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女生被老师打脱下巴 当事老师:只打了两巴掌--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  15岁的初三女生小娟(化名)因为上课时趴在课桌上睡觉,引来老师的不满,结果被打脱了下巴,现在昆明43医院住院治疗。 学校的态度是:老师如果不交医疗费,要在他的工资中扣除。

15 years old girl third youngster(alias)Because of class on sleep on the desk,Draw the teacher's dissatisfaction,The result is playing off his chin,Now the kunming and hospital treatment. The attitude of the school is:The teacher if you don't pay medical treatment cost,In his their wages.


 女生自述被老师打脱下巴 The girl is a teacher by off his chin


yesterday,Youngster is lying in kunming and a hospital bed,Her chin was a black bandage holds the,Speak some difficult.


Youngster is HuiZeXian qujing city and town middle school grade one students of class.According to her description,Last December 29 afternoon 3 point more minutes,The second lesson is a physics class,Class twenty minutes,She felt tired,Then on the desk.


Youngster said:"Just get down to,Sit at the same table suddenly touched me.I raised my head a look,The teacher stood beside me.I quickly sat up.The teacher saw me sit up,Turned back to the platform.But walk while scold‘You see your face,Is as red as monkey's butt,What I look like’."


Hear this sentence after,Youngster dropped back again."The teacher came back again,Use the book ruthlessly hit my head,He told me to go out."Against a youngster:"I will not go out."Youngster said,Because of this word,The teacher gave her a slap in the face,"I hand in it,He came up and hit me two a slap in the face."


Youngster's mouth and nose began to bleed,Blood flow in the clothes and books.Youngster is blue in,Then play also village teacher two a slap in the face,The blood also spit in the village the teacher's face and body.


Youngster said:"This process lasted for four or five minutes,The teacher returned to the platform,His mouth still scold me is a shrew,Also wrote on the blackboard a shrew two words."Youngster said she felt head and jaw are particularly painful,His mouth it's bleeding.


then,Youngster found the headmaster,The school to call her mother told the event,A teacher took her to wash the blood of the mouth.after,She was taken to home health hospital infusion/Diminish inflammation.


Youngster's mother said,the,The village people with chong teacher came to her home,"The teacher said can be settled through friendly negotiation,Baby he can take to see,Charge by him out of,But it was not the wounded,Can only say that is hurt,Or he doesn't agree to take my daughter to treat."The mother of the youngster to the requirements of the teacher.


The second day,HuiZeXian youngster in hospital after the photo diagnosis diagnosed with mandibular fracture,The doctor advised to qujing or kunming treatment.


女生父亲打人老师妻子拿走病历本 The girl father hit the teacher take BingLiBen wife


January 1,,Work out the youngster's father LaoXiao HeZhuang teacher's wife with pan with a youngster came to kunming and hospital.The second day,Youngster has been admitted to the hospital.According to LaoXiao introduced,Pan HeZhuang teachers in middle school and work,She is a teacher.LaoXiao memories,To kunming after,The daughter of medical expenses paid by the pan,She also has been care in the ward.But in January 7,,Situation suddenly changed.


The doctor gives the treatment plan,Or surgery,Or conservative treatment."We feel or the operation is good,Doctors say the operation cost 35000 yuan."LaoXiao said,If conservative treatment,Will the children oral use instrument clamp.Four weeks of treatment,The youngster is nasal will insert plastic pipe,Direct in the stomach,In this way to eat.


The LaoXiao told the pan,"She said no money,I took the doll's medical records and went away,Also said they matter from now on."LaoXiao said:"Pan teacher suddenly put my doll sheet records away,I with her doll also robbed,But rob but."LaoXiao said,Take things including all medical records/CT film documents.At present,They hand no medical documents.And the teacher left pan after wards,There haven't been.


after,LaoXiao find the teachers and the school,"The teacher said he won't tube,The coordination doesn't work."LaoXiao said,He was 8 to the local police station called the police.


yesterday,The youngster is attending medical Chinese zodiac morning light told reporters,The youngster diagnosis is mandible fractures,Dislocation is not obvious,Can do surgery and conservative treatment,Surgical treatment need 30000 multivariate.At present patients still owe the hospital medical treatment.


当事老师我只打了她两巴掌 The parties to the teacher I only played her two slap in the face


yesterday,The teacher told reporters,He found in a youngster in bed,Walked over to wake her up.Then he continue to return to the platform lecture,56 minutes,"I found that she was sleeping,Walked over to call her out,I use her book pestle her once,No call her."Chong said the teacher,Youngster is not only not go out also swearing,"She said Lao tze not to go out,The school is not your open."Chong said the teacher,He was hand push her,Let her go out."But she while I do not pay attention to,And gave me two mouth,Has also been class reproach me,I am at a loss to jack-o '-lantern green,Will strike back gave her two slap in the face."Chong said the teacher,Two people's conflict lasted for about 1 minute.finally,In the classroom youngster is chasing him run,"I will freely said 1,Like a street like bitch,I have not written on the blackboard this two word."


Chong said the teacher,After the incident,He went to the youngster watched her home,Because the job is busy,He told his wife to accompany the youngster to kunming in hospital,"To kunming check,The youngster is right mandibular just slight fracture,The doctor told me."At present he advances in hospital deposit 2000 yuan.The youngster to all medical documents away,The teacher's explanation is"Dozen rice to her,She said rice is too light,Also insult my daughter-in-law,I think that is his wife to pay her inspection should take these things away."Chong said the teacher,He will have the BingLiBen back.


Chong said the teacher,The responsibility rests with both parties,So he can pay for medical treatment,But nurse/Travelling whether to pay,To further consultation.


学校态度老师不交费在工资中扣 School teachers don't pay attitude in salary button


"In this matter,The teacher is responsible for,The school is not responsible for."yesterday,And high school principal and the principal said,In accordance with the relevant provisions,What happened in class,Students should be responsible for the safety of the teacher.


And the headmaster said,This matter itself the responsibility rests with both parties,First the teacher use books play the students,Students also play after the teacher,Both sides played each other."According to our understanding of the situation,It is by the students sleep caused by the conflict between teachers and students."And the headmaster said,They and the police station is the matter with the coordination,But always not coordinate."Now can only let the students to get better,Which side of the responsibility then decision.Of course,The teacher if you don't pay the corresponding medical treatment,Our school will be from his wages in button."(DengJianHua)


(Source: yunnan network)
