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关注冬天里的留守儿童 棉袄单薄手被冻伤--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

6 o 'clock in the morning,Horse around a few HuiHui cry was heard in the sound,Guizhou the mountains of the sky is covered with a layer of hazy moonlight,11 years old bear will keep have raised up ready to go to school.This is surrounded by mountains of miao village called labor village,Membership bijie city northeast of eight village town.Two groups in the village,More than 100 households,There are 66 children in the village of mud tree elementary school reading,The rest of the children to school in the town,Need two hours back and forth.
"The children's school problem,Has always been a big trouble of our village."Mud tree elementary school teacher and principal TaoJinJun said.In the TaoJinJun memories,In addition to his,No one else to worked in the village,Even the idea of education all have no.The private school,Only he is a teacher in grade two,Grade 3 and grade 6.He gave a class in the class,Can arrange another class self-study.He said,Your record of formal schooling,,Sometimes are.
没有玻璃窗的教室 No glass Windows of the classroom
Mud trees grasses elementary school party,Two classrooms,Grasses of the window there is no glass,Only the poor shake as paper plastic film,With the cold wind beat ceaselessly,The students in the room not breath cold nose.The classroom of the uneven ground,Is full of mud,Did the earth with a few old bench bench,Will be forced into desks and chairs."The old can't move,Generally the wire,But the fog in the mountains in the winter,Often can't see the sun,Not only affects the children reading and writing,Sometimes even the class a question."TaoJinJun said.For the bear will keep,Fortunately this semester,She was in the position of the window,More convenient than other students read a no lights in the classroom,The Windows and the door into the sunlight became a little light.

5公里外的学校 5 kilometers outside the school
Bear will keep sitting dilapidated classroom in class,Her sister is still in the village 5 km on the place of preschool.Every day in the morning,The little girl will took away with age slightly longer other children in the village road,Two hours back and forth every day.The mother of the bear will keep said,Although town school conditions relative mud tree elementary school is much better,But it is too far away,"The morning late in winter,Black and early,They also have to take a flashlight to go to school.""Good now."TaoJinJun said,Covered with gravel road hasn't been repaired,The children go to school more difficult,Is often because the road was muddy,With the danger of falling off the side of the road high slope.but,Although the wide road,Some of the motorcycle/The car passed,Risk is still.And this is the epitome of many rural children to school.
留守家庭生活难 Staying home life difficult
Because most of the village is staying home,Old people have no young naughty children,TaoJinJun always worry,The children had an accident in one thousand,Nobody could know."We also hope to be able to keep their children at home from school to school,Let them go in peace,But by what to feed them?"Bear will keep mother have their own helpless.And like most young adults in the village,Her husband/Bear will keep also the father of migrant workers,but"The money every month,Even his own living is not enough".Introduce according to TaoJinJun,Mud tree elementary school one semester's tuition is $200 per child,Some schools in town are as high as 700 yuan,"Each village low quota is limited,Like the bear will keep home no low still have a lot of the family,Natural conditions and not here,Potatoes can kind of some corn to raise cattle,You have to go out to work."TaoJinJun said.
“国王的御厨里有两只罐子:一只是陶的,一只是铁的。骄傲的铁罐看不起陶罐,常常奚落他……”离开泥树小学时,听到孩子们起伏的读书声,他们是这里的希望。(记者 周岗峰 )
"There are two cans in the king's head chef:One is a ceramic,One is the iron.Proud of tin can look down on clay,Often putting him……"Leave the mud tree elementary school,Hear the loud children ups and downs,They are here.(Reporter ZhouGang peak )
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