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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:其实在国内一直有这样一个误区,觉得职业教育只是满足低学历者对就业的渴求,跟国外职业教育发展的速度和现状完全不同的,还有大家认知度也是不同的,职业教育如何冲破这种尴尬的局面?自己怎么练习内功,践行者们不断推动这个产业的发展?

In fact in domestic has been have so a misunderstanding,Think professional education just meet the low educational level for on employment,Foreign vocational education with the speed of development and the present situation completely different,And everyone is different cognition,Vocational education how to break through this embarrassing situation?How oneself practice internal work,The practice of ones and constantly promote the development of the industry?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:其实职业教育在英文里面两个单词,一个叫vocational education,一个叫occupational education,vocational education基本上比较偏技能的,比较偏实践的。occupational education比较代表一些高度的,高技术,高级一些的工程师。其实我们中国职业教育把它活到一起了,但是传统的职业教育又往往给打上一种就是培养工人的,或者是技工,给人这种感觉。我想有三个事情需要做,第一个就是观念上的,咱们媒体朋友也关心,咱们一说成功人士,无非是金融界,高科技人士挣了钱的几个人,其实在各行各业做技术做得好的人大有人在,只不过人们没有看到而已。第二个就是收入,一旦收入好了自然受人尊敬,刚才几位老总讲的,上了奥斯卡这种高端的,怎么不受人尊重呢。第三点就是这些从业者,真正要给学生带来利益好处,真正给他带来价值。你的职业培训完以后,受了职业教育以后它的价值提升,真正的在产业里面起到相当大的作用,做受人尊敬的工作,职业就受到尊敬。

:In fact vocational education in English in two words,One is called vocational education,One is called occupational education,Vocational education basically is partial skill,By comparison of the practice.Occupational education comparison on behalf of some high,High technology,Some senior engineers.In fact, we Chinese vocational education live it to the together,But the traditional vocational education and often to play a is to train the workers,Or a mechanic,Give a person the feeling.I think there are three things to do,The first is the idea,Let's media friends care about,Let's say successful people,Is nothing but financial,High-tech people earn money of several people,In fact in all walks of life to do them good technology,But the people didn't see it.The second is the income,Once the income good natural respected,Just a few presidents would speak,The Oscar this high-end,Why not respected.The third point is that these practitioners,Really want to give students bring advantages,Really brought him value.Your career after training,By the professional education after its value promotion,The real in the industry play a very important part of it,Do a respectable job,Professional is respected.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:其实还是要赋予学生们更多的价值。

I really want to give the students more value.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:这个命题职业教育是不是完全就是低端的,这个命题去年在搜狐也讨论过,包括张部长也说过了,实际上是一个伪命题。这个东西你很难说职业教育出来的就是低端的,学历教育出来的就是高端的。我举例子来说神八神九上天,还有我们航母里面涉及到一个工种,叫做电焊,我们始终认为电焊应该是一个低端的。但是它这个电焊怎么焊上去,在几千万焊工里面只有一两个人的焊工在这样技术需求高的地方,能做好这个焊接工作。这是一种高端,这是一个。

This proposition vocational education is completely is low,This proposition last year in sohu also discussed,Including zhang also said,Is actually a false proposition.The things you it's hard to say vocational education out is low,Record of formal schooling education out is high.Me an example BaShen god nine heaven,And our carriers involved in a type of work,Called welding,We always think welding should be a low.But it is the welding how welding up,In the tens of millions of welding in only one or two individual welding in such technology needs high places,Can do the welding work.This is a high-end,This is a.


