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一线工作者破解六道学校体育难题 郭胤 本报记者 陈剑摄 GuoYin ChenJianShe our reporter 一线工作者破解六道学校体育难题 张弦 本报记者 陈剑摄 A string ChenJianShe our reporter 一线工作者破解六道学校体育难题 陈春红 本报记者 陈剑摄 ChenChunGong ChenJianShe our reporter 一线工作者破解六道学校体育难题 张孝荣 本报记者 陈剑摄 ZhangXiaoRong ChenJianShe our reporter


This morning,The ministry of education and the co-hosted"Young is strong, strong countries should be strengthened in middle and primary school sports work symposium"Held in Beijing,From all parts of the country more than small and medium-sized school principals as well as the education workers.


In our country the younster health each target continuously retrograde background,"Let the sports return to education"There has been an increasingly louder call,To nine-year compulsory education based"Chinese education",Finally realized that the years left out the school sports work produce bad consequences so,Education workers in the face of the impact of the development of the school physical education problems,Have put forward own proposal.


问题一:如何解决学校体育场地无法满足学生锻炼的问题? Problem a:How to solve the school sports venues can't satisfy students exercise?


题解:“借鸡下蛋”,因地制宜。 Answer key:"Lend chicken eggs",Adjust measures to local conditions.


"Our school is restricted by geographical position,No formal standard playground,In the north(The old)campus,We only have two standard basketball court,Basketball court peripheral a track is only 140 meters,south(The new)Campus than old campus,Only one and a half basketball court so big room,Peripheral runway is 130 meters,From the conditions to see very simple."Beijing, five principal YangChunLin said,"But is this kind of environment,We also found suitable for students exercise method,Is simply:Small venues,Big as."


Every Friday afternoon,At fifth grade 3 will be faced with tests of 500 students,In the sports will be the guidance of teachers,To near the school ditan stadium,On outdoor"Big physical education","unshakable,On Friday afternoon don't arrange literacy class,All grade students to ditan stadium exercise."YangChunLin said,"The school had no place,We will find place,Even including on Friday stop one day literacy class,Arrange students to go to the Olympic park completed 12 kilometers of hiking.No matter how,Also want to let the students perform everyday not less than an hour of exercise."


But not every school has so"treatment".Beijing dongcheng district jin tai college primary school has a history of over 300 years,But the school with a total construction area of only 3000 square meters,The school no playground,"For the city,,Sure is unlikely to let's build a playground.Especially in Beijing,We keep the temple of heaven/Bicyclic so precious place,More unlikely.once,Superior gave us two small football door,Because we don't have a place to put,Can only return to the."Piece of string the headmaster said.


The school also had thought,Use of adjacent dongdan stadium as a student movement of the place,But never talk to.The reason is that of the stadium is facing social non-profit sports venues."so,We are calling for legislation or administrative means,Sports ground rules at the right time,Free to some site conditions more bad of the school open,It can reflect the social and public welfare undertakings of the sports ground."Piece of string said.


问题二:如何解决体育教师编制不足和体育教师待遇低下的问题? Problem two:How to solve the PE teachers' understaffed and PE teachers' pay is low?


题解:“混龄教学”,认定课时。 Answer key:"Mixed age teaching",That class.


"Our school has more than 1600 students,Physical education teachers only 11.Look from the number,Sports teacher is chipped,students‘Do not have enough to eat’.I think,At least 15 to have physical education teachers,To complete the current sports teaching task.and,If a physical education teacher a lesson with students more than 30 people,Training effect is not very good,Now we temporarily also can only internal potential,This makes our physical education teacher is very hard.therefore,We completely broke the traditional sports teaching methods,implementation‘Mixed age teaching’,High school three year is mixed with the physical education classes,This method also can alleviate temporarily PE teachers' shortage situation."Shanghai ChuanSha middle school vice President QiuYongFei said,"We ask for PE teacher should have the spirit of innovation,Will organize all sports teacher teaching theoretical study,First of all let them aware of their importance,In addition,Try to improve the physical education teachers' treatment,This is especially to land on feet."


Shanghai ChuanSha middle school sports teaching reform carried out in 2000,The school decided to increase investment in physical training time,Many main subject teacher it has the objection,"Because some school sports activities but half an hour,But in our school,According to the ZhengKe treatment to calculate.so,A physical education teacher intermediate title,Each month of income and the same title as science teachers,This will greatly improve the PE teachers' work enthusiasm."


compared,Beijing ShiBaLiDian middle school physical education teachers configuration is relatively good.According to the principal ChenChunGong is introduced,The school has a five PE teacher,Not only age structure reasonable,And each has his strong point.Such as taekwondo teacher,Is the Olympic champion LuoWei teammates,"Every year I will go to the sports teacher recruitment,Go to selecting."but,Not all the headmaster of the school have autonomy in personnel,Nanchang city which brings up a new school XiongJinHui the headmaster would envy ChenChunGong President can have such power,"She sees the teachers can use,We are not the,The principal also does not have the power."


