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美14岁亚裔同性恋学生自杀 校园欺凌话题引争议--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Beijing on January 9, according to the United States' net compile reports,Asian students in campus bullying incident is very common,But by the end of last year happened but suicide case has caused great controversy,And continuous fermentation.

  据新美国媒体(New America Media)报道,2012年11月29日,14岁的潘戴维(David Phan,音译)选择自杀后,潘家收到了两个盒子,一盒是本尼恩中学(Bennion Junior High)寄来的有关处理丧子之痛的心理健康手册,一盒是潘的同学寄来的600多封悼念信。

According to the new American media(New America Media)reports,On November 29, 2012,14 David pan(David Phan,transliteration)After the suicide,Pan home received two boxes,A box is benny grace middle school(Bennion Junior High)Sent to deal with the pain of the loss of children's mental health handbook,A box of pan was classmates sent more than 600 seal letter mourning.


According to the description in the letter,Although pan himself is subject to the victims of bullying,But he has been protected by bullying other classmates.Have the students wrote,"My sister wanted to commit suicide,Is pan enlighten her,Pan saved my sister's life,He is the hero of the school.I wish the tragedy did not happen."


However the tragedy happened.Now the Asian family suffered huge loss of the son of the pain,And hope to get an answer.But officials make response is far from enough,And trying to pass the buck.

  花岗岩学区(Granite School District)的发言人称,“潘在很多方面都面临着巨大的个人挑战”,而他可能接受过咨询师的指导。此外,尽管潘曾在数年前报告过被欺凌的情况,但该发言人却称“他从未报告过对欺凌问题进一步的担心,而是报告一切顺利。”

Granite school district(Granite School District)Spokesman said,"Pan in many ways are faced with great personal challenges",And he may accept the guidance of a consultant.In addition,Although pan was in a few years ago reported the situation of energy,But the spokesman has said"He never reported to ride roughshod over problem further worry,But the report all goes well."


obviously,To pan for,Things are not"All the best".In more and more media after intervention,Things become clear.Benny grace and granite are high school school campus bullying problem caused by the big storm,In pan are gay.

  据《盐湖城论坛报》(The Salt Lake Tribune)报道,潘生于一个亚裔家庭,家人对他同性恋的身份表示支持,但他向家里隐瞒了在校面临“恐惧和不好的经历”。学生向家长隐瞒负面事件很正常,问题在于校方从未提醒过潘的家长问题的严重性。

According to[Salt Lake City BBS to](The Salt Lake Tribune)reports,Pan was born in an Asian family,To his family as a lesbian said support,But his home to the school to conceal the face"Fear and bad experience".Ask the students to hide the negative events is very normal,The problem is the school never warned parents pan of the seriousness of this problem.


In the day of pan suicide,Benny grace middle school told his mother pan will be closed.When she arrived at the school,The teacher told her pan was closed reason is backpack was found a condom.When asked about why because a condom have closed,The teacher told her next week to discuss this problem.


obviously,Benny grace middle school the existence of Asian students search behavior,At the same time a condom in the school is regarded as a symbol of crime,Rather than mature responsible symbol.When pan family force is he gay identity,The school is given back homosexuality,And punish the pan.

  对于潘自杀的事,很多亚裔人士向媒体表达了愤怒、震惊、悲痛的复杂心情。纽约亚裔同性恋(Gay Asian Pacific Islander Men of New York)组织成员丹尼斯·秦(Dennis Chin,音译)称,“这件事很刺激我,也让我想到很多亚裔同性恋面临的伤害。”(马柯斯)

Pan for suicide,Many asians to the media expressed anger/shocked/Sad complex mood.New York Asian gay(Gay Asian Pacific Islander Men of New York)Members Dennis qin(Dennis Chin,transliteration)says,"It is very exciting to me,Also let me think of a lot of Asian gay face damage."(MaKe,)


The author:MaKe,