The second,We went to France to study,French epicure,High-end cook and we Hollywood film star,And the French fashion clothing design artist,There are painters,They together is the salon,Is a party,Is communication,And it is regular.So he put the food has increased to state of the art of,The high-end things,You said it is high,Is a kind of art,A kind of beauty,Can completely through,To a certain level is the same,Is connected,Combining the,It also means we vocational education can cultivate high-end talent.Also include our xinhua computer students,This year we participated in the national contest of a network,He asked only map school university student is eligible to participate,Then we see this notice later,We don't agreed,We say now that is a game,As long as have this ability can participate in right?So we will actively seek to take part in the game,Then the division in anhui province,Reluctantly agreed to our students participating.The results,We students first.We also have the fudan student,China university of science and technology students,Oil the world famous brand 211 university students,But we students have a first name.Then said the,The first is which school,Say we anhui xinhua computer professional college,Why so students can get the first one,After continuous let them to take part in the contest,Will the game in their school to do,Finally, we get the third in the country,Mainly based on huawei technology,The team a total of three people,Huawei decided to hire the student,We students can be done completely high-end.The Olympic Games in have students to participate in the Olympic network security,You say high or low.Of course we no doubt,We are professional education need to solve the students object is the most important thing it skills,And skills are not points of par,Your practical is the high-end.This is my in xinhua education group proposed a word,Practical is high-end.We also have a lot of debate,We think we should do high-end,Should cultivate high-level talents,What is high?I said practical is high,The most practical,This car has stalled,I will get you the car repaired,I this practical,Is high-end.You have a good theory,The car won't get hit also was not high,And we also put forward vocational education is employment education,You let the students employment,He has skills,Can very good life,Skill can,To make people live,To make each laborer live with dignity.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:我觉得职业教育肯定也是一个大的体系,有不同的模块,不同的层次,包括一些行业有一些基础教育,应该不叫低端这样一个解释。因为我觉得学生从我们角度来说,学生它的基础不同,还有行业对技术的要求也不同,这也是我们给一些基础教育,能够灵活帮助这些孩子能够有一技之长,我觉得是非常值得尊重和肯定的。真的是低端和高端不是我们很清晰的一个概念了。但是有些领域,有些行业它一定有技术要求上,在创意能力上更多一些,难度更大一点的,这样的层次。包括世界艺术这个领域,现在有几个方向的对人才的特点吧,从08到2012年奥运会之后,又有一个新的特点,第一个就是要求学生更加回归专业,我做任何一个模块更精专。比如建一个模型原来就是建一个房子,现在不行了,这个房子一定是我们说的奇形怪状,一定是有特点的。技术要求更专业了。

I think vocational education must also is a large system,Have different module,Different levels,Including some industry has some basic education,Should not let low-end such an explanation.Because I think students from our point of view,The foundation of students it is different,And to the requirements of the technology industry is different also,This is also we give some basic education,Agile to help these children to have the skill,I think it is very worthy of respect and for sure.Is really low and high-end not we are clear of a concept.But some areas,Some industry it must have technical requirements,In the creative ability more,A little more difficult,Such a level.Including the world art in this area,There are certain direction to talented person's characteristics it,By to 2012 years after the Olympic Games,There's a new characteristics,The first is to require students to return more professional,I do any one module designed more precise.Such as to build a model for is to build a house,Now I can't,The house must be our in the said,Must have the characteristics.Technical requirements for a more professional.


In addition the creative and technical must constantly fusion,Continuously promote each other,Mutual promotion.In fact just zhang said is the same,For instance the cook,I just take the dishes,This is a kind of technology.But if I can have solutions,Can I have the menu,I this menu may internationalization,Or, more suitable for the characteristics of the Chinese people,I think it is creative.In fact it's become the high-end,So the two pieces are very fusion.There is a third point,This kind of project and management talents,Now also is very need.So in different fields,Different modules have different needs.And we said the higher,Such as the EMBA training,These things really is a practical,If I can give students bring value,I'm from my point of view,I'm from my ability is,You learn in here after,I just have improved,I am a very good living skills,There is a high creativity,All this is being respected,Vocational education and the system will be more and more perfect,In China will be more and more perfect,We also can draw lessons from Europe and the United States some methods.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在今年年底我们也会跟雪球财经一起推出2012年中国教育行业白皮书,在白皮书发布之前,我们目前在网上做了一个关于职业教育领域的网络调查。就目前其中一个问题的数据来看,白领其实还包括大学生,然后参加职业培训的人数是相比较来说还是非常多的。在目前这种环境,中国国内这种情况下,白领包括本科,包括中职面对更小的一些学生,他们这样的比例是呈什么样的状态的发展?有什么样的发展趋势?

