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西安10岁男孩被老师扇耳光 流着鼻血室外罚站--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


“爸爸,我左耳朵里一直有个苍蝇嗡嗡地响 "dad,In my left ear has a fly buzzing in ring


我也不知道老师为啥打我 I don't know why the teacher hit me


我不断做噩梦,梦见老师打我” I keep having nightmares,Dreamed that the teacher hit me"


On December 24 in the morning,Xi 'an qinchuan primary school grade four class three of the music lesson,Keyboard suddenly without electricity.The teacher for suspected immediately vivid the power cord,Even in the presence of the class the student several slapped,To the left ear tinnitus/His nose bleed,And out of the classroom make stand as punishment.


孩子 The child:


耳朵里有个苍蝇嗡嗡响 Ear, there is a fly buzzing tone


"A Eva we can barely understand,But why she has been playing nose is bleeding,The teacher didn't give her bleeding in a timely manner,But she stood outside the classroom?"Being a student's father said Mr. Brooke,Soldier soldier son(The allotted time periods specified by the)This year ten years old,24 after coming home from school late,Always say there is a fly buzzing in the left ear to ring.He was surprised and loved ones,From another teacher children ask after know,Children were played music teacher."I don't know why the teacher hit me,I have been obtained,Can't remember the teacher asked me some slapped."Soldier soldier said,That night he constantly do nightmare,Dream of music teacher beat him.After get up yesterday morning,Children always don't want to go to school.


Armed police hospital ent director cheng said the doctor,Soldier soldier XieJia nostrils,Left ear tinnitus.There is no hearing,In view of the tinnitus for a long time,Still need to further observe.


学校: The school:


涉事老师被停课反省 In what the teacher was closed to reflect


Yesterday morning,Reporters came to xi 'an qinchuan primary school.In class three, grade four classroom at the entrance of the gate of the corridor,A student said, pointing to the blood,This is the soldier soldier was make stand as punishment shed nosebleed.Many students said,24 in music class in the morning,Keyboard suddenly didn't sound,The teacher suspected soldier soldier moved the power cord,The soldier soldier several slapped.Soldier soldier after nose is bleeding,The teacher let outside classroom make stand as punishment.One of the students said:"Soldier soldier didn't move the power cord,The socket is not so good."According to the students,Music teachers often call them,Because they afraid to tell their parents.


A teacher said,24 in the morning when she was through the corridor,See soldier soldier standing outside classroom to flow nosebleed,She quickly took out of toilet paper to wipe the child,Ask why,Don't know what the child was beaten by music teacher.


Facing journalists,The music teacher said:"Was too busy,Yesterday's things can't remember……A student?I am the student got the defect?Or play in the hospital?"Xi 'an qinchuan school longer than come said,The school survey,Music teacher wang x 24, beating the student during the class in the morning,The students nose bleeding,Credit standing is true more than 20 minutes.The school has set up a file in the teacher were severely criticized and ideological education,Instruct its closed introspection.Play the cause of the students,And electronic organ of power.


"Speak out ten thousand steps,Even students moved the power cord,The teacher also shouldn't play students!"According to the school a leadership,The teacher often beaten students,The school has received many parents complain,Also on the education of thought,But don't have any effect.

  西安市未成年人心理健康教育辅导中心心理咨询师牛欢表示,老师在课堂上采取暴力方式体罚学生,一定会给孩子的心理造成负面影响,引发孩子的报复心理和暴力倾向。孩子遭遇暴力刺激后,会产生严重的恐怖心理,建议家长让孩子采取跑步、呐喊等方式将情绪宣泄出来,以将负面心理影响降到最低。 本报记者赵国强

Xian minor mental health education centre psychological consultants NiuHuan said,In class the teacher take the corporal punishment student violent way,Will cause negative effect to the child's psychological,A child psychology of revenge and violent.Children suffer violence after the stimulation,Will have serious psychological terror,Suggested that parents let children take running/Spit it out shout, etc will be emotional,To minimize negative psychological effects. Our reporter ZhaoGuoJiang

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Expert analysis,Even if the girl accepted the goods,Willing to betray body,Also because the mind is not mature to be coerced,In this case,Designed to protect girl's physical and mental health law should first mandatory provisions of the adults who abide by the moral bottom line,Or make a minor share the blame?"Whoring removal sin"Is the legal recognition of the original"rapist"Become the criminal,By sexual assault but the removal of a female prostitution,Those who commit adultery removal of criminals,Completely can be used"I don't know each other's age"or"Voluntary paid"alibi.


According to the current[The criminal law]Provisions of the,Commit adultery removal as statutory rape a heavier plot,According to the rape conviction,The highest punishment to the death penalty;Whoring removal legal punishment for sin shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 5 years,Shall also be fined,General maximum punishment for 15 years in prison.From the point of law,Whoring removal of sentencing obviously than rape girl to light.(detailed)


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When the teacher students of sexual abuse what is end?This is the whole society must think and think of some way to explain the problem.The current,Shanghai/Beijing to develop adolescent sex education,Improvement of awareness and ability,Strengthen the adolescent sex/It is sexual morals/Sex education,Should be worthy of affirmation.but,Sex education this roses when can consumedly square square to open and widely throughout the country,Is a worth the concern of the whole society.(detailed)
