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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:期望在2013年看到不一样的三位嘉宾,最后一部分与搜狐教育旅行 3 分钟 ,快问快答形式。三位我们也互相了解了解。

In 2013, expect to see different three guests,The last part and sohu education travel 3 minutes ,Just ask quick answer form.The three we also understand each other understand.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最喜欢的季节?和颜色?

My favorite season?And color?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:比较喜欢春天,春天有一种生长蓬勃的感觉,和教育也蛮符合的,我们本身也是桃李、园丁。颜色我喜欢天蓝色。

:Prefer spring,Spring has a growth vigorous feeling,And education is quite in accord with the,We itself is plum/The gardener.I like sky blue color.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:我四季都喜欢,只不过更偏爱秋天,然后比较喜欢黄色,因为它是收获的颜色,也跟秋天比较吻合的。因为秋高气爽,对于人的生活来说比较舒适,同时也是预示着丰收的季节。

I like all the four seasons,Just prefer autumn,Then like yellow,Because it is the color of the harvest,With autumn is consistent.Because the fall,For life is comfortable,At the same time also presupposes the harvest season.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:喜欢春天,春天万物一片生机,感觉特别美,颜色我喜欢红色和白色,红色很艳,很热烈,白色很圣洁,希望两个能在一个人身上。

Like spring,Spring everything a slice of life,Feel special beauty,I like the color red and white,A very bright red,It was a great,White is holy,Hope the two can in one body.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:自己更像是哪种植物或者动物?

More like what kind of plants or animals?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:我本人属虎的,可能也有一点像,不是多么威风凛凛的老虎,我感觉老虎也挺懒的,大概这一点比较像老虎。

:I belong to the tiger,May be a bit like,Not how jovian tiger,I feel the tiger also pretty lazy,Probably this is more like a tiger.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:我喜欢狗,因为我家小孩属狗。

I like dogs,Because of my kids belong to the dog.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:我喜欢海豚,因为它很聪明,然后爱帮助人,海豚一直很友善的和人建立关系。

I like dolphins,Because it is very clever,Then love to help people,Dolphins have been very friendly and are in a relationship.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:如何与教育这个行业结缘?

How to education and the industry become attached to?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:我这个结缘是蛮自然的,我父母亲全部都是中学数学老师,我从小就是圈内长大的,就像葛优他们从小就会演电影,在那个圈子里长大,我从小就是教育。我本人当过十几年大学老师,从来都是教育圈子的人,我去美国做了十年左右的高科技,就是做芯片设计,计算机。

:I this become attached to it is natural,My parents are all high school math teacher,I grew up in the circle is brought up,Like ge you since they will film,In the circle to grow up,I grew up is education.I worked as a teacher at a university in more than ten years,Never is the education circle of people,I went to the United States for ten years of high-tech,Is to be chip design,computer.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:我们家有很多老师,他们都喊我叫张老师,我就立志,我不能当老师,我一定要当校长,我要来管你们。结果到新华教育以后我花了三年时间,成长为一名校长,人家开始喊我张校长,所以跟教育的结缘,也可以说自然而然的。我大学毕业第一份工作,也是唯一一份工作,一直做到现在,我2000年大学毕业一直就在新华教育集团,自从一遇上就爱上。

There are many teachers in our house,They all shouted my name is miss zhang,I aspire to,I can't when the teacher,I had to be a President,I will take care of you.The results to the xinhua education after I spent three years time,Grow up to be a President,People began to call me a President,So with education connection,Can say naturally.I graduated from the university the first job,It is the only a job,Always do it now,I graduated from university in 2at0 has been in xinhua education group,Since a meeting will fall in love with.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:我是公司战略的需求,老板的一个命令,企业没人,那你就招人吧,然后就培训,给企业输送吧,其实也是水晶石教育成长的一个起点。

I am the company strategic needs,The boss of a command,Enterprise no one,Then you can recruit people it,Then training,To the enterprise's delivery,In fact, it is crystal education growing a starting point.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:水晶石以前是一个企业,本身需要大量的人,可能也有一些客户问他们要一些人,他们就想这也还不错,然后他们就做了。水晶石做得不错。

Crystal used to be a enterprise,Itself needs a large number of people,May also have some customers ask them to some people,They think it is good,Then they made.Crystal do well.