In the end of this year we will launch with snowball financial together 2012 China education industry white paper,In the white paper before release,We are currently on the Internet on vocational education field network survey.Currently one of the questions to the data,White-collar actually also include college students,Then the number of vocational training is compared is very much.In the present this kind of environment,China's domestic this case,White-collar including undergraduate,Including the secondary vocational schools in the face of the smaller some students,They such scale is a what kind of state development?What kind of development trend?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:这个肯定是一个上升的趋势。从发达国家来看,从咱们近邻台湾韩国来看,现在在职人员,包括白领,在职进修的意愿,尤其自主的意愿,自觉性比咱们国家高得多。咱们国家的人学习比较功利一点,我这次培训四六级,下次培训托福,或者这一次培训就是为了找一个什么工作,总要有一个目的。但是其他国家的人,他已经形成一个比较自觉的意识,觉得需要提高,这个提高对长远是有功利的,不是短期就要做什么,会充实自己,闲下来就会学习,咱们一定会慢慢走向这一步。有些是出于兴趣的,有些是出于将来的重点。我对动漫有兴趣,肯定会到刘院那学习,也不是为了我工作怎么怎么样,会越来越多。我对这个比较看好的。

:This must be a rising trend.From the developed countries to see,From our neighbor Taiwan to South Korea,Now on-the-job personnel,Including white-collar,The will of the in-service training,Especially free will,Consciousness than our country is much higher.Our country is learning a little utility,I this training band 4 and band 6,The next training toefl,Or this time training is to find a what kind of job,There is always a purpose.But people of other nations,He has formed a more conscious awareness,Felt the need to improve,The improve the long-term is a utilitarian,Not short-term will do,Will enrich himself,Idle down will learn,We will slowly to this step.Some are of interest,Some of the key in the future.I'm interested in cartoon,Will certainly to liu yuan that learning,Also not for my work how,Will more and more.I know this is good.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:从目前学生结构当中它的比例分配是怎么样的?包括他们的身份,白领,还有本科、大学生,稍微年龄再小一点的,比如说中学毕业的,他们整个年龄结构会是怎么样子的情况?

From the current structure of the students of the proportion of its distribution are?Including their identity,white-collar,Bachelor degree and/College students,A little bit of age again a little bit smaller,Such as middle school,Their entire age structure will be like what?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:我个人觉得具体的比例我也不是那么清楚,没有数据表明。我个人觉得还是找工作的人居多,就业的人居多。那一部分我们叫做在职培训,或者要想找到更好工作的人,这个比例相对稍微低一点。年龄层上还是以大学生,大学毕业生要就业,包括中学毕业生要就业,包括一些职业院校的孩子,相对小一些。

:I personally think the specific proportion I also not so clear,No data to show that.I personally think or find a job in the majority of the people,A lot of employment.We call that part of on-the-job training,Or if you want to find a better job,The slightly lower than.Age or to college students,University graduates to obtain employment,Including high school graduates to obtain employment,Including some vocational colleges children,Relatively small some.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:这个职业教育实际上是一个宽泛的概念,高校也有职业教育,只不过我们现在说的指的职业培训更多一些。可能需要找工作的人,待业的青年只是参加职业培训的主体。有一些职业提升计划的,要充电的,你说的白领参与职业培训的,也会是极大的补充。同时他们需求也会越来越旺盛,可能参加培训的人数也会越来越多。我前面之所以职业教育是就业教育就是这个道理,一个是从没有就业到要就业这一部分人群是主体,就业希望能够获得更好的就业,这样的人作为补充。但是,从职业教育的本身来说,我觉得职业教育应该是终身教育,终身你都要参加职业教育,你的职业知识应该得到更新,不断的得到更新,国家也会不断的修订职业教育的标准。所以职业教育是一个终身教育,任何人都要参与到职业培训当中来,只要他是参加工作,参加这样一个建设的劳动者,他都有这一方面的需求。

The vocational education is actually a broad concept,University also have professional education,Just now we say refers to the vocational training more.May need to find work,Youth unemployment is the main body of vocational training.There are some professional promotion plan,To charge of,You said the white-collar participation in vocational training,Will is a great supplement.At the same time they demand also will be more and more strong,May to participate in training the number will more and more.In front of me is professional education is the employment education that is the reason why,A from no employment to employment this portion of the population is main body,Employment hope to be able to get a better job,Such people as a supplement.but,From the vocational education of itself,I think vocational education should be a lifelong education,Life you will take part in the vocational education,Your professional knowledge should be updated,Constantly updated,The nation will constantly revised vocational education standards.So vocational education is a lifelong education,Anyone want to participate in the professional training of,As long as he is going to take part in the work,In such a construction workers,He has this aspect demand.


