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   导读: introduction:又是一年走过,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向中国教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月举行。搜狐教育将与亿万网友一起,向中国教育发问,解答困惑,寻求变革。《孟子•尽心上》云:"观水有术,必观其澜。"朱熹在《四书集注》中对此句的注解为:"观水之澜,则知其源之有本矣。"正如古圣先贤所言,考察产业的要点,在于观其大势,知其本源,方能探知行业命脉,把握经营真谛! Another year through,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"To the Chinese education question"Sohu education annual festival will be held in January 2013.Sohu education with hundreds of millions of users together,China's education to ask,Answer confused,Seek change.[mencius•On with]cloud:"View water art,Will view the billows."Zhu xi in[Contact four]This sentence for comment:"View the water ripples,It is down to have this yi."As the ancient scholars said,Study the main points of the industry,The general trend is to view,Know its origin,Can ascertain industry lifeline,Grasp business essence!

  在中国教育最有希望的2012年,教育体制在不断破冰,教育行业在大浪淘沙之后蓬勃发展我们呼吁教育的改革之路超越集团利益,我们追寻教育的本源坚守最初的理想情怀,我们有机会把中国教育变得更好,而您在其间,独一无二,不可或缺。我们相信,彼此耳语只能让少数人受益,朗声合唱才能将能量放大,将力量团聚!观澜而索源,观心而知天下,搜狐教育频道将于2012年12月28日举办“《高朋满座》网络教育行业年度盘点高峰论坛”,碰撞思想,追本溯源,为中国教育答疑解惑,为推动变革探讨发问。 In the Chinese education the most promising in 2012,Education system in the continuous ice,Education industry in rapid development after the ebb tide.We call on education reform way beyond the group interest,We pursue the origin of education to the original ideal feelings,We have the chance to take China education better,And you in the meantime,unique,indispensable.We believe that,Whisper to each other will only make a few people benefit,Audible words chorus to energy amplification,Will power reunion!Billows and SuoYuan,Heart is the world view,Sohu education channel will be in December 2012 and held on"[quite]Network education industry annual inventory peak BBS",Collision thought,all,For China's education answer to reassure,In order to promote the reform questions discussed.

  论坛时间:  BBS time: 12月27日(周四)16:30-18:00

On December 27,(On Thursday)and:30 - and:at

  论坛地点: BBS site:搜狐网络大厦12层•大演播室

Sohu network building and layer•Big studio

  年度话题: Annual topic:

  PART1 学职业教育是个“丢面子”的事?

PART1 Vocational education is to learn"Lose face"things?

  PART2 羁绊遇见机遇和挑战

PART2 Fetter meet the opportunities and challenges

  PART3 向教育提问

Part3 Education question to

  PART4 与搜狐教育旅行3分钟

PART4 And sohu education travel 3 minutes


年度论坛重磅嘉宾: Annual BBS blockbuster guests:


黄 钢:安博教育集团副总裁 Yellow steel:Ember education group vice President


张 明:新华教育集团常务副总裁 Zhang Ming:Xinhua education group executive vice President


刘朝晖:新华教育集团常务副总裁 LiuChaoHui:Xinhua education group executive vice President


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐网友大家好,欢迎来到由搜狐网,搜狐教育频道联合主办2012年度职业教育盘点访谈现场,今天访谈非常容幸请到三位嘉宾,他们分别是: 安博教育集团副总裁黄钢先生、新华教育集团常务副总裁张明先生、水晶石数字教育学院院长刘朝晖女士。

You sohu net friend everybody is good,Welcome to the sohu network,Sohu education channel co-hosted 2012 vocational education inventory interview field,It's a pleasure today interview please go to the three guests,They are: Ember education group vice President Mr. HuangGang/Xinhua education group executive vice President Mr. Zhang Ming/Crystal digital education, dean of the college of LiuChaoHui lady.

