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江西校车事故调查:正规学校临近化工厂没人愿去从左至右依次为6岁的遇难者童嘉伟、6岁的遇难者童晨熙、4岁的遇难者童宇翔。 From left to right in turn victims TongJiaWei for 6 years/TongChenXi victims of 6 years old/At the age of four victims TongYuXiang.江西校车事故调查:正规学校临近化工厂没人愿去这场事故令溺亡者童嘉伟的家人陷入悲痛之中。 The accident to drown the dead TongJiaWei family in grief.


来源:法制周报 The source of:Rule of law weekly

    《法制周报》记者 曹晓波 文/图 发自江西贵溪

    [Rule of law weekly]Reporter CaoXiaoBo wen/figure from jiangxi guixi


核心提示 Core tip


When many people ready to party on Christmas Eve,At the age of 41 RaoXianLian are experiencing life most pain and sufferings of the dying.


She clearly see only 4 years old son TongJiaWei lie prone on the window towards her cry:My mother,Save me!My mother,Save me!However, little by little,Van slowly fell into the water,Return to calm.


Since three days,As long as close your eyes,The terrible scene will repeat flashed through her mind.Away RaoXianLian appetite,sleep,Extremely weak she could not even walk,Can only lie on the bed quietly shed tears.


In the help of riverside town of the school bus accident,There are 10 children died together.Among them,Seven people from TongJiaWei hong tang village, where the rock child home village group,4 people from LiuLing village.They are all JinShaCun riverside town"Spring bud kindergarten"Of the students,The largest age: 6 years old,A minimum of 4 years old.


That car is silvery white van drop 7 people,But on December 24 in the morning,The car crowded into 17 people.The crowded car,Vulnerability of the school bus,Weak sense of security,Finally let the tragedy happen,And victims of unattended children.


recently,[Rule of law weekly]Reporter in an interview to the incident,Most villagers,Hong tang village itself have elementary school and kindergarten,But almost no one is willing to go,Because of a name"Kirin chemical"The factories and hong tang village elementary school adjacent within the hundred meters,Chemical pollution,Send out a bad smell,Children may not pass strict the window in class.


Help of education bureau, deputy director of the official fine fur in an interview with reporters,Kindergarten should be incorporated into the compulsory education.He wants to"Van modification of the school bus to extinct,One can't have".


"Mom goodbye!"After TongJiaWei RaoXianLian to say goodbye,The door shut down immediately.Through the window,RaoXianLian saw the car full of children,Accustomed to overload,She didn't want to.


Eight of the children who died 11 is unattended children.


Most villagers,Accident occurs in hong tang village itself have elementary school and kindergarten,But almost no one is willing to go,"There is a gas".


“妈妈,再见!” "My mother,goodbye!"


On December 24,On the morning,RaoXianLian remember out of the sun,Looks like a sunny day,She then find out bedding bag from home,Prepare at home wash to dry.


Son TongJiaWei after getting up,RaoXianLian cooked a bowl noodles for him.At about eight o 'clock 40 points,RaoXianLian as usual,Will be sent to the village son near the pond.


The son will be swallowed up of life pond is only 40 meters distance from her."The teacher good morning!""Mom goodbye!"TongJiaWei get in to the teacher say hello and say goodbye to RaoXianLian after,The door shut down immediately.Through the window,RaoXianLian saw the car full of children,Accustomed to overload,She didn't want to.


Back home in less than 5 minutes,Suddenly she heard a great noise at the pond,Followed by the cries of a group of children.RaoXianLian realized,Rushed to the pond.Sight of the scene to her almost suffocated,The school bus that just off her children planted into the pond,Part of the carriage is dew on the surface of the water.


TongJiaWei lie prone on the window,RaoXianLian heard with the sound of children crack lung of cry for help,Although she can swim,But the car in the middle of the water,Water is 3 meters deep,Add palpitate leg soft,RaoXianLian only crying for help.


Nearly all the young people working outside in the village,The beginning come here are some of the old man.Someone with long stick to rescue them,But in vain.Drove some middle-aged villagers come after,Looking for a pair of rafting threw into the water,Have saved the driver and teachers,There are several children.