At the same time still say to our country the implementation of the policy,Also not so thoroughly,Is not so standard.Why??Because our country has been said to establish labor access system,What is labor access system?Is you want to do this type of work,You must get through professional training certificate,To do this type of work,Or you are not allowed to do this work.Why do our country building will collapse?Why our country made bridge will fall?Why these accidents will frequently appear?It is because we don't have very good implementation of the employment admittance system,We towers with the training?We do the bridge through the training?We migrant workers through a series of training?Today is still in transplanting,Still played rice,Repair of wheat,Tomorrow is at work on the construction site,Their process is reasonable?They are standard operation?These no management,But this will definitely get the standard,Will need to have a good management,Everyone should have qualification certificate,Everyone to get the labor post skills.Otherwise the quality is not guaranteed,We enjoy service is not standard.So vocational education I said it is a lifelong education,We are in different stage of the people,Engaged in different jobs,Must continuously charge,Constantly update their knowledge,To meet the needs of the post to him,In compliance with the continuous development of the social economy to his needs,Is also a healthy person's own needs,I think so.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:我们大约比例差不多,70%和30%这里的比例,70%来自于大学毕业生,30%是在职一些人员,现在非常明确的就业目标,包括在职这些人也是要找工作,还有提升的。未来我觉得随着经济发展,发展到一个比较平稳的情况下,还有中国一直在提城镇化,白领充电,在职的人提升,或者是一些多元化的需求,一定会不断的加大的。07年的时候,我们和香港理工大学合作,然后我看到他们一本职业培训的手册,这么厚,每个课程介绍也就这么短,它里面有几乎上万种课程,包括插花,茶艺,未来大都市可能就业到一定稳定的情况下,这一块培训需求加大了。比如我想学学头饰,学学插花都有这种可能,可能面临多元化的需求,是不是在业余班上各个方面都要考虑这种模式。

We are about as proportion,The proportion of 70% and 30% here,70% from college graduates,30% is in some people,Now very clear employment goals,On-the-job these people are also looking for a job,There are ascending.The future I think with the development of economy,The development of a more smooth circumstances,And China has been mention urbanization,White-collar charging,In-service ascend,Or some diversified needs,Will constantly increased.In when the,We and the Hong Kong university of science and technology cooperation,Then I saw them a vocational training manual,So thick,Each course introduces is so short,It has almost tens of thousands of new curriculum,Include flower arrangement,Tea art,The future city may obtain employment to a stable situation,This piece of training demand increased.Such as I want to learn tire,Learn flower arrangement has this kind of possibility,May face diversified needs,Be in amateur class should consider all aspects of this model.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:随着这些年消费者越来越成熟看待这个领域,包括学校给他们提供的一些课程,可能刚才三位也说了,他们的要求和需求都会越来越多,越来越高。从消费者的角度来看的话,具体有哪些变化?摆在大家的面前需要我们去应对的?

With more and more mature years consumers think of this field,Including schools to provide them with some of the course,May just three also said,Their demands and needs will be more and more,More and more high.From the point of view of consumers words,What are the specific changes?In front of everyone we need to deal with?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:刚才讲了最大部分人以就业为主,一定是跟产业有关系的,比如说新兴的产业兴起了,就会有培训的需求,数字艺术也好,现在兴起网络营销也好,可能一两年前没有这个说法,现在微博营销都是一个职业,或者是一个岗位了。这时候就会提出这一方面需求。现在职业教育其实和产业比原来联系更紧密,因为你冲着就业去的,所以产业的发展就是和职业教育,其实就是职业教育要培训的目标。有很多新的东西涌现,或者有一些更大的需求,厨师,有更大的需求的话,人们就会冲到这儿去,这是由市场决定的。其实我们谈到很多政策,十八大政策上,市场也起很大的作用,因为市场是这样子,法规是这样子。

