labor between men and women,The boy climb trees,The girl is collected from different tree boys off results.
This class students said,Though very tired to climb trees,But actually very fun,"We all find the feeling of childhood."
惊心动魄 近距离观察尸体 Heartquake close observation bodies
The college of life science lab put all kinds of human organs specimens,And watch these a tremble with fear of the human body structure,It is human science students class needed to be done"homework".
The hospital graduate student wang dong said,Need to watch the body has become like a log,"The most frightening is eyes,Many students see the after vomiting feeling."
The school teacher in college of life science FuZiYing watch before specimen,Students will be prior to that,"Some students to experiment and the structure of the human body is very interested,So the experiment report is very serious."
Wuhan university education science college of ChenWen associate professor jin said,The teacher asked the students personal observation of human body structure,Let the student to the professional knowledge is more profound understanding,So as to avoid the"Be an armchair strategist".
左右为难 课堂上演“变态” Between a rock and a hard place on class"abnormal"
"Finish the homework students need free group,To make into a video or live performance on the way,And need to make PPT for disease knowledge's explanation."The institute of psychology abnormal psychology teacher LiuQin says,Let the students in the class play"abnormal",Just to let them through the personal practice to better understand these symptoms.
play"abnormal"Homework for most of the girls feel embarrassed.Mental institute.the weekly classmate say:"This is a very humbling homework,To show all kinds of sick‘abnormal’Expression and action,Our college girls and more,Most of the time all pull not face."
The school psychological college junior student li yi to the homework quite interested,"I think we should respect the patients,More should respect abnormal psychology course."
“扮演‘变态’,目的是为了让他们身临其境去了解这些病态心理。”陈教授坦言,单纯的学习课本只是学会了理论知识,这门作业不仅让学生更加深刻地了解患者的行为和心态,还能够提高他们的团队协作能力。(长江商报 记者 张瑜琨 通讯员 张靓)
"play‘abnormal’,The purpose is to let them be personally on the scene to understand the morbid psychological."Professor Chen said,Simple learning books just to learn the theoretical knowledge,This door operation not only let the students a more profound understanding of the behavior and mentality patients,Can also improve their team cooperation ability.(The Yangtze river business newspaper reporter ZhangYuKun ZhangJing correspondent)
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