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广东一学院雷人文件:学生开房将被认定为买娼 微博调侃 The micro bo the ridicule


华商校训 Chinese school motto

  “ 一切不走天桥的过马路都是违法横跨;一切不领证的男女关系都是违法嫖娼;一切不属饭堂的餐厅都在用地沟油。呼吁广大同学,如果走,上天桥;如果吃,上饭堂;如果爱,请领证。”

" All don't go across the bridge crossing the street is illegal;All men and women relation is not license is illegal prostitution;All does not belong to the dining hall of the restaurant in edible oils.Called on the students,If you go,On the bridge;If you eat,In the dining hall;If love,Please get the l/c."

  羊城晚报讯 记者梁爽、钟传芳摄影报道:到学校对面的城中村消费会被取消评优推优,男女学生开房一律视为“滥交”、“买娼”?近日,位于增城的华商学院发出一则“安全教育承诺书”,其附带说明中“雷语”连连。据了解,该校要求学生签署此类承诺书已不止一次,校方回应称“安全教育只是建议,不强制”。

Yang cheng evening news reporter LiangShuang/ZhongChuanFang photography:To the school the villages across the consumption will be cancelled according to directing,Men and women students check in will be considered"promiscuous"/"Buy the case"?recently,Located in zengcheng issued a Chinese college"Safety education undertaking",The attached specification"Ray language"repeatedly.It is understood,This school students are required to sign the undertaking has more than once,School officials responded that"Safety education is recommended,Don't force".


学生签承诺书仍去消费 Students still sign form to consumption


"Prohibited to both men and women around the school and internal check in,Especially the toll station in front of the office of intersection across the room to check in hotel,Now the public security bureau has through the monitor found many illegal cohabitation,Once catch,Are all male and female students will be considered promiscuous,Or buy the case……(note:As the original)"Last month 27,Related contents of the micro bo a forwarding on the Internet.


The wrong word repeatedly"notice"It conveys is 27 at guangdong college of Chinese college set up the content of the meeting,Involved in the traffic/social/Food from three aspects,The core is"Ban to the opposite in all consumption activities,WeiJiZhe except immediately cancel all qualified directing honor of plan optimization/Scholarship issue/Give removed outside,To punish."


A netizen using camera took two document issued by the school art instructor.One of the part with the above"notice"Content is the same,Another for[Guangdong college of Chinese college students' safety education undertaking],Content involves don't cross the road/Less than"3 without the"restaurant/Don't keep outside rent to live/Don't make personal expenses, etc.


31 last month,Reporters came to the college of Chinese businessman,Found that the school doors tight lipped by li new highway.A student told reporters,Li new road sections at Chinese college entrance was a crossroads,Pedestrians can directly across the street.A few days ago,The intersection in the absence of any notice was suddenly.Then the class students have received a security agreement and notice,Commitment to sign"Less than the opposite consumption/Don't cross the road".


"Signature is signature bai,Don't worry,So can go to the opposite/Check in,You don't say you are Chinese students."A freshman student said.The reporter understands,Chinese college students have asked more than once signed a similar"Safety commitment".In November 2010,Chinese college students signed"Don't participate in charter/To do business/The association activities"The undertaking;In February, 2012,Have students signed including again"According to the provisions of the school is not beyond reckoned wall to carry out various activities"The undertaking.


学校个别字眼属于误传 School individual words belong to the misinformation


Institute of Chinese businessman said WangZhongDe, director of the office,Safety commitment is a means of school safety education."Students will take a look at the content by signature,This is to achieve the effect of safety education."Chinese college attendance officer, deputy director of the high places will feng said,"Safety education is recommended,Is not mandatory".


Mentioned to notice"Public security bureau has been through the monitor found many illegal cohabitation"The contents of such controversial,WangZhongDe said,This only in the internal meeting,As individual instructors will this content"The spirit"spread,Cause misunderstood.


In addition,Chinese college officials said,Distributed security commitment to another purpose is to cooperate with zengcheng municipal party committee municipal government section of surrounding the action of the school.


律师: The lawyer:


不听劝发生意外 Not be persuaded accidents


学校可部分免责 School can be part of the service


It is understood,January of this year,Institute of Chinese school on more than a picture of the handwritten[notice],Property management company for Chinese school teachers and students"Don't across the road to the opposite",To not listen to discourage the students,"A cracked,Submitted to the attendance officer and criticized".


If any students undertaking content across the road/Or villages consumption accidents,Does the school can escape?High will feng's answer is:"If the student safety accidents happened,The who is in charge who is responsible for."


Have students doubt,Whether schools shirk responsibility?this,Guangdong deco law firm's lawyers said beads,Sign the safety of the school and its students undertaking do have legal effect."The safety laws,School has warned the safety of the students don't consumption place,If a student safety accidents happened,School can be exempt from most of the responsibility."


At the same time beads that,Of the school can't use this commitment as a shield,Should strengthen the administration of the school,Let the students learn to protect themselves.

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  评论: comment:

  网曝多地“雷人”校规 校规为何成“笑规”? Nets exposed to more"shocking"Why are school rules into"Smile rules"?