TongZhiLiang tell[Rule of law weekly]The reporter,Grandson TongLongHao is the third rescued,On the rafting is pushed onto the shore.He put his grandson home,Change the clothes for him,In order to keep warm he wrapped tight with the quilt.TongLongHao breathing is very weak,Family once thought gush,After the doctor arrived to rescue,Didn't actually come back to live.


After the event,According to the local government,Cause the cause of the accident is the driver was driving fast,Improper operation,In order to avoid the park road of agricultural vehicles and on the sand,Slide pool,The accident.On the 7 minibuses contains 17 people(The 15 kindergarten students/A teacher and a driver).The accident was killed three people,12 people were taken to the hospital.then,Four children out of danger,Eight children for rescue invalid death,The death toll for 11 people.


Have the say,Car accident is the vehicle of the school day to run the second bus,The first bus in the village have been drawn away by reading a/A student of grade two,The car is the children in the kindergarten.


“儿子怎么说没就没了” "Son didn't how to say didn't"


Eight of the children who died 11 is unattended children.


If you don't have the car accident,At the age of 6 TongLongHao can only see your parents in the Spring Festival.Since he learned to walk,Parents went to work outside.


The 70 - year - old TongZhiLiang and his wife in spite of poor health,But have to take care of TongLongHao and two year old daughter's responsibility."Can have what way?Children follow their parents to go out,Want to rent a house,Want to find someone to watch,All the year round also earn any money."


In hong tang village,Young people like to work in zhejiang.Child c&d back at the night of the incident,He received his first call,Said the school bus had an accident,Son TongChenXi didn't save,Children's c&d crying,With simple items,And his wife go to their hometown.


On the way,Children's c&d two things think impassability.Reasonable obedient son,How do you say didn't didn't?TongChenXi 6 years old,Grow WenWenJingJing,6 o 'clock every morning,He would climb up early,Sitting on the bed to write homework;He will be very on time to go home after school,And then play with friends,Coming to dinner on time;Grandpa after wash my face wash feet for him,He will also help grandpa pour in hot water,Help grandpa wash feet.


Another thing,How can the school bus will have an accident?Children's son c&d seen on the school bus,Although there are many children get on the bus is very crowded,But TongChenXi in the kindergartens have read 1 year happened no danger,"overload"Such word only at c&d consciousness in a flash,Is the school bus brings to the child to read a lot of convenience,Grandpa grandma don't have to carry,Child c&d outside work and more rest assured.


TongQiu hair also work in zhejiang,Only recently factory benefit is not good,He and his wife didn't go home to live for a period of time,I didn't know son TongYuXiang had an accident.


TongYuXiang only four years old,In the"Spring bud kindergarten"Read the book half a year.In the eyes of the parents,TongYuXiang are very clever.The school book just hair down,TongYuXiang unexpectedly one tear out,Eventually he didn't have a book.But this does not interfere with his study,The teacher taught the things he will.


TongYuXiang don't like to play with their parents,He can play in front of grandpa's grandmother taught in the school dance,But he is at home in front of their parents,Can't let go do the action.The parents come back from zhejiang,Winter's bought a new dress to him,TongYuXiang was very happy,To friends to show off,Is father come back from zhejiang to buy clothes.


“那里有毒气” "There is a gas"


On December 27 morning,Reporters came to the scene,On the bridge in the direction of the accident,Some villagers in the road,They shipped bricks/The stone/cement,And the road,The bridge on both sides of the fence.


The water in the pond was dry,A villager in mire pick-up tianluo.You erect a few piece of writing"Be careful driving"The temporary sign.


On the day of the incident,In that kindergarten is closing,Driver ZhouChunE XingJu by public security organs.Help of riverside town people's government has signed a traffic accident and killed children family members agreement,$480000 per family HuoPei sailors children,And in the form of cash.


Some relatives have returned to the village,Some parents still stay in funeral home waiting for the child's body to be cremated.In accordance with the customs,The urn will not back to the village of the child,But directly placed on the cemetery of the funeral home.


The reporter understands,The principal ZhouChunE in parents of children has a good reputation."Her teacher is very good,Responsible for the children is quite."When the incident where there are four classes in more than 120 children.


The villagers are introduced,"Spring bud kindergarten"Include insurance per semester/Boarding fee/Transport fees of 800 yuan.Cheaper than other kindergarten fees 150 yuan,Plus there are vehicle escort,The villagers are willing to send their child to kindergartens"Spring bud kindergarten"Reading a book.