:Just about the most people to give priority to employment,Must be a relationship with industry,Such as the rise of the emerging industry,There will be training needs,Digital art or,Now the network marketing or rise,May be one or two years ago without this statement,Now the micro Po marketing is a professional,Or a post.This time will make this hand demand.Vocational education and industry now actually than the original more close contact,Because you go at employment,So the development of the industry is and vocational education,Vocational education is in fact to the goals of the training.There are a lot of new things emerging,Or some greater demand,cook,If a greater demand,People will rush here to,This is determined by the market.In fact we talked about a lot of policy,The eighteenth big policy,The market also plays a role,Because the market is like this,Laws and regulations are like this.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:你如何消费者需求的变化,或者他们有更高的要求,首先我想我们职业教育机构能够给学生提供的是某一项的技能,而这种技能它的社会需求度有多高,我们存在两方面的适应问题。一方面社会上有大量的需求,这样的岗位,这样的人才。我们能不能培训出来这样的人才,我们能不能有这一方面的课程,这个就变得很关键。另外一种,我们有大量的培训能力,某一方面,某些岗位人才的培训能力,社会是不是需求?社会对你设的这些课程有没有一个明显的需求?能不能产销两旺,这个很关键,这个涉及到我们在设置任何一个课程的时候,一定要积极市场的调研,甚至于对产业发展的趋势,要有一个预测。你要迎合产业需要,你要能够适应产业发展。比如说现在新华电脑推出来电子商务专业,电子商务的营销,网络营销,这个专业应该说社会需求量很大。像双十一,电商就是几百个亿,几十个亿一天之内就是这么多营业额。而且很多草根,我们网络营销说的很多草根,屌丝们,能够在网上自主创业,门槛低,能够实现自己创业的梦想,创业后带动一大批的人就业。如果社会有这样的需求,我们首先应该满足他,这是一个最基本的要求。

How do you consumer demand change,Or they have higher requirements,First of all, I think we vocational education institutions can give students is a skill,And the skills of its social needs how high degree,We are two aspects of the adjustment problems.On the one hand the society has a large number of demand,This position,Such talented person.Can we train such talent,Can we have this one course,This is very key.another,We have a lot of training ability,one,Some post personnel training ability,Whether social demand?A society to you these courses have a clear demand?Can you both production and marketing thrive,This is the key,This involves us in any setting a course,Must be positive research of market,Even to the trend of the development of the industry,To have a prediction.You have to cater to industry needs,You must be able to adapt to the development of industry.For example, xinhua computer with electronic business professional,Electronic business marketing,Network marketing,This major should say social in great demand.Like a double tenth,Electrical business is hundreds of million,Dozens of ten million days is so much turnover.And a lot of grass,Our network marketing said a lot of grass roots,Prick the silk,Can be on the net do poineering work independently,Threshold low,To realize the dream of their own business,Entrepreneurial drive after a large number of jobs.If society has such a demand,The first thing we should meet him,This is one of the most basic requirements.


Second word,If we can predict the development trend of the industry,Able to train out of the people,Because the training need a cycle,Today need,Tomorrow I can train,This is not.If we can in a short period of prediction,The personnel training well,Then social demand is big,This professional are more welcome.In a word a little,We have set courses and professional,By the society must be welcome,To have this position requirements,This is our most basic requirements.So the cultivation of the order,And say to the cooperation between colleges and enterprises,In time for talent to provide such a reserve is very important.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:这种需求我觉得来自于两方面,我们职业教育很有特点,我们有两个客户,一个就是我们学生,另外一个就是我们用人单位。黄博士说的特别认同,现在学生的要求和企业的要求很一致,你的培训一定要和岗位越来越紧密的结合,学生也是需要尽快的掌握这种技术的变化,企业也需要来的人能符合我技术的变化。因为企业的技术的变化也是非常快的,这是特别明确的需求。还有一个学生和企业都希望你职业教育有一个全服务链,或者全环节的服务。包括学生的就业,包括学生的一些其他的综合素质的培养,学生的逻辑能力,分析能力,表达能力,我们团队配合能力,我们会在这个课程之中会给它加强。原来比例可能有十分之一,现在可能要改到五分之一,还有学生的其他方面,包括我们会去做这种摄影大赛,水晶石好声音赛之类的。这些都对学生整体的素质会有一个加强。企业也需要这种各个方面都很丰富,比如说他唱歌,比如说他历史,比如说他文学好,这些东西对他未来工作,因为我们处在一个创意行业里,对他未来工作很有帮助,所以我们把整个服务做得比原来肯定是压力更大了,做得更多了,投入应该更多了,这样的话,企业和客户两个需求都满足了,就比较具体这个需求。