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:想喝牛奶,就养奶牛。

:Want to drink milk,A cow is.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最喜欢的大师?

Your favorite master?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:大师的话,我还是比较喜欢明国比较有思想的大师,陈寅恪,对那个时代的学人和知识分子有更多敬仰之情。

:Master words,I still prefer Ming kingdom more thoughts of the master,ChenYinKe,At the time of the scholars and intellectuals have more respect of love.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:最喜欢的一本书,最近在看的一本书是什么?

The most like a book,Recently, I am reading a book is what?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:我最近在看脂砚斋版石头记,重新觉得这些经典还是值得再读。

:Recently, I was watching ZhiYanZhai edition stone to remember,To think that these classical is worth to read.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:我比较喜欢稍微有一点争议,梁启超,梁启超的所有的作品我都喜欢,因为刚开始接触他的时候,我们课本里面有《少年中国说》特别让人感觉到一股清新之风,我以前是一个文学爱好者,我对他这种文风比较喜欢。

I like a bit of a dispute,Liang qichao,Liang qichao's all the work I like,Because just started to contact him,We book there[Young China says]Special let a person feel a fresh wind,I used to be a literature amateur,I like this style of writing.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:我喜欢苏东坡大才华这样的人,我喜欢。

I like su dongpo big talent such people,I like.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:一路走来,您最珍惜的财富是什么?

Along the way,Your most treasured wealth is???????


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:还是亲情和友情,其他东西不是自己最珍惜的财富。一个是亲人,一个是朋友,还是比较看中的。

:Or affection and friendship,Other things is not himself most treasured wealth.A family is,A friend is,Or is the watch.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:我最珍惜的财富是我现在正在做的这一份事业。我是来自农村,可能跟别的不太一样,我特别的珍惜我这样一个平台,因为我一直觉得教育是实现社会公平的很重要的渠道,这说的是真话,我在很多场合都说过。像我们很多人都在批评科举制度,实际上我觉得科举制度为中国选拔人才做出很大的贡献,虽然它是一种应试教育八股文,但是这种科举制度让农家子弟能够到社会上层去实现理想,去发挥价值一个很通畅的渠道。比如我们高考制度虽然被很多人诟病,但是如果没有高考,我今天可能不会坐在搜狐演播室,我们不回来谈论这个话题。我也想通过职业教育这个平台,能够让更多的寒门学子实现他们的理想,最起码找到一个很好的工作,这也许是唐吉柯德式的,但是我还是那句话,我一直在路上,一直在努力,我想做这件事情。

I cherish the most wealth is now I am doing it a career.I am from the countryside,May not quite same with another,I especially cherish me such a platform,Because I have been think education is to realize social justice is an important channel,This is the truth,I have said on many occasions.Like many of us in the criticism of the imperial examination system,In fact I think for the Chinese imperial examination system selects talented person to make a lot of contribution,Although it is a kind of takes an exam the education especially,But the imperial examination system is able to make peasant society to realize the ideal,To play value a very open channel.Such as our college entrance examination system although for by many people,But if there is no college entrance examination,Today I may not sit sohu studio,We don't come back to talk about this topic.I also want to through the vocational education this platform,Can let more was originally poor students to achieve their ideal,At the very least, find a good job,Perhaps this is the KeDeShi don,But I still that sentence,I have been on the road,Has been trying to,I want to do it.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:对我来说最大的财富应该是团队合作吧,我们这个团队应该是非常好的团队,我也特别爱这个团队,这个是我这十几年来最好的收获,最大的财富。

To me the biggest wealth should be team work together,Our team should be very good team,I have a special love this team,This is my this ten years the best harvest,The biggest wealth.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您欣赏员工的 TOP3 明显特点?