Most of the villagers told reporters,Accident occurs in hong tang village elementary school and kindergarten,Almost no one is willing to go,"There is a gas".


Hong tang village elementary school and kindergarten in less than two kilometers distance from the place of the place.The reporter sees,Primary school the door closed,Only from a side door.School is a row of three layer of cement,Exterior wall decorated with white porcelain pieces,Have 14 classrooms,A basketball court,A piece of the lawn,School covers a total area of a football field.


"Such a big school from grade 1 to grade 5 only more than 50 students,A teacher teach only seven children."The villagers TongQiu hair said.And said to the reporter according to the two teachers in the school,There is a chemical plant nearby,Send out a bad smell,Children may not pass strict the window in class.


This is called"Kirin chemical"The factories and schools distance within the hundred meters,Nearby residents think,Chemical pollution,Even the dishes all kind of not to come out,So many villagers prefer to send their children to further JinShaCun primary and JinShaCun spring buds the kindergarten,Don't want to study here,"These children because the distance is long to read all want to take the school bus,May be it is the leading cause of the accident happened an indirect reason."


“民办幼儿园是一块灰色地带” "Private kindergarten is a gray zone"


Reporter in the"Spring bud kindergarten"see,The door closed with a seal,This is a private buildings with the yard,Periphery also written on a billboard"You are welcome to spring buds kindergarten,Everything for the children"The words....


Some relatives said,Don't blame the kindergarten school bus accident,They also didn't mean to.


The reporter sees in help of bureau of education[Help private kindergarten and school management]The report material,Material called:The city has set up a file the examination and approval and the total number of rural primary school attached to preschool for 137 kindergartens,Around 30 kindergartens have all registered for examination and approval.The approval of the township has 22 kindergartens,In rural areas without approval to 22 kindergartens,Rural primary school attached to the kindergarten in 85.3 to 6 years old preschool children a total of 22713 people,Children in the garden for 17619 people(Around 5983 people,The 11636 people).Public kindergarten and primary school attached to preschool children's number is 3590,Private kindergarten children in 14029.The city registered school bus 216,City and the car,The 147,Of kindergarten registered 83.


In accordance with the data,According to the number of children in the garden and the number of school bus,An average of 85 children with a school bus,Overload can become the main safe hidden trouble of the school bus accident.


At present,,Local according to the principle of near to school,The government on the students of the village where the accident occurs in the arrangement,In the sands preschool arranged 59 elementary school students,LiuLing primary preschool arranged 30 students,Six the younger students placed in hong tang village yi heart kindergarten,Another 16 students follow their parents to study in abroad.


Help of education bureau, deputy director of the official fine fur in an interview with reporters said,Private kindergarten is a gray zone,Of their existence has its rationality."like‘Spring bud’The kindergarten or approved by the people,No licence is approved.Department of education has new rights,Have execute the law card,If it has a kindergarten enrollment without examination and approval,Can be a fine,Can make it stop.But should we come to law enforcement can't do,We have no ZhiFaDui,Impossible to move desks and chairs,Can only ask the court for compulsory execution."


"Why don't you can be in five or six years of kindergarten?Because the people in need.But not reached conditions we also difficult to examination and approval,The examination and approval it will be difficult to regulate,If you don't have standard we approved,Is our duty,So this is a dilemma."Official Hansen said.


Official fine fur Suggestions,Kindergarten should be incorporated into the compulsory education,"If it is public kindergarten,We can guarantee the regularization,At the same time I can ask students to go to school on foot,Under the condition of the education network layout is reasonable,This is completely feasible.I think to popularize in elementary school Settings to the kindergarten,Use of all kinds of resources construction in primary school nursery school.But this need to national policy/Finance the strong guarantee."

  “否则,(像贵溪校车事故)这样的事以后还免不了,我都不敢保证贵溪以后免得了。我希望这种由面包车改装的校车要绝迹,一辆都不能有。” 官细毛称。

"otherwise,(Like guixi school bus accident)Such a thing is inevitable in the future,I can't guarantee guixi so that in the future.I hope this by van modification of the school bus is dried up,One can't have." Official Hansen says.