This demand I think from two aspects,We are professional education has a characteristic very much,We have two customers,One is our students,Another is our unit of choose and employ persons.Said Dr Huang special identity,Now students' requirements and enterprise's demand is very consistent,Your training must and post more and more combination,Students also need as soon as possible to master the technology changes,Enterprise also need to people can accord with the change of my technology.Because enterprise's technical changes are also very fast,This is particularly clear demand.There is a student and the enterprise all hope you vocational education has a full service chain,Or the whole link service.Including the students' employment,Include some of the other students overall quality of the training,Students' logical ability,Analysis ability,ability,Our team cooperation ability,We will in the course of strengthening it.The original proportion may have one over ten,Now may have to change to one 5,There are other aspects of the students,Including we will to do this kind of contest,Crystal good voice "and so on.All of the students' overall quality will have a strengthening.Enterprise also need this kind of all aspects of the very rich,For instance he sings,For instance he history,For instance he good literature,These things for his future work,Because we are in a creative industry,Over his future work to have the help very much,So we put the service do better than the original is definitely a lot more pressure,Do more,Input should be more,so,Enterprise and customer two needs are met,Is the specific requirements.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们搜狐教育也有一个315投诉平台,通过这么长时间运营,发现很多消费者在里面投诉包括职业教育退费难,或者报这个班之后觉得课程不满意,他们不打算上了,或者觉得课程效果没有之前广告宣传那么好,就这样一个问题屡见不鲜,对于这样一个行业目前这些现状,三位都是作为整个行业龙头企业的掌舵者,对整个行业标准的规范有什么样的看法?

We sohu education also has a 315 complain platform,After such a long time operation,Find a lot of consumer complaints including vocational education in FeiNan back,Or to the class later think course not satisfied,They do not plan to go to the,Or think course effect before no advertising so good,So a problem common occurance,For such an industry at the moment the situation,Three are as the industry leading enterprises of the helmsman,The industry standard of what?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:中国尤其教育培训业由于从业的人比较多,机构也多,大大小小的很多,不规范肯定是存在的。尤其是在一些领域,甚至有拿钱跑路的人。我觉得有几个办法,第一个办法可能要出台一些政策,再一个行业应该有一些自律的公约,或者协会有一些动作。最关键的问题还是处于一个初级阶段。因为它还没有到一个市场完全完备或者整合完整的状态,刚才张总也讲到有太多,太多以后你自然会出现这种问题。而且我个人觉得还是应该推动大企业进一步的深化和发展,因为大企业责任心会重一些,因为他自己的品牌也在这儿,他自己的盘子也在这儿,不像小的机构规范会小一些,做得更灵活一些,或者是更随意一些,不在乎。

:China especially education training industry due to the working people more,Agencies are also more,Greatly small many,Is not standard must be existing.Especially in some areas,There is even take money to run the road.I think there are several measures,The first way may be issued some policy,Another industry should have some self-discipline convention,There are some action or association.The key question is in a primary stage.Because it is not yet a market fully complete or complete integration of the state,Just a total also said there is too much,Too much later you will naturally appear this kind of problem.And personally I think should promote large enterprise further deepening and development,Because of the large enterprise responsibility will be heavier,Because his own brand also here,His own dishes here, too,Don't like small agency standard will be smaller,Do some more agile,Or is a few more optional,Don't care.