You appreciate the employee TOP3 obvious characteristics?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:第一是敬业,对你从事这一份职业,或者教育,有一个敬畏之心,确实是要对得起这个职业,这是第一个。第二个还是执行力,是不是真正能够做出一些贡献。第三个,我喜欢比较阳光的,向上的员工,看到他积极的,阳光的一面。

:The first is dedicated,To you in this job,Or education,There is a fear of heart,Is really have to be strong this profession,This is the first.The second or execution,Not really able to make some contribution.The third,I prefer more sunshine,Up employees,See him positive,One side of the sun.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:我第一喜欢幽默的,幽默的人是睿智的,而且他跟人的沟通没有什么障碍。而且有一点举重若轻,能够有一些创新,能够有一些发散性的思维,而且也比较阳光,比较积极。所以我第一喜欢比较幽默的。第二我喜欢有个性的,哪怕你是天天迟到也是一种个性,但是你如果天天迟到,还能在公司立足,你必定有过人之处,一定有自己的特长,一定要有个性。如果说一点个性没有的这种员工,比较平庸的,我一般不大会提拔他,重用他。第三个要有责任感,有担当的,因为任何人不管你是用哪种途径去实现你的目标,但是你一定要有责任感,做事情的话都是要负责任的,我们新华教育提出爱与责任,教育的根本,对责任我们从我本人来说看得很重。

My first love humor,Humor is wise,And he told people communicate no obstacles.And a little lifting weights just as twiddling a feather,To have some innovation,To have some divergent thinking,But also is the sun,Is positive.So my first prefer more humorous.The second I like has the individuality,Even if you are late every day is also a kind of personality,But if you are late every day,Can the company based on,You must have outstanding place,Must have their own special,Must have individual character.If some character does not have this kind of staff,Is mediocre,I usually don't congress give him,Reuse he.The third should have the sense of responsibility,responsible,Because anyone no matter you are what kind of ways to achieve your goals,But you must have the sense of responsibility,Do things are to be responsible,We put forward the education of love and responsibility,Education basic,Responsibility for us from I personally see very heavy.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:我也是三点吧,第一个要有责任感,这个是一定的,要不然做不好工作。第二个要有工作热情,这个人一定要做事有热情,他会想得很多,就会有创意创新。第三点,希望他能够有一个为他人着想的思维模式,我们不是完全的自我,有一个换位思考。

I am also three o 'clock,The first one to have the sense of responsibility,This is certain,Or do not work.The second to have working enthusiasm,This person must has his enthusiasm,He will think a lot,There will be creative innovation.The third point,Hope he can have a considerate for others thinking mode,We are not complete self,There is a transposition thinking.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:什么样的工作计划会令自己兴奋?

What kind of work plan will make you excited?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:做一件事情我是觉得让一件事情发生,这件事情比较有有意义,倒不见得是非常大的事情,这件事情非常有意义,而且我把它做成了,这种计划让人觉得蛮兴奋得。

:Do one thing I am think let one thing happen,This thing is more meaningful,But not really is very big things,This matter is very meaningful,And I have made it,This plan lets a person feel very excited to.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:比如说让我到搜狐来做这个访谈,我就很兴奋。因为它会让更多的人了解我, 我也想把我的一些想法让更多的人知道,能够让更多的人认同,能够有一个让我的一些想法实现的可能的一些事情发生,我就比较兴奋。

Such as let me to sohu to do this interview,I will be very excited.Because it will let more people understand me, I also want to put some of my ideas let more people know,To let more people identity,There can be a let me some of the ideas in the realization of some of the things that may happen,I was more excited.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:能给员工带来激励的计划我很兴奋,比如我要开一个新店,我一定是能给某些员工又提供一个新的发展空间,这样的事情我就觉得很好。

Can give employees bring incentive plan I'm very excited,Such as I want to open a new store,I must be can give some employees and provide a new development space,This is something I feel very good.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:教育行业能否推选一到三家您认可的企业?

Education industry can elect one to three you approved enterprise?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:不只三家,每个领域做的事情不一样,也很难去比较,在座的新华电脑也好,水晶石也好,我还是了解的,在他们各自领域做得很好,包括我们。比如上市的几家公司还是挺好的,新东方,学而思做得不错。

:Not only three,Every field do not the same,Is also difficult to compare,Our xinhua computer well,Crystal or,I still understand,In their respective fields to do very well,Including our.Such as the listed companies is a good guy,New Oriental,Learn to think well done.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:第一个想到谁?

