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“桃花源”式教育认识存四大误区 未来路在何方--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  近日,几则新闻让“在家上学”话题回归公众视野。武汉7对父母放弃城市的优质教育资源,“归隐”乡下自办“桃花源”式教育;而“北大老爸”则试水家庭学校,力求培养孩子成为“健康、快乐、全面、杰出的人才”。“在家上学”短期内固然能给孩子更人性化的教育。但长远来看,“在家上学”能否给各个年龄段的孩子适当的教育,效果能否符合家长的期望?当孩子要走出“桃花源”时,在社会主流教育体系之外成长的他们,能否顺利融入社会,并在这个喧嚣的社会中立足?本报记者邀请多位专家,对这些问题进行探讨。 recently,Several news let"At home to go to school"Return to the topic of public view.Wuhan 7 to parents to give up the city of high quality education resources,"seclusion"Country self"Peach garden"Type education;and"North dad"The test the waters home schooling,To train the children to be"health/happy/comprehensive/Outstanding talents"."At home to go to school"In the short term is to give children more humanized education.But in the long run,"At home to go to school"Can you give kids of all ages appropriate education,Result can meet the expectations of parents?When the child to get out of"Peach garden"when,In the social mainstream education system outside of their growth,Whether successful integration into society,And in this noisy society based on?Our reporter invited experts,To discuss them.

  本报驻上海记者 李媛

Our newspaper reporter LiYuan in Shanghai


缘起:不满现有的学校教育 有钱有闲 origin:Dissatisfaction with current school education rich leisure


When the king of fairy tale ZhengYuanJie and ZhengYaQi son"Conspiring to drop out of school"when,This kind of behavior and some shock the world,But now,Because of dissatisfaction with the school education and family cases return all over our country.And the support of the foreign experience,Also let many parents get the courage to take this step.


Almost all determined to let their children from normal school education of parents,In this paper the reasons are first mentioned that I have the current education system to lose confidence.In their eyes,Now the school education repeat infusion/Suppress nature,The children are under pressure,Both neither can develop a strong personality,Also cannot obtain the effective knowledge.forced,These parents can oneself seek/Find out a can protect children nature education road.


"One is the student in the school study burden is heavy,School education idea and parents don't agree,At present the country parents to provide the content and methods of education are not satisfied,So to raise children;The second is some parents have the economic strength and free time.The two reason together,Some parents to be put into practice."Professor of Beijing normal university/The ministry of education primary school principals training center director ChuHongQi said.In the experts it seems,And whether these parents choose education mode itself have any advantages and disadvantages,This choice itself fully reflect a reality the current school education mode appear defects,Has come to the degree of can not be ignored.And these should not be neglected problem,I'm afraid is"At home to go to school"The team is a one of the main causes of enlarging trend.


解剖:揭开“在家上学”的神秘面纱 anatomical:uncover"At home to go to school"Mysterious veil


"At home to go to school"Generally, there are several forms:From the teacher to see,A is entirely up to the parents or the holder of the same concept of several parents united as a teacher,Professor children;The second is initiated by the parents,In his education at the same time in some subjects employ the teacher;The third is the identity"At home to go to school"The idea of a person,Employ the teacher,Foreign enrollment.


And from the education content to see,One is happy is free,Let the child full development nature;A is for JiXueJiao education is ignored aspects of knowledge,Give children the future"growing"Lay a solid foundation;Still have a kind of go further,To read classic give priority to,Learning ancient classics and western classical,In order to achieve the personality and the ability of ascension.


But no matter which kind of form,All have to face the legal aspects of risk/Running qualification of mechanical damage.In addition,These look very beautiful education mode,Under the probe also exposed many misunderstandings on parents.


“桃花源”式教育的认识误区 "Peach garden"Type education of misunderstanding


Error a:


The school knowledge education make no sense?


Many parents rejection school education is the leading cause of that school education focus is to instill the knowledge,No, the training of the child's personality in the first place.But the problem lies in,School knowledge education itself is not wrong,Appeared deviation is knowledge education content and teaching mode.Parents should do,Is to from the knowledge structure and teaching methods of corrective actions.If because antipathy to school into students"Useless knowledge",let"At home to go to school"Children to read only classic extreme,I'm afraid I will last,To the future development of the child.


Error two:


Family education and school education at daggers drawn?


long,A lot of parents and didn't realize that,Even if the school education has achieved a satisfactory level,The family education for children is an important part of it,School education and family education is not able to replace each other relationship,But supplement each other do not separate.Parents are always the first teachers of the children,Parents can't take education responsibility completely on the school.When the school education when not satisfactory,Parents are not seek urgent can fully replace the school education"At home to go to school",But need to reflect on their family education,The school education is enlarged the deviation,Can you give children the necessary supplement and correction?


