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郑州一中学开设驾驶课 可在校园学开车不能上路--亲稳网络舆情监测室
To learn to drive on campus/Learning to swim,In the botanical garden to do practice……soon,These qualities education elective course will appear in zhengzhou in every student's schedule.but,As quality education in the university entrance exam this way"Hard lever",Parents will be how to answer this dilemma choice?
现场 The scene
占地15亩的“校园驾校”建成了 Covers an area of 15 mu"Campus st."built
Middle school students can learn to drive on campus?Fresh!!Yesterday morning,Zhengzhou every administrative vice principal XuYunXia escorted reporters visited the hide in the school the school campus students driving school.
"Driving school covers an area of 15 mu as a whole,Infrastructure part has just completed,Is expected to next semester can be put into use."XuYunXia introduced.
Great and norms,Is the reporter's first impression.Lateral parking practice area/Pour pile practice area/Unilateral bridge……Almost include all the driver's test program.
"In the future,If students taking this course,Can learn driving vehicle theory knowledge/The laboratory simulation of driving practice and actual driving skills.But if you want to get a driver's license,Sure to participate in national relevant examination,School teaching is the skill."XuYunXia said.
As a matter of fact,Driving school is the school campus"Connotation upgrade project"One of the.The school is to build model in henan province general technology experimental practice base.On the campus,In addition to learn to drive,Students can also learn to swim,In the botanical garden to do practice.
释疑 The rainy
学开车影响成绩?调节会使课本学习更有效率 To learn to drive performance issue?Adjustment will make the textbook learning more efficient
Introducing the elective courses,Its purpose is to carry out quality education,Training qualified talents for the future.but,Middle school students are faced with tests and the pressure of college entrance examination,A lot of carrying out the quality education curriculum,Will lead to students' learning time reduced/Affect performance??"never,Ensure teaching is the premise of the implementation of quality education.Does not shut up the children in the classroom don't go out,Their academic performance will be good;For the children must be independent of time,Let them exercise ability/The open field of vision/The world,These things is valuable knowledge.How much more,Combining exertion,After the quality of the course,When the students learning book knowledge can also be more efficient."Zhengzhou every headmaster WangBaoJun said.
"According to the years of experience,We tasted the rewards of quality education,Parents also very support."WangBaoJun responded that,"Will only die reading/Reading book is way of death,A comprehensive range of high-quality talents to meet the requirements of social development."
未成年能学开车?学习技能,并非获得上路资格 Minor can learn to drive?Learning skills,Not get on the road
Middle school students under 18,Is a minor,If you can practice driving technology?How to guarantee personal safety in the process of practice?
this,Zhengzhou every relevant person in charge said,The driving lessons at school,Only teach students driving skills.Even if the students learned to drive a car here,Does not mean that acquired the qualification of driving on the road to get a driver's license,They also may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state,Organized by the state for a driver's license test.
As for how to ensure personal safety in the process of practice,The person in charge said,Although practice transport has not yet been finally determined,But the school has been considering multiple solutions to ensure students' safety:The first,Before the students get on the bus,Must be approved by driving theory training and when a certain long laboratory simulation of driving.The second,Coach transport will like regular drivers Ed cars driving school,Take off the gas,By the way traction,such,Even with students' errors,The speed is not high also.The third,Ensure that a coach to teach a student,tutor.The fourth,Control the number of the students practice in the field,From the source to avoid accidents.
警方看法 The police think
提前学驾驶技能是好事,但要安全第一 Ahead of time to learn driving skills is a good thing,But to safety first
对于在校园内开设驾驶技能培训课程是否可行,郑州交巡警支队一大队民警孟繁勇称,目前交警部门暂时还没有这方面的管理规定。按照道路交通安全法的相关规定,未满18周岁的未成年人不得参加驾校培训。虽然,学校开设此类课程有益于学生及早接触到驾驶技术,为今后考取正规驾照打下基础,但学校在实际授课的过程中,务必要聘请具有专业资格的驾校教练保证学生安全,在驾驶理论知识上多教授一些道路交通安全基础知识,坚决不能带领学生上路行驶。(大河报 记者高鸿鹏 吴战朝实习生杨慧娟文 记者李康图)
For driving skills training courses are offered on campus is feasible,Zhengzhou 交巡警 team a brigade police MengFanYong said,At present the traffic police department temporarily haven't this aspect of management regulations.According to the relevant provisions of the road traffic safety,Minors under the age of 18 years may not take part in the driving school.although,Schools offer such courses are beneficial to students as soon as possible contact with driving technology,Lay a foundation for the future admitted to normal driver's license,But in the process of teaching in school,Be sure to invite qualified driving coach to guarantee the safety of the students,Professor in driving theory knowledge on some basic knowledge of road traffic safety,Resolute can't lead the students on the road.(River newspaper reporter GaoHongPeng wu war the intern reporter LiKangTu stuff)
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