  欢迎三位来到今天访谈现场,从2004年到2011年,国家连续八年将职业教育纳入政府工作报告中,并先后出台了一系列政策措施加大对职业教育的鼓励与扶持力度,才保证了职业教育快速发展的黄金十年,十年间,职业教育是否已成为不可或缺的存在? 2012年年末,请三位介绍一下这一年职业教育发展的变化,用几个关健词来形容,这一年的变化,分别是什么?

Welcome to the three interviews today,From 2at4 to 2011,Countries in eight successive years professional education into the government work report,And has issued a series of policies and measures to strengthen the professional education of encouragement and the support strength,To ensure the vocational education rapid development of golden decade,Ten years,Vocational education is has become an indispensable exist? By the end of 2012,Please introduce three this year vocational education development changes,With a few key words to describe,The change of this year,Respectively is what?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:如果用一个词儿来说2012年职业教育的话,我正好想用变化这个词儿。因为变化蛮大的,大的环境,大的形势都变了,尤其是产业的发展,包括人口的结构,其实这几年都在不停的发生变化,比如大学生减少对于职业教育影响蛮大的。在新的形势下,一些新的探索,新的模式都在持续进行当中,我个人对未来很乐观,其实高潮还没有到来,现在一些新的东西正在涌现之中,谢谢。

:If you use a single word for 2012 vocational education words,I just want to use the word changes.Because a large change,Big environment,The situation has changed,Especially the development of the industry,Including the structure of the population,In fact this several years are constantly changing,Such as college students for vocational education to reduce a large influence.In the new situation,Some new exploration,The new mode of in continuous,I personally is optimistic about the future,In fact high tide are yet to come,Now some new things are coming in,thank you.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:如果用一个词儿很难概括,我觉得2012年职业教育的发展,我想用一个动词就是“前行”,我们一直在路上,我们一直在为职业教育的发展贡献自己的力量。在这个当中我们也能够体会到发展职业教育带给我们酸甜苦辣,正如刚才黄博士说的,系列的变化,带给我们在发展当中有很多的问题。我们也在积极的面对,比如高校的扩招,适龄人口的减少,这些都会影响我们生源。但是国家大政方针没有变化,还再继续一如既往的支持。所有的民众,对职业教育的认识也逐步的清晰,也进一步的趋向一个合理化,或者说有一个正确的认识。职业教育不断的受到大家的认可,这也是我们能够继续努力的基础吧。

If you use a single word is hard to summarize,I think 2012 vocational education development,I want to use a verb is"forward",We have been on the road,We have been for vocational education development to contribute their strength.In this where we can also realize the development of vocational education bring us the sweets and bitters of life,Just as Dr Wong said,Series of changes,Bring us in the development of a lot of problems.We are actively face,Such as college expansion,School-age population decrease,These will affect our students.But the national fundamental policy did not change,Still continue as always support.All the people,In vocational education the understanding also gradually clear,Also further to a rationalization,Or have a correct understanding.Vocational education constantly by the recognition,This is also we can continue to work hard, the basis of.


and,The vocational education market has developed to some non-standard,Smaller such vocational education institutions disappear,Or face a shuffle.The good and bad are intermingled situation get some relief,Big education group,More standard education group have very good development,These are conducive to the development of vocational education in the future.I will sum up a word,We go all the way in,In the way we,We are trying to.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:我要是用一个关健词,我想用“稳中求进”,今年的市场没有什么波澜壮阔的变化,也很少看到一些培训机构开疆辟土,有大的规模扩张。大家都是在稳定中求发展的。更多着力点放在内部品质提升上,包括运营模式改进,课程结构的提升,包括我们教学方式的创新,学生能力的提升,我觉得大多数还是在这一方面。我们今年也是基本上做了一些内部的事情,做了一些巡讲,做了一百多场奥运技术类的巡讲,我们说品质提升,体现在原来以模拟为主,现在以创新为主,原来以炫技为主,现在以能够实用为主,不是说我们作品全部实用,有一部分用在国家电视台,风景区,还有一些展馆。所以今年我们做了一些内功,开点开得不像往年那么多,那么快,是一个稳中求进的过程。

