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1道小学数学题难30名大学生 小学生做的题不简单--亲稳舆论引导监测室

女儿家庭作业难倒一家人 Daughter homework beats family
Originally wanted to take advantage of New Year's day three days rest ZhangXiuFeng,But because in yangjiaping read primary school grade four's daughter back a homework.ZhangXiuFeng beat them showed a reporter a homework,As a reporter after reading the topic also think this question has difficulty.Was on the way:A column WuChang is 100 meters,Messenger from PaiWei went to the market,And from top to PaiWei,This team is just ahead of the 100 m,Known team's speed and the speed of the messenger remain unchanged!Ask the messenger how many meters away?
"My husband and I want to a day and a night didn't can solve it out,So in # 2 will be subject to the sister's children."ZhangXiuFeng told reporters,Her sister's son is reading university undergraduate course.but,Her sister's son also failed to question answer,Even he nearby of the other students are unable to answer."When I heard the result some angry,Think the teacher is in homework,This topic even college students do not to come out,What is the fourth grade students."
原来被网上列为“难题” Turned out to be listed online"Difficult problem"
In order to put the homework to do,ZhangXiuFeng sister son will question enter baidu,Found this problem is a difficult problem that is red on the network,Once so 30 college students to participate in problem solving.So there are two ways to answer to this question,The first method is to use equations to solve,And the second method is using the limit analysis method.
ZhangXiuFeng think,Just read primary school grade four of children don't have to do such a difficult problem,At the same time also blow the confidence of the children and their parents,Added a trouble for them.
老师:让孩子体会思考的快乐 The teacher:Let the child experience the joy of thinking
Such a difficult problem how to decorate for the children when homework?The reporter contact on the layout this teacher.The teacher said,The problem is he accidentally found on the Internet,Feel very interesting and arrangement for the child when his homework in the New Year's day."The difficulty of this problem is certainly beyond the scope of the children what they have learned,But the problem is to cultivate the children's reasoning ability."The teacher said,Although the solution given in online is very complicated,But is likely to have children very good logical reasoning ability,Will according to your own way get the answer.And the problem did not have a child must be done,Children do not to come out will not criticism.Is mainly hope children can use to think about,Feel the happiness in the process of thinking.
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这道题是如何解出来的? The problem is how to solve it?
The topic:A column WuChang is 100 meters,Messenger from PaiWei went to the market,And from top to PaiWei,This team is just ahead of the 100 m,Known team's speed and the speed of the messenger remain unchanged!Ask the messenger how many meters away?
A. 100 meters
B. 200 meters
C. 300 meters
D. 100 + 100 * 2 m
E. 150 meters
F. 170.71 meters
The answer:D. 100 + 100 * 2 m
Two users of the problem solving process:
Method a:Presuppose that contribute to the speed is V1,The speed of the team is V2,In addition,Contribute to go to the top journey from PaiWei should be longer than the team,Than this part of the team long assumed to X,The world began returning to walk and walk to the team PaiWei is when the start of the market,It is not hard to find his () function returns the length's journey is X,So according to this two time we can get the equation:
100 + = X/X/V1 V2
X/V1 = 100 - X/V2
Launch V1 and V2 = + X/X = X / 100-100 X
Out of the square root of X = 5000
So he's journey = 100 + 2 * the square root of 5000,D the answer is correct.It should not be a primary school
Method 2:Limit analysis method.Assumes that the team does not forward,The messenger from the top to go back to the PaiWei,'s journey is 100 + 100 = 200 m,To assume team walked 100 meters,The messenger to start,From top to go back to PaiWei,'s journey 100 + 100 + 100 = 300 m,Because it is at the same time,So 200 meters
声音 voice
超出可接受难度,会让孩子逐渐丧失兴趣 Beyond the acceptable degree of difficulty,Can let the child losing interest
沙坪坝区新桥小学从事十多年小学数学教学的刘老师表示,小学生阶段的作业不应该太难,只要合适就行,老师一般会根据学生各个阶段的教学内容,偶尔在家庭作业中穿插一两道让学生开动脑筋的智力题,培养学生的探索发现能力。但无论是哪个年龄段的教育,都应坚持“适龄教育”。如果超出学生年龄段可接受的难度,会让孩子逐渐丧失学习兴趣,这样对小学生的成长是弊大于利。同时,家长们对于一些怪题、偏题,要正确对待。(华龙网-重庆商报记者 刘雨露)
Shapingba district xinqiao engaged in more than ten years of elementary school mathematics teaching of primary school teacher liu said,Primary school stage of the work should not be too difficult,As long as appropriate,The teacher usually all phases of the teaching contents according to the students,Occasionally in the homework with the intelligence of a two way to let the students' brains,Develop the students' ability of discovery.But regardless of which age education,Should adhere to the"School-age education".If beyond the difficulty of the student age is acceptable,Can let the child gradually lose interest in learning,So on the growth of primary school students do more harm than good.At the same time,Parents to some strange questions/A tricky question,To treat correctly.(China registered - chongqing business newspaper reporter liu dew or rain)
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