Who first thought?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:第一个想到还是新东方,他是老大呗。

:The first thought of or new Oriental,He is the boss bai.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:第一个不能想自己,(不包括不企业),你要问到第一个想到的肯定是我自己,让我评价的话,肯定的话本身搜狐请大家来不是说随便请的,所以一定程度上印证了我们安博和水晶石的实力,其次在教育行业做得比较好,大家比较公认的,俞老师的新东方还是做得我们比较认可的。还有像学而思,学大做的一对一也很好,他们创始人之一姚劲波跟我们是好朋友,反正有很多的。像上次我们参加一个会,也很有同行,有一点我们觉得很多的优秀的人才在参与民办教育或者职业教育这个事情,对我们来说是一个好事,是一个幸事。那次会议上,我也发出呼吁,希望有更多的人才,优秀的人才能够充实到教育队伍当中来。

The first one can't think of yourself,(Do not include not enterprise),You will asked first thought must be myself,Let me word of evaluation,Sure word itself sohu please to not to say that just to please,So a certain extent proved we ember and the strength of the crystal,Secondly in the education industry to do better,Everyone is accepted,Shu teacher's new Oriental or do we compare approved.And like to learn and think,Learn big do one-on-one is also very good,They YaoJinBo founders with we are good friends,Anyway, there are a lot of.Like the last time we attend a meeting,Also very much to have the counterparts,A little we think a lot of outstanding talents of participating in the private education or vocational education this thing,For us is a good thing,Is a good.The meeting,I also made an appeal,Hope to have more talent,Excellent talents to enrich the education of the team.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:我基本上和两位观点一样,两家企业很优秀,肯定有很多地方值得我们学习和借鉴的。新东方确实说鼻祖,比较早的现代的中国搞职业教育,做事方式也是比较赞同的。

I basically and two viewpoint,The two companies is very good,There must be many places worthy of our study and reference.New Oriental really said ancestor,Early modern Chinese make vocational education,Way is agree with.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:教育这个行业里,您最欣赏的老总是哪一位?

Education in the industry,You appreciate the most old total is which one?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:准确的说,我对老总的了解其实也经常碰到,像搜狐各种活动,年终这种活动可以碰到,但是确实不太了解,可能跟张总不一样,张总比较多朋友,我是比较泛泛的认识,包括俞老师,包括一些老总。可能在媒体见到的比较多,媒体上他们说的话,其实没有什么太深的交流。对于教育家的话,我还是比较欣赏以前的角度,我是清华的比较欣赏我们老校长这样的教育家。

:accurately,I know the manager is also often encounter,Like sohu various activities,The end of this kind of activity can be met,But don't really know much about,Probably with a total different,Zhang more friends,I am relatively broad understanding,Including shu teacher,Including some old total.May see more in the media,Media they said,In fact nothing too deep communication.Words for educators,I still enjoy the Angle of comparison before,I am tsinghua comparative enjoy our old headmaster such educator.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:我比较欣赏我们新华教育的董事长,叫吴俊保,为什么欣赏他呢?因为知名的民办教育里面现在还在很好的发展,新华教育从1988年开始,在我们董事长的带领下开始创业做职业教育,我觉得他是能够以极敏锐的眼光看待职业教育未来的前景,而且坚持了这么多年,24年、25年,明年25年了,在这20多年的时间里,一直默默耕耘着这样一个职业教育的土地上,我觉得他这种坚守让我敬佩,他这个方向坚持了这么多年是不容易的。从教育本身来说,以什么东西作为它价值的评估?以市值吗?不准确,以学生数吗?好象也不准确,这个东西到现在没有答案。可能在未来这些学生,这些所做的工作,对未来社会产生什么样的影响,可能最终才会有结果。留给后人评论吧,只能说是个人一个爱好。当然的话,我跟我们企业的董事长可能是走得比较近,了解得比较深,可能跟其他的老总没有太大太深入的接触,虽然是朋友,但是不可能天天在一起,这种思想的碰撞,各方面的话,都还有一点距离。如果一个月经常在一起碰碰,说不定以后对黄博士都会特别了解,然后才有这种评论的资格。