If I use a key word,I want to use"WenZhongQiuJin",This year's market no surging forward with great momentum change,Rarely see some training institutions in the warriors monarch soil,A big scale expansion.Everyone is in the stability and development.More focus on the internal quality ascension,Including operation mode to improve,The course structure of ascension,Including our teaching mode innovation,Students' ability of ascension,I think most or in the hand.We this is basically made some internal things,Do some tour speaking,Do more than one hundred Olympic Games technology about tour,We say that improve the quality,Reflected in the original mainly by simulation,Now give priority to with innovation,Mainly used to technique,Now to practical give priority to,Not to say that we all practical works,Some use on national television,Scenic spot,There are some exhibition hall.So this year we made some internal work,Open point open not as ever so much,So fast,Is a WenZhongQiuJin process.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:刚才刘院长提到在水晶石今年发现的一些变化,也想听听黄总和张总分别在自己的学校里面有哪些变化和事情跟我们分享一下。

Just LiuYuanChang mentioned in this year some of the changes that crystal,Also want to listen to yellow total zhang respectively in their own school inside what change and things and we share.


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:对我们来说,有我们实训的特色,尤其大型园区性实训为基础,刚才刘院长说的稳中求进的过程,同时也在一个变化当中的调整和整合之中。我们希望通过这一段时间的努力,明年会有一个好的发展。一个变化发生以后,你总是需要一个时间去消化它,我感觉到最近的变化其实不是今年发生的,其实这两年都在发生。刚才张总说的,大学扩招以后,其实大学生的来源、生源的来源发生了变化,这种变化造成我们必然跟大学要打更多的交道。因为原来也许很多的生源来自于中学生,来自于找工作的一些中学生,现在这个数量会减少。怎么样跟大学合作,怎么样能够在高等教育的内涵式发展当中占有重要的位置,这个可能是职业教育将来面临的一些问题。

:For us,We have the characteristics of training,Especially large park sexual training as the foundation,Just LiuYuanChang said WenZhongQiuJin process,At the same time also in a change of the adjustment and integration of.We hope that through this period of time the effort,Next year will have a good development.After a change,You always need a time to digest it,I feel the recent changes are not happen this year,In fact, this two years in the occurrence of.Just now, zhang said,After the university recruitment,In fact the source of the college students/The source of students has changed,This change will cause us to play with the university of crossing.Because the original maybe a lot of students from the middle school students,From some high school students looking for work,Now the quantity will reduce.How to university cooperation,How can the higher education of connotative development occupies an important position,This may be vocational education some of the problems faced in the future.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:我们新华教育集团主要三大事业部,也可以讲三个主要专业的发展,一个就是IT教育,新华电脑教育。其次就是我们的新东方烹饪教育,还有我们万通汽修教育,在这三个事业部,我们不同程度的加强了校企合作的推进力度。大面积推进校企合作对学生的就业,以及对我们课程更加的适应市场,应该说取得了很大的推动作用。而且我们发现今年的变化,我们的学生比以往任何时候都受企业欢迎,比以往任何时候就业都好。特别是在大学生就业的不理想情况下,我们学生就业应该说是一道亮丽的风景线,特别是烹饪专业,学生是供不应求,很多的企业到学校来发苦,来吵着要人,但是就是没有,因为我们培训量是一定的,我们学生没有到毕业的时候我们坚决不允许就业,必须要上完规定的课程以后才允许就业。所以校企合作的空间也很大,以前定制的,比如有一些大的餐饮集团到这边来定制,同样如此,他就到该毕业的时候就已经有了这样的学生。像我们万通汽修也同样如此,比如4S店,或者一些汽车的专门汽车厂专门到我们这边要人,就业形势特别好,而且就业薪资也有了大幅度提高。我们IT专业经过几年的发展之后,IT专业可能发展的速度会稍微慢一些,但是学生学出来以后他的特长和特色更加的明显,在教学当中进一步加大实训以后,学生也比以前更受欢迎,这是我说的学生在就业上的变化,和我们在推进就业和教学方面的变化。