Shaanxi province ChengHong xian elementary school principal have similar difficulties,"I have been in the top flight,Through the optimization,Ensure that sports art especially sports class teachers team,Our school has six PE teacher,In the local,The professional and level is advanced,But there are four is our school their employment,The school paid a high price to maintain.Before we five class with the idea of a physical education teacher,And the reality is difficult to match."


问题三:如何提高校园体育锻炼效果? Question 3:How to improve the campus physical exercise effect?


题解:形式创新,强调实效。 Answer key:Form innovation,Emphasize effectiveness.


"I hope to strengthen one hour per day for primary and secondary school campus sports activities‘effectiveness’check.Now give children an hour exercise time,It should be said is enough,But the key to see the effect of exercise.Give a simple example,I found that many children do GuangBoCao strength is not enough,this,The strength of the movement is not enough.My 15 minutes to do twice operation,The body is hot,And many children don't know GuangBoCao exercise on the importance of him."The Beijing municipal education commission body WeiYi marshal WangDongJiang said,"so,We want to let children know how to do exercises to have effect.In addition,Also in the GuangBoCao action on innovation,Let children like."


In fact,In addition to exercise between classes and physical education students' activities, such as time to strengthen supervision and supervise outside,for"sports"Concept of,Also in unit of time to improve the students' exercise the effect of the important premise.


"I think,Just took the children to play,Perhaps is a kind of entertainment,That's not physical exercise.Physical exercise must let children feel the strength,The exercise intensity,Students' physique to improve."YangChunLin said.


but,Have a real problem is still there,"Now the students to the specification of sports,Interest is not too big,They are most interested in the Internet/Listen to music and watch TV."Shandong jinan victory street primary school principals WangNianJiang said.so,How to let broadcasting gymnastics this class"compulsory"More could arouse student's interest,It is very key."Remove ChengRenHua,To change the transformation of children,Put the way to be happy/The game mode and adventure way are introduced our physical education class,Can we get good effect."WangNianJiang said.


Beijing xicheng district jade taoyuan elementary school principal kit-tai also think,A more personalized sports activities,Will be the future direction of the school sports."Every child interested in sports and different,A: how do we know they like what activities?One is through the PE teacher survey,The second is to open the student symposium discussion,Or we provide‘menu’,The children choose,And in the physical education reform,Try to include the fashionable element."


问题四:如何让体育教育理念深入人心? Problem four:How to let the sports education idea thorough popular feeling?


题解:培训校长,转变观念。 Answer key:Training the principal,Changing ideas.


"Our school located at Beijing xicheng district.Meeting last week,Provisions of xicheng district middle and primary school every week to every five PE lessons,This is the competent department began to pay more attention to students' constitution is the most direct embodiment."The vice President said LiuShuDi at yu CAI middle school,"In the present circumstances,Increase the physical education class is a kind of compulsory measures,But in the long term effect speaking,Only by changing the‘Physical examination’idea,The sports as part of the real education,The health of the students can be improved fundamentally."


to"Sports is the education foundation"The concept of understanding,In primary and secondary schools is the school leader organize and conduct in the new period of the teaching work of the students is an important guiding ideology,"The first to understand,The second to clear,The third to be made to."Jiangsu province jiangyin score GuJiXiang President said,"Pay attention to the school sports work directly related to the prosperity of the nation,Students' health of body and mind no matter how important position in too much.The headmaster is the first responsible persons,so,The headmaster's training to go in the first step,Let the principals know,The school people-oriented,Are the students' healthy growth for this."


Yunnan provincial department of body health place LiHuaHai also think,If the principal change the idea,School sports we will be able to do well."Our school sports way, mainly by the principal,If the principal pay attention to the problem,Is not difficult to solve.Funds or,Physical education teacher training well,School activities or,Are not can't solve the problem.so,Our next evaluation,To the principal must be included in the assessment,Not only pay attention to the meeting,Don't usually get."


In addition,The idea of parents must also change."The school sports should do well,Let the children like sports,The teacher/Students and parents,All three indispensable."Kit-tai said:"Our parents have an obligation,Also have the responsibility to take the child exercise together,In order to enhance children's physical fitness.Now a lot of time,Is our school can implement this hour exercise time,School assignments are not much left,But the child back to home don't have time to exercise,Because parents give children leave a lot of homework,And take him to take part in all kinds of remedial class learning,All kinds of cram school children cope with not to come over,There is no time to exercise."


问题五:如何营造积极的学校体育活动氛围? Problem five:How to build positive school sports atmosphere?


