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  三年前张邦鑫还没到30岁,有人特别认真地恭维他“你看着真年轻,大概才40岁出头吧?”“做教育行业十年,我老了太多了。”他叹息着说。对他来说,教育行业是一个非常累,非常熬人的行业。浸淫教育行业十年,彻底改变了他,重塑了他。 Three years ago ZhangBangXin haven't to 30 years,Someone special compliment him seriously"You look really young,Probably only 40 s?""Do education industry ten years,I am old too much."He said with a sigh.For him to,Education industry is a very tired,Very much for the industry.Respect education industry ten years,Completely changed him,To reshape the he.

  张邦鑫觉得自己是一个有贪念的人,做不到很超然的不去看股价。“我这人又愿意教学生,又不能完全做公益,最后就做了个教育企业。第一不伟大,第二不无私,第三还有贪念。” ZhangBangXin feel I am a greed person,Can't do is transcendental don't go to see the price."I this person and willing to teach students,And can't do public welfare,Finally made a education enterprise.The first is not great,The second not selfless,The third and greed."


But he also thought,His this kind of greed is only stay on to the level of the enterprise bigger."From my personal point of view,In fact do not want to learn and think,At least don't want to so fast,I hope that everything is ready to enough again.But there are always some power to promote enterprise listed as early as possible,I can't block the everyone's fortunes.In fact for education enterprise listed is not a best choice."


Learning and thinking in October 2010 when the listed,Management team is the youngest nyse,The first team after 80,At that time the situation is,Very spectacular.


But according to his ideas,The ideal is to learn and think to make a small and beautiful,Revenues and profits are good,A moderate growth,Very healthy.Mr Yu and the same view on this point.


Mr Yu told ZhangBangXin:We passed the pains,The mistake,Eat a deficit,You will be one by one during the growing process of experience.


奥数之痛 It is the pain...


Under the Beijing municipal education commission documents are strictly forbidden to Olympic math grades and after after the hook,Learning and thinking and share prices fall.Is known as the,Learning and thinking is to rely on it.Someone review in history,Found that it is to learn and think through AoShuWang successful marketing is to promote the Olympic math model,Makes the enterprise stands out in many private training institutions.


Only from the point of view of marketing analysis,Learning and thinking is successful,But in the social public opinion,To rely on mathematical olympiad started training company always with a little complicated emotions:On the one hand, this kind of training are able to help students into the key middle school,But learning aoshu let many children and parents worried.


If there is no Beijing near the entrance and key middle school by the combination of the best current after mode,There can be no strong demand of Olympic math exam.The personage inside course of study revealed that,Even in today's education already public proclamation banning it,There are still some training institutions will continue to do Olympic math training we change the name.Select mechanism is not clear in the reform of school also let the parents hold the wait-and-see attitude about it.


Stop mathematical olympiad events may be suddenly,But ZhangBangXin statement learn to start thinking in three years ago to mathematical olympiad of the process.


Starting in 2009,Learning and thinking on the curriculum reform three times,The first is from sysu system research and development of the online process,Learning and thinking on the reform of the research topics;The second is to change the education idea a year ago;The third time is after the Olympic math is stop,Learning and thinking the whole syllabus on the changes,The trick question related to it,Numerous questions,Super difficult problem,Strange questions,This kind of super outline is removed.


"The direction of the overall reform is to classes more lively and interesting,Long term course to cultivate children's ability to learn,Useful in the future of our children."ZhangBangXin said.In his opinion,It belongs to the kind of problem,Knowledge isolated,The accumulation of knowledge for this kind of problem,Have not learned professor at the university won't do."Such a thing we have to remove it,Because the impact on the students' self-confidence."


"Ban, if there is any impact to us in this matter?I speak the truth,Have a certain degree of impact,But the impact is our curriculum reform,Not because to mathematical olympiad,We suffered some loss.After the curriculum reform,Can't accept the parents away,To accept or leave."


Although the Beijing municipal education commission once every few years would stop it,But from the perspective of effect,It is training showed the trend of becoming increasingly fierce.But the game,City's famed aoshu training institutions RenHua school was cancelled,This scares all training institutions.


"Early learning and thinking it is doing pretty well,But after doing well we have been buckle on the hat of a mathematical olympiad.It is only our whole business per dozen,Learning and thinking is the location of primary and secondary schools the pew,Feature is primary and secondary school science the pew.Just because it do very successful in history is that we aoshu institutions,Make us very depressed."


Along with the curriculum reform,Change is the concept of learning and thought education.


使命变革 Mission to change


An early stage,Learning and thinking of mission is very simple:Student achievement dream."Say more,In fact is to help children key middle school."ZhangBangXin said,"Then we change it again,Think is help my child to test key middle school is too common,And increased from entrance to learning itself,Is to make the process of learning easier/More easily/More happy/More efficient."


Last year to learn and think,The mission is amended as"Stimulate the interest,habit,Build character",Not only useful for study,To benefit from the education of the life of children.