We xinhua education group mainly three division,Can also speak three main professional development,A is IT education,Xinhua computer education.Next is our new Oriental cooking education,And we wantong automobile education,In the three division,We different degrees of strengthen the efforts of the cooperation between colleges and enterprises.Large area to promote the cooperation between colleges and students' employment,And to our course more adapt to the market,It should be said has made great role.And we find that the change of this year,Our students than ever by the enterprise welcome,Than ever before are good employment.Especially in college students' employment situation is not ideal,We students employment should say is a beautiful scenery line,Especially cooking professional,Students are short supply,A lot of enterprise to the school to bitter,To noisy personage,But there is no,Because we PeiXunLiang is certain,We students have no to the graduation of time we will not allow the employment,Must complete the prescribed courses on before he is allowed to employment.So the school-enterprise cooperation space is very big also,Before the custom,For instance, some large food group come here custom,The same is true,He went to the graduation of time will have such students.As we wantong automobile is also so,Such as the 4 s store,Or some car special automobile factory specialized to our day here,Employment situation is very good,Employment and wages have increased significantly.We IT professional in the past few years later,IT professional may be the speed of development will be a little slower,But students come out later his special skill and the characteristics of the more obvious,In the teaching of further increase after training,Students also more popular than ever before,This is I said students in employment changes,And we are pushing the employment and the change of teaching.


I will repeat said just now,Students and parents to vocational education should be further understanding of shedding light said,We recruit students this year the university,College entrance examination got 5at points of students,There are many,And proportion increase than in previous years.And in the university graduation is unemployed,As to the vocational colleges very practical to find a good job,This way,I think is a suitable demand,Is also a wise choice.These changes make us more confident of vocational education well,In this difficult situation,Xinhua education group we achieved 30% growth,It should be said that the amplitude or good,Also let us feel still is more exciting.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在目前学生人数大的十八大报告中,大篇幅讲到了教育现状,要大力发展现代职业教育,并专门提出要健全现代职业教育体系。您认为单凭这样的文件出台能否改变职业教育不愠不火的现状?现在面对的具体挑战是什么样?包括2013年都会有哪些措施相应出台?

The number of students in the current big eighteen big report,Big space to speak education present situation,To develop modern vocational education,And special offered to improve the modern vocational education system.Do you think such a document issued by single can change the vocational education flower the present situation of the fire?Now in the face of the challenge is what kind of?Including 2013 will have on what measures corresponding?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:其实十八大我注意到说谈到职业教育,有两点值得注意一下,一个是谈到现代职业教育,提到现代两个字,从职业教育三个人坐在这儿可以看出来培训领域非常广,职业教育这个词儿非常非常广大,比起其他门类职业教育包含的内容可以说是各行各业。现代职业教育我的理解它就是和我们传统想的这种培训技工,或者技能,比这个范围更广,包含一些新的技术,新的产业的理念。另外提到构建体系,体系这个问题更为重要,刚才张总讲到有些学生其实不愿意上学了,就来培训了。其实在一些发达国家,这两者之间不是矛盾的,是互通的,所谓的纲要里面讲的,人才发展的立交桥的问题。比如说英国Btake(音)领域,厨师这个领域升到某一级,其实对应本科生某一级,修完两门课程可以在那边拿学位,路是打通的,这个体系对我们职业教育是非常重要的。相应的一直可以到了博士,并不意味他学技能,或者进我职业学校就没有往上发展的空间,这个是非常重要。当然这些事情不是说十八大报告提上一两句,问题可以解决了,这里面需要一系列措施,需要一系列的执行。这是我的一点解读。

