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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:搜狐2012年教育年度盛典主题《向教育提问》,预计是在一月份隆重举行,作为教育行业的践行者与推动者, 对于2012年教育发展有什么样的期望,或者有什么样的疑惑?

Sohu 2012 education annual festival theme[Education question to],Are expected to be held in January,As the education industry practice person with agents, For the 2012 education development have what kind of expectation,Or what kind of confused?


黄钢 【安博教育集团副总裁】 HuangGang [Ember education group vice President]:如果说期许的话,希望民营教育有大的发展,中国的经济发展其实民营经济起了非常大的作用,它实际上已经是两条腿了,国营经济和民营经济已经立住了,是一个非常大的一部分。对于教育来说民营教育和公立教育比起来还差得很远。事实上从发达国家的历程来看,私立教育某种程度上超过公立教育,尤其在质量方面,按美国为例,最好的大学基本上都是私立的。我期望说中国民营教育能和中国民营经济一样,整个教育版图占相当大的地位,两条腿站稳了,一个公立一个私立的。说起提问,不知道怎么提问,现在更需要是方案,现在媒体对教育一般是提问或者是责难,教育这个不好,那个不好。我是一个学理工科,我更希望说不好怎么办,方案是什么?我们解决方案是什么?那也是我们几位可能不停的在实践当中,正在找的这个答案,有问题以后怎么去解决。

:If word of expectations,Hope the private education have big development,China's economic development is the private economy plays a very important role,It is the two legs,State-owned economy and private economy has made a living,Is a very big part of.For education, private education and public education than you are far.In fact from the developed countries to the course,Private education some degree more than public education,Especially in quality,According to the United States, for example,The best university basically are private.I expect said the Chinese private education can and China as well as the private economy,The whole territory education accounts for a considerable status,Two legs stick it,A public a private.Ask questions about,Don't know how to ask questions,Now more need to be scheme,Now the media education is generally questions or censure,Education this bad,The bad.I am a learning science,I more hope that bad,Scheme is what?Our solution is what?It is also our several may keep in practice,Is looking for the answer,After the problem how to solve.


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming[Xinhua education group executive vice President]:作为只缘身在此山中,本身作为教育的参与者,如果说来提问的话,我想也是我们内心还有一些困惑,如何来把我们教育做得更好,做得更让大家满意。之所以大家对于教育有疑问,或者说有批评。甚至于有责难,是因为教育实在是太重要了,它关系到每一个人,关系到每一个家庭。教育是我们民族发展的基石,我们责任重大,我们深深的感觉到教育对我们来说意味着责任,意味着对未来要有交代。我们所做的事情,我就想问我们自己吧,我们怎样才能做得更好,这也是我们不变的追求。我们提出了一个非常宏伟的目标,作为对我们的激励,我们董事长提出来,办中国最好的职业教育,这是我们一个宏伟目标,一直激励着全体新华人,所以我想说给自己听,也是给我们新华教育集团自己听,就是我们如何能做到更好。不知道算不算是提问?

As only the good luck body is in the mountains,Itself as the education of the participants,If speaking words of questions,I think is also our heart and some confusion,How to put our education do better,Do more let you satisfied.The reason you have questions for education,Or criticism.Even blame,Because education is really is too important,It is related to every one,In relation to every family.Education is the foundation of our national development,Our responsibility is significant,We deeply feel the education to us means responsibility,Means in the future to have replacement.The things we do,I just want to ask us yourself,How can we do better,This is also our constant pursuit.We put forward a very ambitious goal,As to our motivation,We ask the chairman of the board,Do the best Chinese vocational education,This is a grand goal,Always inspires all the new Chinese,So I want to say to listen to,Also give us xinhua education group yourself to listen to,Is how we can do better.Do not know is not a question?


刘朝晖 【水晶石数字教育学院院长】: LiuChaoHui [Crystal digital education dean of college]:对,我们都要自己问一问自己。教育这一块就像张总说的,关系到民族的发展。虽然我们是职业教育,但是我们也叫教育,所以我们也特别有这种使命感。我们 希望国家其实真的还是在这一方面有更多的投入,投入到职业教育方面,支持这些民营的。因为我们教育机构,我们还是企业,我们还要有业绩的压力,这是肯定的。国家在这一块是不是有更多的扶持,包括政策扶持。还有学历教育,我们义务教育,国家应该更加重视这一块,这真的是民族未来发展的底蕴。如果教育失败了,那么整个民族真的就很让人担心。我们也问自己,我们怎么做得更好?我们怎么让我们学生和我们客户有更多的价值的提升。

to,We all want to ask yourself.Education this one is like zhang said,In relation to the development of the nation.Although we are professional education,But we also called education,So we also have this kind of special sense of mission.We hope that countries actually really is in this respect more investment,Into the professional education aspects,Support the private sector.Because we education institutions,We still enterprise,We have the pressure of performance,That's for sure.Countries in this block is there more support,Including policy support.And degree education,Compulsory education we,Countries should pay more attention to this one,It is national future development background.If education failed,The whole nation is really let the person worry.We also ask yourself,How can we do better?How do we make our students and our customers more value of ascension.