But to truly achieve it,How difficult.ZhangBangXin remember very clear,Learned in 2005 and we had two classes,Entrance examination class quality and class,班报 the exam 500 people,All the teachers are full,Class and quality only 5 people.When the five students graduate,ZhangBangXin send each of them a certificate,To encourage students to.


"Many parents say to education in an all-round way,But do want to see the results,They really pay attention to children's study and test."ZhangBangXin know very clear on this point.


Training education industry almost has a characteristic,They rarely use"training"The word,And would like to mention"education".ZhangBangXin also is such.


"Someone despise us,You are a training institution,You is to increase student's burden.But our own heart want us to do this is right,Then do it.You see the research,The whole of China didn't how much training institutions like us into millions to do the research and development of teaching."


ZhangBangXin don't think learning and thought training institutions is a fake,But it is also a dream education training institutions."Even give me a position as do the education,They say you are a training company,Said so much why.We still hope to make a difference in the education,Hope to lead the direction.We are not lei feng,Don't take money to the charity.But doesn't mean we can't have education dream.We hope that the spread of knowledge between humans to fast/High efficiency/convenient,But don't let the student class."


An important characteristic of learning and thinking is a teacher from school,There are more than three hundred people graduated from Peking University, tsinghua."The Peking University/Tsinghua people still have a little bit of sense of responsibility and mission,In the second/Thirty years old so decided to do education when he was young,And a lot of people are ready to rest,A lifetime do this thing,They must have a little dream,To the pursuit of something."


"Team a lot of people want to do for a lifetime,Although often discussed is the tutorial schools,Can't teach the child be silly.The somebody else said when the time comes,Ten years ago when I was a child learn here,You teach me be silly."


Learning and thinking of is as long as the course didn't two-thirds,Unconditional refund system,She will return almost two a year.But his heart steadfast,Because don't want to take advantage of somebody else.


管理边际 Management of the marginal


Relative to other education training,Learning and thinking on the expansion has maintained a prudent attitude.


ZhangBangXin summary,This is in the process of imbalance to pursue the balance of the result.He thinks he can only consider one thing,Between the growth performance and the quality of teaching can only alternative.Only attach importance to the growth,The result is not growing;But pay attention to the quality of teaching can bring good reputation and good performance.


Perhaps such conservative attitude from learning and thought of the decision-making mechanism,Learning and thinking of the executive committee is made up of five people,One ticket per decision all major events.This will reduce the reaction speed of doing things,But to prevent a person take head,In several major issues not make a big mistake.


ZhangBangXin said,Where to the expansion,And there is no strategic layout.Only depends on their teaching ability.But according to the description of the FanBaoGuo,Expansion or have a certain skill.Because learning and thought early use website BBS do promotion,Up to now has accumulated a large number of users on the website,E monthly hits as high as 3000 degrees (or more than ten thousand times.To learn and think send people staring at the user complaints on the website,Once a certain local complain and ask the voice of much more special,So learn and think is ready to team,First into the city.


Even if it,Learning and thinking the expansion of the speed is very slow in this industry.Last year only expand the four cities,This year also closed 13 tutorials.And some of the same enterprise even expands to 100 cities.


But ZhangBangXin only care about the health index of the enterprise,Industry data"To the rate of".Don't just don't have good teacher doesn't open,If the registration number is full,But students are constantly change,Can be inferred to rely on learning and thought the unhealthy expansion of the brand.


"We are in zhengzhou,A 班报 15 people,Quote again when the class into 25,There are 10 quote don't come in,Then we will consider expansion.But if a man less,Or in a group of students,Don't enlarge."FanBaoGuo said.


But ZhangBangXin admits,The actual operation process he will care about growth."This means I have greed,Have a greed,I'm not completely put down on the growth of public concern."


Due to the product has the education industry"Not standardized"The characteristics of the,The sale of services of the business and McDonald's hamburger is different,Can't unlimited expansion,Because it is hard to standardization,After they reach a certain boundary will slow down.As for the boundary can have more broad,Depends on the company's management ability.


I equities analyst clock, xin,There are two type of expansion in the education industry,Learning big education and learning and thinking is the typical.Learn big tend to rapidly putting in the country,First do business up slowly improve teachers' conditions,Grind the brand.To learn and think is dubious do not move,Must be teaching conditions satisfy will open completely.The two models have advantages and disadvantages,But learning and thinking mode of obviously less risky.


"I can't block the dreams of others,Said that the industry is not good.But the truth is,Education is a looks very beautiful,Seems to be sudden huge profits,But in fact is not so."ZhangBangXin said."Capital overestimate the education industry to the ability of profit,Think the industry it is easy to make money.But the actual so much capital come in,Successfully quit is not much,Most of them are lost."


According to his experience,Industry looks good is one of the reasons,Small companies in early growing quickly,Seems to be a few people can do a business.But soon,This kind of company will be to reach the boundary of the management,Difficult to go to want to grow up.


标准化教学 Standardized teaching


After the listing,To learn and think for a long time to keep a low profile.So because ZhangBangXin think enterprise internal strength haven't practice in place.After all, the company has listed,Impossible to do a small and beautiful,Capital are also driving the expansion of learning and thinking.Both to ensure growth and utmost avoid risk,There is only one way to go,Standardized teaching.