:In fact the eighteenth big I noticed said when it comes to professional education,There are two worthy of attention,One is when it comes to modern vocational education,Talked about the modern two words,From the vocational education three people sit here can see training field is very wide,Vocational education it seemed very, very broad,Compared with other kind professional education include content can be said to be all walks of life.Modern vocational education I understand it is and we think the traditional training technicians,Or skills,A wider range than this,Contains some new technology,The idea of a new industry.In addition to building system,System this problem is more important,Just a total about some students actually don't want to go to school,Came to the training.Actually in some developed countries,The two are not contradictory,Interchange is,The so-called outline about it,Talent development of the flyover problem.For example Btake Britain(sound)field,Cook the field up to a certain level,In fact corresponding to a certain level of undergraduate,Completion of two courses can over there take degree,The road is through the,This system to our professional education is very important.The corresponding always can the doctor,Does not mean that he learn skills,Or into my vocational school is no upgrade development space,This is very important.Of course, these things is not to say that the eighteenth big report put on one or two,Problems can be solved,It needs a series of measures,Need a series of implementation.This is my little reading.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:每一次国家的大政方针对于教育的政策的提法,都会极深刻,极大的影响着教育的发展。像民办教育促进法的出台,国家中长期教育发展规划纲要的出台,包括我们十八大里面提到的构建现代化职业教育体系,这些都将推动职业教育进一步发展,都将对我们职业教育的发展会起到非常重大的指导意义。我认为十八大能够提到这样,国家领导人都在重视职业教育的发展,我想这是我们国家发展的必然,也是现代社会对职业教育发展的必然要求。因为职业教育发展,我们可以看世界上所有发达国家,职业教育一定是发达的,所有国家产品质量高的,它的职业教育一定是发达的,所以职业教育的发展必须要得到很好的重视。

Every country's fundamental policy for education policy formulation,Will be very deep,Great impact on the development of the education.Like private education promotion law come on stage,National medium and long-term education development plan outline come on stage,Including our eighteen big mentioned in building the modern vocational education system,All of these will promote the further development of vocational education,Will be to our professional education development will play a very important guiding significance.I think the eighteenth big to mention this,National leaders are in vocational education development,I think this is the necessity of the development of our country,Is also the modern society to vocational education development request inevitably.Because professional education development,We can see all the world developed countries,Vocational education must be developed,All national product quality is high,Its vocational education must be developed,So the development of vocational education must get very good attention.


Our country to professional education including private education a lot of the detailed rules for the implementation,Now the outline for,Mesh is not a,Some things are still not clear definition.Such as private school should levy,Is the legal person status of a people-run non-enterprise itself not to obtain the very good confirmation.Private education promotion law come on stage,As well as to the vocational education/Private education related laws and regulations,Also the lack of a systematic interpretation,All the provinces and wearer is not the same,Cause it still have some difficulty.So I think here appeal to us government education run by the local people,Career education can be more to come/More detailed support vocational education development of laws and regulations.I also clearly aware of the vocational education is good,Our economic development can be sustainable,We also can make us get healthy and stable development of economy.The debt crisis of why Germany can possess,German vocational education play a very good role,It's the real economy,Its products,The whole of it in the economic crisis of the stability of the role played by,Have very good effect.


And abroad such as Germany vocational education is very good,German dual system,Also make the school-enterprise cooperation,But its wearer to us is not the same.Including Sweden,Switzerland is such,He has a premise led by the government,School-enterprise cooperation,But there is a premise is led by the government.In our country the government leading this one do it is not very good,If the government leading the,Enterprise have the enthusiasm,The school also have enthusiasm.Now we are either school is very warm,Or enterprise is very warm,No one to lead the line,No one when the matchmaker,The matchmaker responsibility should be the government to leading.If the government leading to the vocational education development is very good,Vocational education in foreign countries have very good development prospects and development status.Academic students generally liberal arts students it is difficult to find work,But professional education out of the very few students looking for work,And the work than the average wage of the school of arts living wage are twice as high,Even three times.We may go to Europe investigation,In France a blue ribbon cook school is in fact the first cook school,Founded in 1895,The school students in Paris, France is very popular,Also have a lot of Chinese students training in the past,He is to seek the cooperation between with us.Its students graduate out salary is very high,Peking University is equivalent to our graduates and his cooking school graduates,It's graduation students than students of pku wage is still high,And the work environment is very good,Is not this cooly type.I still want to strong calls for the government to give more attention to vocational education,Can make us with the developed countries to the development of vocational education to further narrow the gap,Connecting with the world.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:院长您在水晶石这个领域当中,您是怎么看待的?因为您主导的这样一个培训模式跟别的好象有所不同。