I enjoy our education is the chairman of the board,Call WuJunBao,Why appreciate him?Because the famous private education it is still in a very good development,Xinhua education since 1988,In our chairman of the board of directors under the leadership of starting to do professional education,I think he is very keen to look at vocational education future prospects,And to hold out for so many years,24 years/25 years,Next year 25 years,In the twenty years,Has been silent and cultivated with such a professional education on the land,I think he this stick to let I admire,He this direction to hold out for so many years is not easy.From the education itself,What the things as it value assessment?Marking to market??inaccurate,A number of students?Like is not accurate,This thing until now no answer.May be in the future of these students,These work,To the future society produce what kind of impact,May ultimately will have the result.For posterity's comments,Can only say that is personal a hobby.Of course if,I told our enterprise's chairman of the board of directors may be walked closer,Understand more deep,May with other old total not was too large and deep contact,Although it is a friend,But can't together every day,The idea of the collision,The words,Have a little distance.If a month often touch together,Maybe after Dr Huang will know very well,And then this review qualification.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:我必须得尊重和欣赏我们老总了,水晶石董事长鲁总,虽然他没有直接参与水晶石教育这一块,但是他是战略的制定者,而且他是我们这个后面的推手,他把水晶石做得那么好,品牌各个方面,对教育是一个最大的支持。另外他的分享的精神真的是挺了不起的,当时最初做这个教育的时候,其实公司里肯定有反对声音的,因为水晶石的技术大家都想去学,都想去拿,当时有好多盗版被人带出去的资料很多,当时定了这个事要把技术分享出去,第一要用人,第二也要很多人学到这个东西,蛮敬佩的,事业做得很好,这种精神也很好。

I have to respect and appreciate our the manager,Crystal chairman lu total,Although he did not directly involved in crystal education this one,But he is strategic makers,And he is our back hand slap,He put the crystal do so well,Brand all aspects,To education is one of the biggest support.In addition to his share of the spirit is really pretty great,When first do this education time,Actually the company must have opposed to sound,Because of the crystal technology everyone want to learn,All want to get,When there is a lot of piracy was took out a lot of information,When will the things to the technology share out,The first to,The second is to learn a lot to this thing,Pretty admire,Business do very well,This spirit is very good also.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:一直努力尝试营造的企业文化?

Always try to build enterprise culture?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:我们企业文化是五个字,赢信和创乐,赢,代表共赢,追求成功的理念。信,这个不用说,每个企业都会把信作为一个讲信用,进诚信。和,我们是讲合作,团结合作,包括企业内部,也包括行业内部的。创,我们推崇创造力,最后一个是乐,我们希望所有员工乐在其中,乐意与教育奉献,而且有一个非常快乐的工作环境。

:Our enterprise culture is five words,Win and then music,win,Represent a win-win situation,The concept of the pursuit of success.letter,This needless to say,Each enterprise will put the letter as a credit,In good faith.and,We are speaking cooperation,Solidarity and cooperation,Including the enterprise internal,Also included within the industry.and,We praise highly creativity,The last one is music,We hope that all employees enjoy it,Willing to work with education devotion,And have a very happy working environment.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:我们企业精神八字方针,团结务实,开拓奉献,这八字方针,我们新华所有人耳熟能详能够说得很好。要说工作氛围的话,那就是轻松快乐。因为我这个人虽然搞教育,但是不太喜欢这种过于刻板和严肃,本身教育要教人创新的,我也更喜欢轻松、快乐的。

Our enterprise spirit horoscope policy,Unity practical,Development dedication,This horoscope policy,We all the familiar can say very good.To say words of working atmosphere,That is easily happy.Because I am the man although make education,But don't like this too rigid and serious,Education itself to teach innovation,I also prefer easy/happy.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:企业理念追求完美卓越,进步永无止境,这个行业对完美追求永不直径的。另外追求进步是任何一个企业必须的,不进则退。环境的话,我们就希望公益的,有爱的环境。

Enterprise idea excellence pursuit of perfection,Progress endless,The industries to perfect pursuit never diameter.In addition the pursuit of progress is any enterprise must,Not to advance is to go back.Environment words,We hope that the public welfare,Have a love of environment.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:人生当中记忆最深刻的一个瞬间是什么?给我们分享一下?