In the past two years,Learning and thinking on the sysu system in ten million,Is to create a standardized teaching platform.Is not only a teaching platform should be standardized,Teachers' training will be standardized.FanBaoGuo said today to learn and think most of teachers are of their own culture,Is no longer participating.New teachers also requires 211/985 graduated from the university,And acceptance rate is only 3%.


ZhangBangXin and FanBaoGuo are like to go to the classroom lectures,Is to examine the teaching also as enrich himself the concept of education practice.In order to realize the standardization of teaching,Learning and thinking of the r&d team to teachers with the unity of courseware,Even for teachers' classroom humor should be standardized.


"We and students facing the new Oriental group is different,The new Oriental education abroad in the face of the is the adult students,Can tell jokes in the critical components,But we face is 6 to 18 years old,The teacher speak a joke will be positive."FanBaoGuo said.


At the beginning,Learning and thinking requires teachers to at the time of preparing must add some stories as a reference,Courses must be with some jokes,This is really high requirement to the teacher.The FanBaoGuo audit found that some teachers are drove out,Cook up a few words to mix in the past.


The team found that,To solve the problem only through the research of standardization.Research and development team of 300 people for teachers prepared a variety of solutions of the problem,Even prepare 3 jokes for teachers to choose.Equivalent to team write a script,Teachers need to play a good role.


In children aged 3 to 6 of the hall than thinking,The standardized teaching embodies the advantages of more obvious.The head than NingBaiYu think,The education of children at the age of 3 to 6,Don't like the pew business there are regional differences,The unified national,Can be highly standardized.


With the best of middle school education,The ratio of successful teaching is not a system can be for reference.In the research of the pew,Team under the university physics course can be scattered,Back to work on a 24 of the system,For the student to carry on the personalized choice.Than in the business of age didn't like the outline of the things as standard.


The than spent more than two years,Input a large number of resources to establish a system of mathematical thinking.Teaching with a lot of animation/Touch screen,Encourage the children to touch.Supposed to have been on the market have a lot of early childhood curriculum,Buy don't come?But it seems to NingBaiYu,The development course is like all kinds of software/APP,He is to establish an operating system.


The difficulty,Knowledge of preschool education also did not add up to much,To let the child sitting in the classroom on 200 hours of course and don't feel boring,Each class should be independent and interrelated,Need a knowledge system as support.


"To build system,To study the system how to teach,To do the courseware and course derivatives,It's really very difficult."NingBaiYu said.


教育即公益 Education is public welfare


Learning and thinking, vice President FanBaoGuo asked to learn and think one of the founders of LiuYaChao,Is originally wanted to come into the lab,Why did you choose to do education?The mechanics, answer,Just want to see under the condition of the same seed,Why this long well that will grow.


The cause of the ZhangBangXin more simple,He came out from the countryside,Family is not good,Once at the beginning and at the same time doing the part-time job."My parents are both farmers,No five risks a gold,I always worry about their sick no money.And I heard that people in the United States after 18 years of age are independent,Then let parents support is a shameful thing,But I the university four years with the help of their parents to support.Can't afford to buy a computer also not girlfriend."


today,ZhangBangXin body still carry the heavy burden."We are the responsibility of the infinite,Is first security question.We receive a year hundreds of thousands of students,Even make more strict rules/To take strict measures to prevent again,There is such a big population there is the possibility of safety accident,Probability in that."


In addition,Pressure also comes from parents to their children to study the effect of hope."We and public schools are not the same,Children even don't want to learn,But at least the somebody else is compulsory education don't accept money.We can't,90% of the students in the class, the child is now in the cram school,You are learning.Parents only look at the class ranking,Even though children with yourself than may progress,But everyone in the cram school after ranking does not forward.The parents will come to me,We quote this article at the class,Why didn't progress?"


Learning and thinking development today,Has been pioneering stage,ZhangBangXin also thinking about what education means for him.


"We do system,Do the Internet education,Is in order to reduce the threshold of the children accept education training in the future,Although the strength is very small,But also hope to achieve a fair education resources do.We hope that through innovative ways to do public welfare.A teacher may teach tens of thousands of students in the future,And students buy a college course need only 50 yuan,This is the public welfare.Education itself is the largest public welfare."


Learning and thinking after listing,They and new Oriental common investors to send the mail ZhangBangXin,Content is a south Korean senior analysts make judgment,He thinks that experienced hot after going abroad,In the next stage of economic development in China,The Chinese will be more willing to achieve success in the education system in China.


XuXiaoPing in the sealing of the famous letter to Mr Yu also said,Learning and thinking is the 21 st century new Oriental.


But in view of the world,Education industry is likely to become the next is highly subversive to the Internet industry.Clock, xin think,Have not training industry in China willing to on the Internet a lot of investment,Because haven't been able to see the money.ZhangBangXin also think,Online method of impact offline business or in the future,Belongs to the future"Sweet trouble".


New wave has come,See who can seize the opportunity.