Dean you in the field of crystal,How did you see?Because you leading such a training mode with other like different.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:刚才我们都提到十八大的政策,我觉得政策首先是非常重要的,说明了一个国家对这个行业的重视和关住,这是一个行业能够稳定发展首要条件。它可以净化产业环境,也可以规范一些竞争,使这个行业能够长久的发展。但是只有政府的政策,或者张总说政策还不完善,这时候怎么办?不能只依靠这个政策,就像四季如春了,土地很肥沃,但是没有人种地所以不会有丰收,还是应该靠这些践行者真的自己去探索,去看这个市场。现在所谓的人口红利已经过去了,这个不是教育行业面对的问题,所有企业都要面对的问题。因为你销售的东西都要针对人,但是意味着衰退,不意味着这个行业不行了。国外很多职业培训,欧洲人不多,但是职业培训一直在发展,包括和法国一个很高端的视觉类来做这种合作培训,他相当高端,它的学生作品是上奥斯卡上报奖的,他们的业绩也很好。还有我觉得就得看自己怎么去做,比如说欧洲企业有五百年的历史基业常青,中国很多企业有五年寿命可能就没了,这可能看在自己的内功自己的修为怎么样,凡事都有空间,就看自己怎么做。这时候可能会调动比如学生要求高了,院校和企业合作高了,所以对职业培训要求一定是更高了,就需要我们调动这种更高端的资源,然后把自己提到更高的层次说,永要走在客户需求的前面。这样的话这个行业永远是一个朝阳行业。就像张总说的,这个桥梁永远是存在的,必须要把学生带到正常的,能够及时就业的一个空间里,所以这一块,我们还是走在路上,充满信心,困难要克服。

Just now we have mentioned the eighteenth big policy,I think the first policy is very important,Illustrate a country to the industry recognition and shut,This is an industry to stable development first condition.It can purify industrial environment,Can also regulate some competition,Make the industry can long development.But only the policy of the government,Or zhang said policy is not perfect,At this time to do?Can't just rely on the policy,Just like the spring all the year round,Land is fertile,But no one sow the land so there won't be a bumper harvest,Or should depend on the person really his practice to explore,To look at the market.Now the so-called demographic dividend has passed,This is not education industry is facing problems,All enterprises have to face the problem.Because of what you sell things will be for people,But means a recession,Doesn't mean the industry that won't be possible.Many foreign countries and vocational training,Not many people in Europe,But vocational training has been in development,Including and France a high end visual class to do this kind of cooperation training,He was quite high,It is the work of the students in the academy of BaoJiang,Their performance is very good also.And I think that will have to see how to do,Such as the European enterprise has a history of five hundred years built to last,Many of China's enterprise have five years of life may be gone,This may see in their own internal work their own repair for,All things are a space,See yourself how to do.This time may arouse students' requirements such as high,College and enterprise cooperation high,So for vocational training requirements must be higher,, we need to mobilize the resources the higher,And said to a higher level,Ever to walk in front of the customers' needs.So the industry is always a sunrise industry.Like zhang said,This bridge is always exist,Must make the student to normal,At that time in the employment of a space,So that a piece of,We still walk on the road,Are full of confidence,Difficulties to overcome.
