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陕西一中学千余学生挨冻上课 拨款不足无法供暖--亲稳舆论引导监测室
According to the sound of China[News and]The report,Today is snow solar terms,In the land of the north more than the temperature is below zero.Shaanxi province fuping is no exception,The weather forecast said,Today there is the minimum temperature of 5 degrees below zero.
However,,More than in shaanxi of the student's parents to central wide news hotline call 400-800-0088,Said in the FuPingXian du village school haven't and heating,More than 1000 children are looking forward to the classroom to warm up,But not to provide students with the school.
See the news said,Many northern school in succession since November heating in advance,Mr Car from shaanxi province FuPingXian calling,Of your child's local du village school,To there is no heating in the classroom.
The car, Mr.:It is not a few days ago held a parents' meeting,I went to,Attended the results in the sit for an hour in the classroom,I also wear wadded pants,Wear wadded pants give my legs are not cold.Also don't say in that sit for hours,Take half a day,Is a few class.The doll is not cold?
The classroom don't heat,Junior high school class a teacher in charge teacher's answer is very simple,"The school this year don't really warm",But he said,The classroom is small,Students more,No more cold.
The teacher in charge:Cold what ah?So many people in a classroom,You ask the student,I see two early read in the morning,Sit there is not cold,I haven't students wear thick.
Du village middle schools located weinan in shaanxi province this two days is the minimum temperature of minus 2 degrees,Haven't to the coldest time of the year.Junior high school student MaYu said,The hand has been frostbite,Now class to wear gloves.
The students:The classroom without heat,Last year are broken.School will wear gloves.That's the most thick.
Children did not too much about the difficulties of no heating,And he is talking about,In the school without boarders,The students are about seven o 'clock in the morning go to school by bike,The road to a few kilometers,To school and there is no central heating.Call the parents said,In the summer,The school installed central heating,And promised to heating.But now,Heating but has not come.The teacher in charge teacher explanation is the cause of no heating"Have no money".
The teacher in charge:Now boiler room of some of the parts did not installed in place.The gas stove cost,110000,The school which come so much money.School by somebody else dial,Isn't it.
An interview,FuPingXian du village, a vice President confirmed that the middle school"Natural gas interface fee is too expensive"The statement.
The vice principal:Is the gas interface fee is too expensive,The school didn't pay.
Parents say,In the summer,Heating equipment installation is completed,School when foreign students had said this winter will be warm.The vice President did not deny ever promise,As to why it is difficult to deliver,He said,Because there is no thought of the money not only spending,And come all of a sudden.
Zhang, vice President:Because there is no thought of the money so expensive.The special big spending,Is all of a sudden,Schools now have no money to support this part.
In an interview,School office staff also expressed the TAB"Is not reasonable"complaints.
staff:Not have no money,The money is not reasonable,Give us the not reasonable.
Natural gas interface charge by the local gas company.In shaanxi FuPingXian,Only a natural gas company,Called the gas company,Fuping local units and individuals using natural gas heating,Pay the gas interface fee to the company.
Zhang, vice President:All to it,Including personal,Personal family door fee is 2000 dollars,1800 dollars,Unit is a little expensive,Like I have 110000 units.It is made of education bureau unified bidding project,Specific inside I don't know.
According to the school leader's explanation,Central heating has been installed in schools,By the education bureau unified bidding.However,,Natural gas interface and the use of natural gas in the future need to pay school myself.In addition to du village school,Around three other schools have heating.Du village middle schools is can't get the money out,Explanation is that of the person in charge of the school,Funds according to one hair,Students of the school is just not enough.
Zhang, vice President:They handed in early,They have been heating.The other three schools are heating,Is not for our school.Now funds are in accordance with the student number to dial.We are now more than 1400 students,The somebody else more than 3000 students.
As a reporter call people in weinan gas company consultation,Staff has another interpretation.
staff:In the d,Du village middle school didn't install gas.Their heated.,Your heating.,Natural gas company.
This winter,School of heating can also can't come?Interviewed du village school vice principal,This year should be not for the warm.
Zhang, vice President:For the warm for me,I also hope to heating.
校方的回答简单直接,而“经费不够”到底是不是因为“拨款不足”?供暖的难题谁该来负责解决?千余名孩子还要挨冻多久?中国之声和中国广播网也将持续关注。(记者吴喆华 王娴 实习记者赵月)
The school answer simple and direct,and"Money is not enough"What is it because"Lack of funding"?The problem of heating who should be responsible to solve?Thousands more than children to AiDong how long?The sound of China and China national also will continue to pay close attention.(Journalists WangXian 吴喆 China internship reporter zhao)
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