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21省份按期公布异地高考方案 “门槛”高低不均--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网1月1日电 综合消息,随着异地高考方案公布“大限”的到来,近两天,各省区市的方案密集出炉,继京粤沪三地同日公布异地高考方案后,在2012年的最后一天,又有江苏、广西、陕西、河南、云南、甘肃、四川七省区搭上“末班车”公布了实施细则。至此,在公众翘首期盼下,已有21省份按期公布了异地高考方案。

Beijing on January 1, the comprehensive information,Along with other college entrance examination scheme"time"The arrival of the,Nearly two days,Provincial scheme of dense,The JingYue Shanghai announced the same day after the college entrance examination scheme in strange land,In the last day of 2012,And jiangsu/guangxi/shaanxi/henan/yunnan/Gansu province/Put on seven provinces in sichuan province"The last bus"Announced the detailed rules for the implementation.So far,Under the public eagerly looking forward to,Has 21 provinces on schedule announced other college entrance examination.


In have been released by the provinces,heilongjiang/anhui/chongqing/hebei/hunan/jilin/liaoning/zhejiang/jiangsu/henan/11 provinces and cities in yunnan province will be officially implemented different college entrance examination in 2013,And Shanghai/shandong/fujian/jiangxi/Sichuan five provinces and cities will be started in 2014.


In addition,Guangxi will plan the implementation to be National Day in 2013,This means that the area in the summer of this year the university entrance exam will still carry out of the original policy.And the Beijing/guangdong/shaanxi/Gansu's scheme, adopt the way of transition and asymptotic implementation step by step.


In addition to other college entrance examination the implementation of the plan time is different,Provincial according to their respective actual situation to set and the condition of high and low.Both like jiangxi/Hebei provinces"The low threshold",Also like the launch of the Beijing"The transition scheme"And Shanghai"Hook residence permit".


In general,Shanghai yue developed economy/Large population inflows/The abundant education resources,Usually released than other provinces"The threshold"high.For labor output jiangxi province,Different entrance policy implementation of pressure is lighter,so"The low threshold"Characteristics of the obvious.


Some traditional"Education depression"West of the province,Because of the less populated and acceptance rate is higher,Faced with the severe"College entrance examination immigration"The challenge,These places on different college entrance examination scheme is more prudent.


Released yesterday scheme of seven provinces also follows the above basic characteristics.Jiangsu released plan clearly,Starting in 2013,Every high school student in jiangsu and a complete high school learning experience,The guardian in jiangsu province have legitimate stable occupation/Stability and legal residence(Of the lease)The SuiQian children,Can be enrolled in common the university entrance exam and undergraduate course in the province/Admitted to college level.


Henan scheme"The threshold"Also lower,Since 2013,,Children in henan employment of nonlocal census register personnel,Parents party have legitimate career and stable home(Of the lease)And conform to the corresponding conditions,Can be located in the university entrance exam,And with the local household registration examinee enjoy equal treatment.In view of the common the university entrance exam 2013 registration has ended,Henan province manages will be reopened in the near future the college entrance examination application platform,To supply the qualified candidates.


Sichuan scheme similar to henan,Since 2014,In junior high school in sichuan/Graduated from high school students can be in local enter oneself for an examination recruit students of secondary vocational schools in the province.All parents have legitimate stable occupation and residence in sichuan(Of the lease),In parents' employment and residence has a high school student and complete learning experience and 3 years in accordance with common the university entrance exam application conditions of the other students can be enrolled in common the university entrance exam in school.


Shaanxi is"incremental"Carry out different college entrance examination.Complete student/Parents pay proof and residence are become social security"Hard Numbers".Qualified SuiQian children in shaanxi, available since 2014 to participate in the tests,According to the test scores,Students can choose to ordinary high school/5 - year college of vocational college/Technical secondary school or vocational high school;Began in 2016,To meet the requirements of nonlocal census register can participate in shaanxi examinee college entrance examination.


Guangxi's plan is obviously there are protected"College entrance examination immigration"The purpose of.According to the plan,In guangxi accept complete after junior high school stage of compulsory education continue to attend common the university entrance exam of foreign staff,As long as the conditions of school and legal guardians,Not limited by the household registration.And in order"College entrance examination immigration",In not in guangxi for complete the junior middle school stage of compulsory education,Application in guangxi in common the university entrance exam of foreign staff,Ask them must satisfy at the same time/Household registration and the legal guardian in three aspects.


Yunnan's plan is closely linked with the household register.According to the plan,The examinees census register into the full three years in yunnan province,Continuous high school go to school full time in yunnan for three years,With the corresponding status,His father(The mother)Pro in yunnan has stable legal profession three years/Stability and legal residence(Of the lease)And the situation of the social security payment records,Can enter oneself for an examination of yunnan provincial colleges and universities.Without the registered permanent residence of yunnan examinee can enter oneself for an examination in the province only three/College and higher vocational colleges.


Gansu scheme is provided,In the stability of the migrant workers have legal profession/Stability and legal residence(Of the lease)And attend social insurance in accordance with state regulations, etc,In 2013 and 2014 in gansu province to participate in college entrance examination of the candidates still need to have at the same time"Three years of census register"and"Complete student"Two hard Numbers.Since 2015 the release of census register,Provisions SuiQian migrant workers children with gansu province continuous high school three years of the university,Can be enrolled in common the university entrance exam in the province.


In addition to the above 21 provinces,Up to now,tianjin/Xinjiang uygur autonomous region/Inner Mongolia/hainan/shanxi/hubei/ningxia/qinghai/Tibet/Guizhou 10 provincial still has not released the corresponding different college entrance examination.(after)

异地高考放开时间一览表 (更新截至发稿日) Different college entrance examination release time list (Update by the end of the day)