Life is the most profound memory of a moment is what?Give us share?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:我儿子出生那一时刻,他当时是晚上大概两点多钟生的,我在外面等,他出来以后,我把它抱出来非常兴奋。

:My son was born that moment,He was probably more than two of the evening ZhongSheng,I wait outside,When he got out,I picked it out very excited.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:这一时间要穿越一下,最难忘的一个瞬间是吧?要说与工作相关的真的有一个,刚刚参加工作的时候,到新华教育集团。我们第一站就被派到云南,在云南分校,那时候条件非常艰苦。我本身恐高,我去的是新员工,必须去干一件事情。那时候会有一些宣传的条幅,就跟俞老师当时在墙上刷大字报一样,刷招生简章一样,我们挂条幅,在立交桥,用水泥钉钉在上面,大货车一来桥就颤,我又恐高,那个钉子不容易钉实,要飞下去就砸人车上,不是开玩笑吗,所以特别紧张,又特别害怕,这可能给我留下不太好的印象,这个瞬间还是比较难以忘记的,也可以说是创业的一种艰辛吧。

This time through it,The most unforgettable one moment is it?Say work-related really have a,Just to work,To xinhua education group.Our first stop was sent to yunnan,In yunnan,,The condition is very hard.I am afraid of heights,I went to the new employees,Have to do one thing.At that time there will be some propaganda banners,Just like shu teacher was in the wall brush as poster,Brush as recruit students general rules,We hang banners,In the overpass,With masonry nail nails on it,Trucks way bridge is chatter,And I fear of high,The nail is not easy to nail real,Want to fly down will hit the car,No kidding?,So special nervous,And especially afraid of,This may leave me not too good impression,This moment is still hard to forget,This can be a difficult undertaking it.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:在工作中讨论战略发展应该怎么做,因为确实要想很多问题,当然也有和儿子在一起的时刻,也是特别特别记忆深刻的。我在现在一直都记得。

In the work to discuss strategy development should do,Because really want to a lot of problems,There are, of course, and son together of the time,Is also very very memory deep.I now always remember.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:孩提时代如果可以重来,为自己设计一个最喜欢的教育路线。

If a child can do it again,To design a favorite education route.


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:我从上大学开始一直理工科,学计算机,学电子,但是我个人比较喜欢学文科和艺术类的,如果重新设计的话,我也许会重新考虑。

:I'm from the university of science and engineering has been started,Learn computer,Learn electronic,But I personally prefer to learn arts and the arts,If you want to design words,I might reconsider.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:如果重新设计,我只有一个要求,就是让我上一下幼儿园。然后我来自农村,七十年代没有幼儿园可上,如果重新设计一下,让我的教育过程更完整的话,我希望能够上一下幼儿园,就这一个要求。

If you want to design,I only have one request,Is let me on the kindergarten.Then I come from rural areas,In the seventy s no kindergarten can go up,If the new design,Let my education process more complete words,I hope to be able to take a kindergarten,Is this a request.


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:可以建一个幼儿园。我跟博士有点差不多,我也是理工的,我肯定要选择学艺术当设计师,我觉得我可能会要改变我的专业方向。

Can build a kindergarten.I told a little about Dr,I am also the institute of technology,I'm sure I'm going to choose to learn art when designers,I think I might want to change my professional direction.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:通过这么一些问题,我们也对三位有了更深刻的了解,我们也希望大家能够经常到搜狐来做客,加深我们之间的了解,好,感谢三位!谢谢!

Through the so some problems,We also to all three have a more profound understanding,We also hope that everyone can often go to sohu over for a visit,To deepen the understanding between us,good,Thanks to the three!thank you!