Error three:


Social environment can make people?


"At home to go to school"Mode lets the child from the mainstream of peers life mode,May their future adverse effects in the society.this,Wuhan seven to parents said,Every organization the child to travel across the country,Take part in all kinds of social activities,"These children than other children have more chances to contact the society".But ChuHongQi director think,"In school,Students can acquisition and age of the students/And different grade students,Even with adults such as the teacher's communication,These for their future adapt to society is very important."At home to go to school"I'm afraid there is not so comprehensive relationship learning opportunities."


Error four:


As to children or"adult"?


Although most parents' original intention and slogan is lets the child natural development nature,But the education target setting,Yet clear show expect the child to become an outstanding talent directivity.ChuHongQi also said,Was consulted"At home to go to school"Matters relating to the parents,Many people think that their children have a special talent,Afraid of these talent destroyed the school education of the hand.


But there are also educators said,Education in an awkward and cruel reality is,99% of the children finally can only be a ordinary people,But 99% of parents believe that their children should be genius.For most children in,Let them have a complete and healthy personality,I'm afraid than become more important.


出路:“在家上学”应具可持续性 way:"At home to go to school"Should be sustainable


"Peach garden"Type of education in the modern society destined not to last.When the child was young,Can accept the arrangement of the parents,And when these"Peach garden"The child in the puberty,Also will be"hermit"??For parents to,With the passage of time,Education the complexity and difficulty, I'm afraid I will go far beyond their imagination,Also will more than their ability and,Then why the following?From a practical perspective,When the ideal education realm encounter bound/Job stress sniper,Do all parents and children are ready to accept the risk preparation?


Experts point out that because of the dispute,Just can't rush to give"Peach garden"Type education conclusions.Chinese people's university professor of sociology ZhouXiaoZheng said:"I think that should be observed for a period of time,Now can't jump to conclusions,Practice ability is the best teacher."He also remind parents,This kind of education mode has certain risk,Before taking action,Parents should consider yourself whether you resist risk/Dissolve the ability of the risk.Professor of Beijing normal university ChuHongQi is considered,The parents should be a long-term view"At home to go to school"Sustainability issues."Parents education ability is limited.Parents can form similar to the education in the form of mutual aid team,To correct the deficiency of school education,For school education form added,But don't oppose and school education."


"At home to go to school"Positive significance to explore the education model of diversity.After all,Along with the social economy culture all aspects of development,People to education needs and more diverse,Build more diversified education system,Perhaps is more realistic way.


他国经验 Experiences from other


Home-schooling在美国 Home - schooling in the United States


家庭学校不等于离群索居 Home schooling is not equal to live in solitude


At present,America's fifty states allow"At home to go to school"(Home - schooling)This kind of education mode,Students through a prescribed test,Can you get the diploma,And can choose to work or go to college.Different states of different provisions,Some states have"Family school"education,Provisions must be completed at home school public school legal course and exam;Many states that"Family school"Is private schools.Once the child"At home to go to school"Appeared difficult,May at any time into the public schools.


In the United States in,"At home to go to school"reason,Can be reduced to race/language/Religious belief/culture/Area education level factors such as difference.Research has shown that,Most lets the child"At home to go to school"Parents very the attention and the other family and social institutions contact,so,that"At home to go to school"Need to live in solitude is of the opinion that does not conform to the actual.


“在家上学”呼唤多元化教育 "At home to go to school"Call diversified education


"Better let the children do their own test product,Don't do the victims of the school",From these hope to take their children into the education of the peach blossom spring, wuhan parents shout slogan,They can see the present education system are very upset.indeed,Takes an exam the education severe and lingering illness refractory,The practice of parents is completely understandable,The children can make long at home in the happy childhood, many continue for a period of time,But from the reality to see,After all is unlikely to and the current education system completely cut off relations.Obvious reasons,At home to go to school looks very beautiful,But where is the outlet?Apart from parents can hold to when,More important is,If you want to go to college in China,Certainly will return to the existing system.


In fact,The current education system in the form a complete knowledge system and to the child's group cooperation of culture is a definite advantage,Just lack of individuation.and"At home to go to school"The peach garden is the parents to the small change/Personalized education exploration,Also on public education calls for diversification.


will"At home to go to school"Children into the orbit of public education,Abroad have had many successful examples.Allow your child to accept individualized education,But not easy,But also need through the and school education the same assessment.this,Can let the children and parents have more choices,Also can minimize the risk.More important is,Diversified education mode,Diversity helps to cultivate talents.This conforms to the original meaning of education.In this sense,if"At home to go to school"The transformation of education examination to open a hole,Be is a good.(TanMin)


Turn from guangzhou daily