题解:组建社团,榜样带动。 Answer key:Form community,Model driven.


"Often have the teacher have the pleasure to say,Our school is the most beautiful campus environment,At half past eight to nine in the morning is the half an hour's big break activities shown.In this half an hour,Our entire ten score is full of vitality,Because the students take part in physical exercise."Hefei score ten WangXiaoJun President said,"Our school emphasizes universality,Request full participation,All-round development,Follow up the,Give each student to provide training opportunities,Try to ensure that for every child to have two or more sports skills learning opportunities.We in the form of a sports club,To build the school sports atmosphere,Students are required to take at least a sports club."


Ten score the rural schools,Students' physique originally is better than the city students,so,The school sports atmosphere is very strong.And Inner Mongolia baotou one,It is with excellent athletic team's power to promote the development of school sports activities.


"Twenty minutes early,The lesson hold 30 minutes,This is all other courses can't take fixed time.Women's volleyball team/Track and field/Basketball and football these teams,But also set an example of the model."Baotou, Inner Mongolia region first middle school secretary of the party committee ZhangXiaoRong said,"A lot of school sports are half professional,Make sports means of literacy class give up halfway,But our school opposite,In recent years,There are more than 200 sports life pass into the school,Sports life literacy class performance is still very good phenomenon,Also for the rest of the class is a kind of positive promoting."


Increase the competitive is also a good way.Tieling city in liaoning province ZhouOu silver eighth primary skip to carry out well,FengRu just the headmaster said,"2009 years ago,We also carry out rope skipping,But jump jump,Children do not love jumped,They want to play your own game.later,We through the join dynamic music form,Give full play to the star effect,The children's beautiful action down pat,From more than 400 photo choose pattern rope skipping example,We to encourage the children to learn little idol,Effect is very good.In order to encourage innovation,We often still hold a figure show,And the video to online.Three years,We have four kinds of innovation pattern,then,We have with the child or the teacher's name to name these actions."


问题六:如何解除学生参与校园体育锻炼的后顾之忧? Question 6:How to remove the students to participate in the campus sports exercise trouble back at home?


题解:求助社会,健全预案。 Answer key:Help social,Perfect plan.


"Our school has stuck to the winter cross-country 19 years,This is our school students winter sports exercise the one big characteristic of project,In the hefei are very famous,In hefei highway run,More than 700 students attend the game 5 km,Only a dozen or so people cannot run down,For middle school students,This is very good."WangXiaoJun said,"Because it is in the highway run,So the security problem is our first attention.We belong to the school leader with the public security/Traffic police/health/Community and government departments prior to communicate,Please special security personnel to help us prevent accident's occurrence."


Hefei score and ten"By social forces safeguard student cross-country race safety"Compared with,Shenyang manchu high school principal yao jiangning approach also has the same effect,"In fact,The security problem of student sports exercise,Is a lot of schools is not willing to actively carry out sports activities is the main reason.before,Our school is also installed the horizontal bar and parallel bars, but not to let the students play,Is afraid of them broke.later,In addition to PE teacher special explanation horizontal bar and parallel bars of professional and technical knowledge and in the school for students to purchase insurance must be outside,I have contacted an insurance company,Then more for the students to buy some insurance,To remove trouble back at home.In addition,We also deal with emergency plan,When problems arise,The school leader can't shirk responsibility,They will be positive and parents communication,To properly handle the accidents."


but,Even if the school so carefully,Children in school do sports injured/Parents find that school for the situation,Or often appear in the media reports,This makes the school can't completely let go in sports.


"Sports safety accidents most let us principals and teachers worry about.Everyone knows that,Before because of a few things,Some schools put long distance running is cancelled.this,I personally is very not approved.One out of the accident will cancel the sports,The children's physical fitness will be worse and worse."Kit-tai said,"Now we physical education classes,Like the sort of in the past‘Jump goat class’All dare not on,It is because once appear safety accidents,Parents think that in the school appear the accident to solve by the school.Virtually to the principal and sports teacher brings a lot of pressure.so,If you can come some of the provisions of the policy,Can motivate schools more sports."


ChengHong told reporters,He also wants to see promulgation of the new file,Help the school risks,"On the school sports work injury accident treatment method is necessary,Because of previous safety accident treatment measures,To the definition of the physical education is very fuzzy.Like in our school,The high bar and parallel bars at ordinary times is not used,To lock up,But check the equipment must have,Not to the point deduction,But when no one dare to use.We a class there are dozens of students,The teacher can't look after every time the students.so,To have the policy responsibility clearly defined,Once out of the question,Various aspects should be positive guidance,Don't always blame on to school."

  本报北京12月18日电(郭剑 杨屾)

Our newspaper Beijing on December and report(GuoJian Yang 屾)
